
One Piece: I'm Yamamoto Genryusai

Bai Ye travelled to the world of pirates. His cheat? Non-existent. So he chose to join the Marine force to survive, fishing day by day. Fast forward to today, and Summit War is around the corner and Bai Ye, who has become a veteran, was already preparing to retire. He didn't want to get into any more trouble! But it turns out that he awakening condition was he has to be 60 years old. And unexpectedly, the town where Bai Ye lived for more than 30 years was destroyed because they could not pay the Tenryubito. Following the 'Yamamoto Genryūsai' template given by the system, he chose to break his peaceful life for the first time and decided to take revenge on this chaotic world. "Since this is a world where the weak cannot survive, let me break it with my own hands." "Everything will be reduced to ashes!"

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125 Chs

Chapter 65

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Change has come with the Red Hair Pirates' arrival. Bai Ye commands, "Get out!" And in that moment, the Grand Line, the Four Seas, and the New World prepared for an unparalleled upheaval. Today marked Bai Ye's presence. Standing where the sunlight cuts through the cloud-laden sky, he rests atop a stone pillar that emerged like an earth dragon stirring.

"It seems there won't be a second attack," he contemplates. Bai Ye understands that while the rumored power of Uranus is formidable, its spread-out attacks are precisely his most significant weakness. Moreover, the World Government wouldn't use it without limitations. If that were the case, there would be no need to create the Marines, Shichibukai, and the Four Emperors as the tripartite forces maintaining peace. With Uranus alone, the World Government could subjugate the world.

Bai Ye's attention shifts to Kaido, whose astonishment is evident as he looks on in disbelief. "Now it's your turn," Bai Ye announces. Kaido reacts with a robust "Wait!!!", brought back to reality by Bai Ye's indifferent tone. Trembling, Kaido stares at the man whose tattered clothes reveal a commanding physique, realizing that this might be the second time he faces death. Even the infamous Rocks cannot compare to the man standing before him.

Kaido refuses to believe that someone exists who could kill him, the strongest creature in sea, land, and air. Yet, Bai Ye doesn't care what Kaido thinks. To Bai Ye, those who seek to kill must be ready to face death themselves – a simple truth. Poised with Ryūjin Jakka, Bai Ye is about to end Kaido's life when suddenly a strong presence arrives.

A figure charges across the battered battlefield wielding a Western-style sword, stopping before Bai Ye. This man is unmistakably "Red Hair" Shanks, with his conspicuous red locks, three scars across his left eye, empty left arm, and a flowing black cloak.

"How did you get to the first half of the Grand Line, Red Hair? Are you also here to kill me?!" Kaido blurts out, recognizing Shanks, one of the Four Emperors.

"Kaido, be quiet, or I can't guarantee your safety," says Red Hair Shanks with a calm authority. "Your crew has already been defeated in the New World; don't count on them for a rescue."

"My crew?!" Anger crosses Kaido's face, but he is suddenly struck by the realization that Shanks might not be there to kill him but to save him. Confused, he wonders what Shanks could possibly want.

Seeing Kaido silent, Shanks turns his gaze to Bai Ye, the man whose recent deeds have rocked the Grand Line. Surveying the devastated seascape, Shanks speaks, "This battle has caused enough destruction. I'd like to ask a favor – let this one live," motioning towards Kaido with his sword.

Bai Ye looks at Red Hair Shanks, understanding that as a time traveler, it is not surprising for Red Hair to reach the first half of the Grand Line.

As the Summit War progressed, changes were inevitable, yet some fates seemed sealed. Despite the risks, Redhead Shanks was determined to participate. Bai Ye, however, was unconcerned about Shanks' decision to enter the war. An air of indifference settled in Bai Ye's eyes when he considered the involvement of both Shanks and Kaido. To him, Shanks had no standing to intervene in the matter. Despite Shanks' notable status, Bai Ye wasn't impressed and regarded him with dismissive indifference. He believed that even someone as feared as Kaido, let alone Shanks, had no right to seek his favor. Not even the legendary "One Piece" Roger could make such a demand of Bai Ye.

Upon hearing Bai Ye's stance, Shanks' eyes darkened with resolve as he replied, "In that case, it seems we are destined to be adversaries. I do wish to eliminate that individual, yet his death would disrupt the New World's balance, which I cannot allow." Shanks surveyed Bai Ye critically, questioning the remaining extent of his formidable strength before looking off into the distance, signaling the arrival of his crew with a simple, "My companion has arrived."

Their arrival was punctuated by their complaints about running and the hazards of their journey, evident from the strong presence they exuded. Each member of the Red Hair Pirates was known for their individual might, a result of the crew's emphasis on 'personal strength.' This focus yielded a notorious average bounty for them, earning them the title of the most balanced Iron Wall Pirates. Few in the New World would dare challenge them.

Yet to Bai Ye, these reputations were of little significance. Facing Shanks, he inquired coldly if Shanks' words were indeed a declaration of war. Shanks was taken aback by Bai Ye's readiness to confront the entire crew alone. His thoughts were interrupted by Rocks, a hot-tempered new recruit eager to prove his worth. Seizing the moment, Rocks challenged Bai Ye, flaunting his qualification to battle.

Without hesitation, Bai Ye simply raised a finger and unleashed a forceful shockwave at Rocks, sending him reeling. Bai Ye then faced the Red Hair Pirates squarely, his tone devoid of emotion as he cautioned them, "Until you possess true power, it's best to refrain from boastful claims, as they only reveal your weakness."