
One Piece Hentai

This is an anothology about the many lewd and perverted events taking place on the seas of the grand line. Each chapter has its own pairing, set of kinks and contains a large helping of smutty lemon for you to enjoy. https://www.patreon.com/OnePiece69

OnePiece69 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 1.6: Hentai [6]

Chapter 1.6: Hentai [6]

"Fuck…" Was all Zoro could say as his practice sword plummeted into the sea. "Franky is going to kill me…"

"Oh my… I think you dropped your sword." Robin calmly stated.

"YOU DON'T SAY!" Zoro bellowed as his face turned red. "What are you thinking undressing in front of me like that!?" He continued. "What are you trying to do!?"

"Naked yoga." Robin smiled at him, making some adorable poses with her clones.

"ZORO! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO THE SHIP!?" Franky yelled from the grassy deck. "Don't you realize how expensive that wood is!?"

"Sorry, Franky! I'll fix it later!" Zoro replied, poking his head out of the hole in the wall.

"You? Fix anything? I'd like to see that! Even though I would love to see you try, I really doubt you can do anything besides sleep and destroy more things, so just sit there and relax while I fix it up for you."

"NO!" Zoro panicked. "You can fix it later, I'm busy right now."

"What could be so important that I can't…" Robin joined Zoro and poked her head out, interrupting the cyborg and catching him by surprise. "Ooooooooh… You come down when you've finished up then!" Franky gave him the old thumbs up and quickly retreated back into his workshop.

Zoro sighed in relief. Franky could think whatever he wanted, it's not like him and Robin was actually doing anything up here anyway. What he didn't want was for everyone else, especially the pervy cook, to find that Robin was a lot less dressed than usual. "Oh well… Better deal with Miss All Naked over here…" He thought as he tried to lean himself back inside.

Just as he did, he bumped into something very soft and warm. He froze in place, feeling two pointy things poking into his back. Zoro turned his head around, and of course, Robin stood right behind him and was pressing her chest against him. His faced turned red and his trousers got a little bit more restricted. If it wasn't for the darn "sword" in his pants, he would've turned around and given her a lecture.

"So… Is that also part of your… naked yoga?" Zoro pouted.

"No, this is because I like you." Robin said, with complete honesty.

"I like you too, Robin. Just not like this." He replied, becoming quite serious.

"That's such a shame, I think we would make a great couple." She grinned, pressing herself against him even more.

"Look…" Zoro slithered away from Robin's assault. "I need to train, and I can't let you get in my way, so would you kindly keep to yourself while I'm at it?"

"Oh I won't get in your way, but I will have you eventually." Robin grew a terrifying smile on her face.

"…" Crazy woman.

As expected, Zoro went back to his training and Robin continued to drive the poor swordsman insane with all of her provocative positions and movements. She really took great pleasure in teasing the poor man. Robin had been completely honest with Zoro and spoken directly from her heart. She knew that it wouldn't be easy and decided that this was the simplest way to go about it. If words couldn't convince him, then lust would.
