
One Piece: I'm Mihawk's Son

Attention!! this is a gender-bent Dracule Mihawk!!! #Action, #Romance, #Harem, #Overpowered, #Adventure, #OnePiece, #Incest, #R18. ** Alexander Graham was a genius of his time, with just thirty years of age he managed to invent a water combustion engine, a powerful device capable of creating energy with the use of water... sadly, the elite of the world was not ready for his creation to become mainstream. Despite possessing an overwhelming will for creation and science, Alexander Graham was fated to never be big in his world. But nobody said anything about another world. When his eyes opened all he saw was the reflection of his own self in her odd golden eyes as she sat there, calmly reading her newspapers without the slightest care in the world. "..." "..." Two silent and overbearing geniuses met that day, their very first hurdle? to exchange a few words. Follow the story of Dracule Veyron, the adopted son of Dracule Mihawk across the world of One Piece. For up to 40 extra chapters visit my pa-tre-on: pa-tre-on.com/photosphere. Visit Discord for Polls, chatting, character images and more content: https://discord.gg/68Entk7Zs7

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Strong Enough to Love II

If we reach the top 10 by the end of this week, I'll mass-release seven chapters, let's go!


Calm Belt, Rusukaina.

Veyron was quite impressed with his newfound prowess. A trip between islands that had once taken him about three minutes at maximum speed, equivalent to Mach 10 (12,300 km/h), after a whole year of continuous training and sparring against the Boa Family, now took merely one minute at max speed. This meant his maximum flying speed had tripled.

He had yet to face a formidable opponent who could truly test his new 'destructive' techniques, which he couldn't employ against Primrose, Hancock, Sandersonia, and Marigold. However, he had the perfect candidates in mind. One was Enel, whose Devil Fruit he desired to steal, and the other was his mother, who approached with burning vengeance and undoubtedly thirsting for a good battle.

Before engaging in either of these encounters, there were some matters to settle. He had issued orders before departing Rusukaina, and now it was time to ensure that everything had been executed accordingly.

He stood up and shielded his eyes from the blazing sun. The colossal mansion before him seemed to almost touch the skies but not quite. It was a replica of the mansion that once belonged to the extinct Kingdom in the long-lost Kuraigana.

Proudly standing behind him were the formidable Kuja tribe ladies, along with an exhausted Kong and Larry.

Veyron finally turned around, and their expectations soared as he gave them a thumbs-up.


A wave of excitement and joy swept over them, and he granted his approval for the project they had tirelessly worked on for the past year without rest.

"This is amazing. You've done it perfectly, Alemina, Aphelandra, ladies. You make me proud," he couldn't help but turn back to admire the mansion, which was arguably the greatest luxury in this world now that he had incorporated many of his inventions into it. Its exterior matched that of the one in Kuraigana, but the interior was entirely different.

'I'm sure Mom will appreciate it. Maybe she'll even spare me with just this.'


"It's wonderful to know that you're satisfied. Ever since you, the Hebihime, and the princesses left, we've been wanting to surprise you," Alemina and Aphelandra stepped forward, equally proud of this construction milestone that would now set the standard for buildings in Amazon Lily.

"Now, I need to fill it to the brim with wine," the young teenager sighed and whistled, catching the attention of one of his pets, or rather, Sandersonia's pet. This creature had been her birthday gift a year ago, while Marigold had received Noir, the massive Panther now residing in Amazon Lily, serving as a guardian.

"Oi, Gator!"


The enormous crocodile approached, accompanied by a group of Humandrils, all feeling a sense of apprehension in response to the boss's summons.

"You carried out my orders, right?"

The group led him to a vineyard that was meticulously protected, with another group of Humandrills and various jungle animals diligently tending to it. Compared to a typical vineyard, the plants were enormous, and a single grape was the size of a human head.

"Alemina, I want you to find someone in Amazon Lily who can produce the finest wine using these grapes. We don't have much time."

"Leave it to us!"

"Alright, then I'll fly back to Amazon Lily now. Since the project is completed, all of you can focus on your living conditions. Have you made your decision?"

"Yes, we want to live in Rusukaina, if that's acceptable, young lord," the tribe ladies bowed down, having spent years on this island and grown accustomed to it. Returning to Amazon Lily whenever they wished was also effortless, thanks to the Poisonous Mother serving as transportation.

"Just call me Veyron," he rubbed his nose awkwardly, unaccustomed to being treated as a 'novelty' and not wishing to undergo the experience either. "Of course, you can, just avoid coming too close to the mansion when Mom is around."

He whispered the last words in Alemina's ear, and she nodded, a bit confused, thinking that his mother was someone who easily got irritated.

With that, Veyron departed his island once again, hoping that by the time he returned, everything would be settled, and his mother would receive a pleasant surprise.

'If I win, the surprise will make her happy. If I lose... then she may spare them because of this. Everything is going as planned.'



Calm Belt, Amazon Lily.

"That scoundrel attacked again?!" Primrose had had enough; she slammed her hand on the table upon receiving the most dreadful news upon her arrival. Veyron had transported her and her daughters to the meeting point with Gloriosa, but Shawty... was nowhere to be found.

"His reputation has grown significantly over the past year. Take a look," Gloriosa, who appeared to have undergone a lot of stress during that year, handed her and Hancock the most recent newspapers.

"Peter Hornigold, the infamous rookie capable of severing a Marine's arm and annihilating his entire crew. The near loss of Admiral Zephyr?" She couldn't believe what she was reading; the man she once battled to a standstill now had a bounty of half a billion berries on his head, and his name was everywhere.

"Where is Shawty?" Her voice quivered, and even Hancock and her sisters were beginning to realize that things were far more dire than they had hoped.

"He kidnapped her and killed half of the crew... the ship returned with the other half, severely wounded, and with a message from the man himself. I'm sorry, Hebihime... we failed," Gloriosa apologized, ashamed and on the verge of tears. It was her granddaughter.


'Half of the crew...!'

Two Conqueror's Haki pulses echoed across the island simultaneously; Hancock and Primrose were incensed, and even Marigold and Sandersonia involuntarily entered their awakened forms. This was utterly outrageous.

"Please, calm down! Both of you have grown significantly stronger; you can't unleash your Haki so recklessly now!" Gloriosa, nearly fainting, fell to her knees, supported by a contrite Hancock.

"I'm sorry... Mother! Isn't it time you told us who this bastard is?! I'll turn him into stone and shatter his remains myself!"

"He dared…" Primrose ignored her daughter; in her mind, she was trying to comprehend how all of this could even be possible. That man shouldn't be this formidable; he had either acquired potent allies or obtained a formidable Devil Fruit.

"There isn't much to say about him. He's a formidable Haki user and is well-versed in Rokushiki. But I never thought him to be this strong, at least not back then. He harassed us multiple times during our expeditions to the Grand Line a few years ago, even stealing some of our bounties... His main objective was to woo me, but I was never interested," she felt nothing but revulsion when she thought of that man, and now that feeling was amplified, mingled with a thirst for vengeance.

"He was after you, but you weren't there. The message stated: 'Come to Jaya if you want Shawty back'. Hebihime, please think this through; it's a trap," Gloriosa added, begging caution.

"So what if it's a trap? I'm not the same; I have my daughters and Veyron with me. It doesn't matter how strong he's become; there's no way he's stronger than us after this year of training."

Perhaps she wouldn't have been as confident if she were alone, but with Hancock, Sandersonia, and Marigold by her side, she wouldn't even fear an Admiral, let alone this pitiful bounty hunter who one way or another -more than likely using dirty tricks- managed to squash an Admiral. 

"We're sailing straight to Jaya!" Hancock issued the order even before her mother did. She couldn't accept members of their crew being stripped of their freedom, just as she had been. This debt had to be paid in blood.

"You heard her."



The remaining members of the Kuja Pirates, along with Primrose, Hancock, Sandersonia, and Marigold, were the only ones sailing, and that was all they needed. Their destination: the epicentre of piracy, Jaya.

On their way out, they encountered a melancholic Gorgon. During the incident, she had been on standby in Amazon Lily. Hancock harboured no resentment toward her.

"My dear, we'll be back soon. Please take care of the islands, and no one is allowed, absolutely no one!" Hancock stroked the snake's chin and issued her orders.

The snake hissed in agreement and submerged into the sea, followed by a swarm of Sea Kings. Any ship that dared trespass would be devoured even faster than seedless grapes. In Amazon Lily, this was a state of emergency.


"Should we wait for Veyron?" Marigold inquired.

"That's a good point. Our little brother mentioned he had some matters to attend to on that sky island," Sandersonia added.

"No need to wait for him. Veyron will catch up soon," Primrose produced an Eternal Log Pose, pointing toward Jaya. It was a well-known location that every pirate was familiar with, should they aspire to make a name for themselves in this world.


A sonic boom resonated in the distance, signalling his arrival.

"How thoughtless of you not to wait for me," Veyron landed shortly after, with Youbi floating alongside him, as though he had overheard their conversation. But he just happened to arrive the moment they were setting sail.

"I told you, there's something important we need to discuss. Pay attention; this is grave!"


They briefed him on the situation involving this man, and it was safe to say that Veyron was far from pleased. He immediately suggested reducing the man to dust, but Primrose interjected.

"I want to deal with this myself, baby... that scoundrel and I have history. He's been pursuing me, but I've rejected him every time. It's time I put an end to this. You're also heading to that sky island, aren't you? Don't lose sight of your objective."

"Even so, if he managed to do that to an Admiral, I don't want you risking it. Once we get there, I'll head to the sky island. I won't be up there for long."

He didn't consider Enel to be a significant threat.

"Given that this individual is an unknown variable, all of you should remain vigilant and not underestimate him. Even if he turns out to be slightly stronger than expected, don't hesitate to jump his *ss together. I want his filthy skull to serve as a vessel for the girls' wine."


"Then it's settled. Kuja Pirates... Let's make it swift! WE GO, WE KILL, WE LEAVE!"




I can't see anything very well; I'm trapped in the basement of that bastard's ship. I've been imprisoned here for an extended period without food. I refuse to be used as leverage against my captain.

They've taken everything from me. It was supposed to be my time to shine now that Primrose was gone, but it all ended in failure. Now my clothes are in tatters, and with each passing second, my consciousness slips further. A week? Two months? I can't remember how long I've been here.



Footsteps echoed, and someone descended into the basement with a lamp, shining it on me. I had to avert my eyes; the light was searing.

This woman placed a meagre ration of food before me, as she had been doing every day.

"If you don't eat, you'll die, Shawty."

I spat on the food.

"You want to use me to get to my Empress. Screw all of you!"

We had gravely underestimated Peter Hornigold and the individuals working alongside him.

This woman was dressed regally in white attire with a pink sash. She had short blonde hair and wore a mask shaped like a cat's face.

Her seemingly warm eyes lingered on me for a moment before she sighed and retreated.

"Your loyalty is commendable, but what's the point if you're dead?"

"Would you betray your master for your own safety?"

"Naturally, I wouldn't."

"Then what makes us any different?" I snickered in defiance. Even if I die, I can find peace as long as they don't harm Primrose.

She shot me a sidelong glance before heading back upstairs.

"The fact that you're human, and I'm not. If I were you, I'd brace myself; we're going up."

If we reach the top 10 by the end of this week, I’ll mass release seven chapters, let’s go!

For every 300 stones in webnovel, I’ll deliver an extra chapter. The schedule is one chapter a day during the week and if ya’all lucky then I’ll post during the weekend as well.

Feel free to look for my http://pa-tre-on.com/photosphere for advanced chapter tiers: (5 x 2$), (15 x 13$) and (30x 23$)

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