
One Piece: I'm Yamamoto Genryusai

Bai Ye travelled to the world of pirates. His cheat? Non-existent. So he chose to join the Marine force to survive, fishing day by day. Fast forward to today, and Summit War is around the corner and Bai Ye, who has become a veteran, was already preparing to retire. He didn't want to get into any more trouble! But it turns out that he awakening condition was he has to be 60 years old. And unexpectedly, the town where Bai Ye lived for more than 30 years was destroyed because they could not pay the Tenryubito. Following the 'Yamamoto Genryūsai' template given by the system, he chose to break his peaceful life for the first time and decided to take revenge on this chaotic world. "Since this is a world where the weak cannot survive, let me break it with my own hands." "Everything will be reduced to ashes!"

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124 Chs

Chapter 72

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071: The Beginning of a Turbulent Wave in the World


The ground near the battlefield would not stop shaking and cracking. 

The red-haired Shanks felt the terrifyingly high temperature and wind pressure released by Bai Ye Reiatsu in front of him as he stood behind the saber 'Griffin,' which was stuck in the ground. 

He subconsciously raised his right arm under the long black cloak to resist.

Afterward, he raised his head, opened his eyes, and watched Ryūjin Jakka fall from the man's hand. 

The land for hundreds of kilometers around was instantly melted by it, turning into something resembling lava emitting intense heat.

The red-haired Shanks looked extremely distressed at that moment.

Perhaps this time, his decision to come here was a mistake. 

Initially, he got involved in this fight, which he now realized might have been the worst choice he ever made!

Meanwhile, in the New World, the "Mobile Base Camp" of the World Economic News Agency had completed its transfer in the latter half of the Grand Line, known as the "New World."

Inside the World Economic News Service, a bloated figure with feathers on his head and a black cloak resembling an oversized albatross was fixated on a red contact phone bug in his hand.

"Forgive me, such big news can't be kept secret," Morgans said.

After he finished speaking, the red phone bug in his hand, belonging to the CPO organization, immediately took on a roaring expression, bellowing, "Morgans! You bastard, you took so many benefits from the World Government, and now you want to offend it! The end for you will be unbearable."

With a 'pat,' Morgans hung up the phone without listening to the rest, his eyes gleaming with ambition as he gazed out at the deserted island outside the mobile base camp.

The consequences of offending the World Government would indeed be unbearable for ordinary people. 

But in the eyes of a "businessman" who truly saw business opportunities and was adept at taking advantage of them, as long as the profits were large enough, it didn't matter whether or not to offend the government.

Once the news started to be released, even the behemoth that was the World Government would surely be thrown into disarray, wouldn't it?

Simultaneously, all the eyes of the world, without a doubt, were focused on the frightening figure from the North Blue.

With this thought, Morgans tossed the bug into the corner. 

He then raised a wing and ordered his subordinates, who were urgently copying newspapers in the base camp, "Little ones, destroy all the newspapers that were supposed to be published before by the original World Government!"

"Go all out for new content, and keep my staff scattered all over the world! The opportunity of the new era has arrived! Hurry up! Wahaha! In this ever-changing world, truth is the most interesting. Let the whole world come alive! Big news isn't big news unless it's made public," Morgans commanded.

Following Morgans' order, the headquarters of the World Economic News, situated somewhere in the New World, buzzed with activity. Countless albatrosses, their backpacks laden with news, suddenly appeared and began flying towards the New World, the Grand Line, and even distant corners of the globe.

Before long, the entire world was swept up by a tumultuous wave of news:

"The unprecedented failure of the World Government."

"Marine Marshal 'Kong' died in an air battle!"

"The coming of the next taboo moments at sea signals a new era!"

It must be said, World Economic News knows how to craft compelling headlines. Morgans' ability to transform the defeated Straw Hat Crew in the territory of the Four Emperors' aunt into the "fifth sea emperor" illustrated the marketing prowess of the publication. With just a catchy headline and the substantial subscriber base accumulated worldwide by World Economic News, Morgans anticipated the immense profits this big news would bring to his newspaper.

Simultaneously, newspapers around the world stirred up a terrible storm with the release of Morgans' publication. Meanwhile, the conflict between Bai Ye and the Red Hair Pirates had come to a "temporary" end. The temporary nature of this pause existed because the Red Hair Pirates chose not to fight Bai Ye with the risk of incurring tremendous casualties, but instead allowed Yasopp and some cadres to return to the Red Fort.

Shanks, wielding his saber Griffin, and Benn Beckman remained after the others had left. Their presence wasn't so much about defending the rear; rather, it was a testament to their strength. They were the two individuals most capable of leaving the battlefield in their current state. At their peak, two Four Emperors are formidable.

It must be said, one-on-one, no Four Emperor could match Bai Ye. Even if there were two, the outcome would be much the same. However, successive wars had begun to take their toll. If the two aimed wholeheartedly to depart, it wouldn't be difficult. After all, the Reiatsu possessed by a Shinigami isn't the same as having limitless physical strength.

Even so, the advantage Bai Ye held over the redhead Shanks and Benn Beckman was still absolutely 'overwhelming.' Their withdrawal wasn't an acknowledgment of defeat.