
One Piece: I'm Yamamoto Genryusai

Bai Ye travelled to the world of pirates. His cheat? Non-existent. So he chose to join the Marine force to survive, fishing day by day. Fast forward to today, and Summit War is around the corner and Bai Ye, who has become a veteran, was already preparing to retire. He didn't want to get into any more trouble! But it turns out that he awakening condition was he has to be 60 years old. And unexpectedly, the town where Bai Ye lived for more than 30 years was destroyed because they could not pay the Tenryubito. Following the 'Yamamoto Genryūsai' template given by the system, he chose to break his peaceful life for the first time and decided to take revenge on this chaotic world. "Since this is a world where the weak cannot survive, let me break it with my own hands." "Everything will be reduced to ashes!"

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124 Chs

Chapter 67

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066: Bai Ye declared, "Looks like the 'war' has begun! Time to kill the members of the Red Hair Pirates. This guy..."

Redhead Shanks surveyed the blood-stained wound on his body with a hint of disbelief on his usually stoic face. Moments earlier, he had 'predicted' the man before him's actions through his 'knowledge,' which some might call the "power of listening." The sounds produced by a living body can reveal one's next move and whereabouts. Yet, the man before him was unpredictable.

Even when Shanks clearly 'saw' the man throw a knife, he was powerless to stop it. Bai Ye had called him "full of flaws," and indeed, in the instant Shanks was about to unleash the "four three zero" "Griffin" Slash Wave, there was a fatal pause that ordinary people wouldn't notice. But Shanks' opponent was anything but 'ordinary.'

Bai Ye hailed from the 'Soul Society,' once home to 'Yamamoto Genryūsai,' a master of Kendo from thousands of years ago. Redhead Shanks had no doubt that in a pure swordsmanship contest, the second move could be decisive.

"Hurt, hurt Shanks?!" exclaimed Yasopp, outraged. "You bastard! How dare you hurt our captain! A competition is a competition; do we not exist?!"

Seeing their captain injured, Yasopp and his team swiftly locked their furious gazes on Bai Ye. The tension escalated rapidly.

An average person would tremble with fear under such scrutiny from the Red Hair Pirates, who were among the Four Emperors. Instead, Bai Ye countered with a surge of Reiatsu that pressed down on Yasopp and the others, stunning them.

Bai Ye then addressed Yasopp and his group with an expression that made Jesus Bu and the rest uneasy, "You have the choice to act, and that choice has always been in your own hands."

"W-what?!" they gasped, taken aback.

"You guy... you are too arrogant!" one yelled. "Are you trying to single out our entire Red Hair Pirates?!"

Bendik Snake, strong arms wielding two knives, moved forward. The other members followed, all except for the composed Benn Beckman.

Bai Ye remained serene in the face of their advance. "Come on, the moment you decide to intervene, the 'war' has commenced. Whether you approach rashly, cautiously, or not at all, like Benn Beckman over there, it won't make a difference. I'm speaking of immediate consequences, not distant futures."

The blade of Ryūjin Jakka erupted in brilliant orange-red flames. A fearsome pressure twisted the surrounding air as it skyrocketed upwards. Bai Ye surveyed the Red Hair Pirates, eyes cool and indifferent.

"Your end is certain here, as inescapable fate awaits you," he declared, his voice echoing with a sense of finality.

"You bastard!" Limejuice Jones of the Red Hair Pirates could hardly contain his rage upon hearing such insolence.

What a ludicrous thought it was! Standing alone after a string of battles, Limejuice must have been severely weakened. To think he could take on the entire Red Hair Pirates by himself was absurd. As Limejuice swung his long stick, it crackled to life with a brilliant golden radiance of electricity, poised to strike.

"Stop!" The commanding voice of the red-haired Shanks halted Yasopp and the others in their tracks, preventing an imminent confrontation.

"Shanks, this guy is too arrogant!" Limejuice's gaze was fixed on Bai Ye, unyielding and fierce.

Shanks shook his head in response, a hint of resolve in his voice. "We agreed to three conditions; we must uphold our end."

Turning his attention to Bai Ye, he inquired solemnly, "You have a plan for a final stand then?"

With serious eyes locked onto Bai Ye, Shanks was torn. He understood his comrades' feelings, but facing the sword skills Bai Ye had just demonstrated left him with a sinking heart. This might not just be an empty boast—Bai Ye could very well be capable of overwhelming the entire Red Hair Pirates crew.

Shanks knew they had not come to provoke a war, but to prevent the Beasts Pirates from joining the Summit War. Any conflict here could lead to dire consequences, including the potential loss of lives among his crew. Moreover, he doubted they could easily defeat Bai Ye. In a clash between titans, the tide could turn in an instant, and that prospect made Shanks acutely aware of Bai Ye's formidable strength.

Hence, having a chance to resolve the situation with a three-move agreement seemed like a suitable approach for Shanks. Despite losing the first move, Shanks believed he might not lose the third.

But the events that unfolded next caused Shanks' expression to shift dramatically. Rockstar, previously defeated by Bai Ye, had somehow managed to sneak up 2.7 meters behind Bai Ye. With a fierce glint in his eyes, Rockstar unleashed his long knife in a powerful arc aimed directly at Bai Ye's neck, his roar filled with fury, "You dare to insult me and underestimate the Red Hair Pirates? You will pay the price for your arrogance with your life!"

The sharp flicker in Bai Ye's eyes was unmistakable as high-temperature flames wreathed his sword, Ryūjin Jakka, signalling the start of what seemed to be an unavoidable battle. Rockstar lunged, but even as the red-haired Shanks called out to stop him, it was too late.