
One Piece Hentai

This is an anothology about the many lewd and perverted events taking place on the seas of the grand line. Each chapter has its own pairing, set of kinks and contains a large helping of smutty lemon for you to enjoy. https://www.patreon.com/OnePiece69

OnePiece69 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 1.8: Hentai [8]

Chapter 1.8: Hentai [8]

Robin looked back at the approaching man, he was beyond perfect. His muscles, his confidence and especially, the intensity of his eye were enough for Robin to melt on the spot. Her legs became weak as his gaze pierced her very being as if he had already claimed her as his own. The clones were still holding her wide open for Zoro, and it wouldn't be long until she would finally be able to feel him inside of her. Oh how she had waited for this moment… With a final step, Zoro placed himself behind Robin, just inches away from her quivering cunt. He looked down at her lust-filled eyes and placed his hands on her hips.

"I'm going to fuck you up…"

"Go right ahead, I'm waiting for you." Robin replied, wiggling her rump at Zoro.

Zoro tightened his grip on Robin and quickly pulled her towards him. Robin gasped as his hard member slid inside of her, parting her wetness until she felt his testicles pressing against her. She held onto her clone for dear life as the power in her legs rushed out of her. His cock was huge and had no problem filling her to the brim. The wonderful dick inside her was all she cared about now. Its shape and warmth drove her wild with lust. If she didn't want to fuck it so badly, she would have shoved it inside her mouth and never give it up.

Her clones let go of her wet sex and began grinding their bodies against Zoro's thighs while he stood there, enjoying the tightness of Robin's pussy. Just as Robin had gotten her legs to function again, Zoro had begun sliding out of her. She groaned as his cock rubbed against her insides, slowly making its way out of her. Once his tip had reached her opening, he quickly thrust it back in, pushing Robin into the clone in front of her.

Robin couldn't believe how this sensation could be so powerful. Sure, it had been some time since she had last tasted the pleasures of a cock, but this was ridiculous. She could barely keep her mind straight as Zoro began to rhythmically thrust in and out of her tight pussy. "Oh fuuck…" she thought as his balls smacked her clit with ever thrust he made. Her vagina clenched down on the invading member, but not out of choice, but of pure reflex.

Robin had always acted so calmly and collected, never really bringing out her emotions unless it was impossible to avoid. Ever since the events at Enies Lobby, she had become a bit freer with her expressions. Still, to this day, her calm personality let her handle a magnitude of difficult situations. For some reason, however, she found herself having a lot of problem keeping her lust from taking over completely.

She had always been a frisky individual, entertaining many perverted ideas and read a whole lot of erotic fiction. Zoro had made her realize that those things weren't enough anymore. She needed the real thing, and she needed it bad. As she was fucked by the man she loved so much, Robin slowly let all her previous restrictions go. She didn't care about being calm and collected anymore. Her heart and soul screamed as the final chains of bondage shattered into nothingness.