
One Piece: Guardian Angel

NO HAREM The Mc reincarnates as Sanji's brother and goes through life in One Piece. He meets his favourite characters and helps them out (Kind of like a guardian angel) But he also has his own goals and motivations! _______________ I don't own the picture in the title nor do I own One Piece. So if anyone has a problem with it just contact me and I can take it down!

Smol_frog · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Chapter 13: Goofing around

1 year later [Year 1514]

Kai was on his vacation and he went back to the east blue. He said hello to Sanji at the Baratie and told him he wouldn't be able to visit again before he went to Cocoyasi village. He wasn't wearing his marines uniform or mask but he had large sunglasses on and had his bangs down so you couldn't see his eyebrows. He knocked on a certain door.

"Hello, I am a poor and lonely boy and I don't have a place to stay tonight. Do you mind if I stay here for one night?"

"Alright kid if you really don't have anywhere else to go."

Kai spent the night in the home of Nami, Nojiko and their mother Belle-mare. He slept on the couch and didn't talk much to the three other than normal pleasantries. The next morning there was a knock on the door as Arlong was there. He demanded that Belle-mare pay him but she didn't have the money. Nami was dragged into the Arlong pirates and when Arlong was about to kill Belle-mare because she couldn't pay.

"Excuse me Arlong-san. Here you go." Kai handed Arlong enough money for the three of them to live for a year while walking away.

"Thank you for letting a poor and lonely kid stay here! This is my way of paying you back." He obviously made sure Arlong didn't go back on his word and kill Belle-mare anyway before he left to go back to marineford.

"""Poor my ass!""" All three of the girls said when they saw the amount of money the kid gave Arlong.

2 years later [Year 1516]

Kai was 17 years old and he was currently attending the Reverie. He was now 5'11 feet and was nearing the end of his growth spurt. He attended the reverie acting like a normal marine would and when the meeting was going on he turned invisible and snuck into the celestial dragons city. He went straight for what he was targeting as he had already scouted things out with his fruit ability combined with his observation haki which had become monstrous as he already had future sight and could use it on an extremely large range. In a few seconds he had appeared in front of a large red square stone. He quickly wrote down the contents in a notebook before turning invisible again and flashed into a bathroom walking out of it and back to his post. He was gone for no more than three minutes and no one suspected anything happened. They didn't even realize someone broke in. He had figured that the last road poneglyph was probably in Mariejois and he decided to get it now.

The next day Kai was walking along when he sensed something happening. He quickly walked in the direction of princess Vivi and Wapol. He saw Wapol hit Vivi in the face because he wanted to start a war. He made a small air shield in front of Vivi's face so she wouldn't get hurt. She was shocked the slap didn't hurt before she realized someone did something when she saw a masked man leaning against a wall. Everything played out like normal. Vivi, understanding that if she retaliated it could start a war didn't complain at all and Wapol stormed off furious.

"Wahahaha. What an idiot!" Kai said as he watched Wapol leave after failing.

"Thank you Mr. marine. What's your name?"

"I'm Fujin. Why are you thanking me? I just watched."

"No, you saved me there."

Kai narrowed his eyes at Vivi, he didn't think she would notice. She was way smarter and more mature than he thought she would be.

"You're a smart kid. Almost too smart. You're a good princess though. Not many actually care about their citizens like you do. You just averted a war."

"Thank you mister."

"Just call me Fujin. Also do me a favour, forget that I ever helped you out today. I'll take you back to your family now Vivi-sama."

"Ok Fujin. Thanks again."

The two of them started talking all the way back to where Cobra was staying and became a little closer over the next few days before Vivi had to leave. One time Cobra implied that Vivi and Kai might get together and Kai almost kicked him off the red line. She was 10 years old! Plus, he had no interest in Vivi in that way and neither did she. Although Kai did have a little bit of a crush on a certain someone from the manga.

2 Years later [Year 1518]

Kai was on another vacation and he decided to visit Alabasta for two reasons. One was to visit Vivi, but the more important one was because he wanted to do something else. After his visit with Vivi was over he went towards a secret base in the desert and found a certain person's room. He left a book that he wrote in the ancient language on what kenbunshoku haki was and how to train for it. He always thought Robin would be great with kenbunshoku haki and he also liked her character a lot in the manga so he decided to leave a little gift for her right when she joined Crocodile.

Robin walked into her room and noticed a new book on her desk. She looked around and couldn't find anyone before she opened it and gasped. She dropped the book on the floor before picking it back up. It was in the ancient language! She didn't know where this book came from but she immediately read it and started to practice.

2 years later [Year 1520]

Kai was now 6'1 feet and had finished growing; he had now fully mastered all six powers and both types of haki. He specialized in kenbunshoku as he could already see about 7 seconds into the future. (for scaling im going with katakuri could see 5 seconds) Also his range for it was better than anyone ever as it could combine with his devil fruit powers so anywhere with air in it became much easier to spread his observation haki over. He was better than Fujitora was in Dressrosa.

However, he never showed anyone in the marines his devil fruit ability or his haki, other than Garp. As far as the marines knew he was just as strong as the position appointed to him which was commander. (A commander in the grand line and not one in the east blue, he would be at the level of like a commodore or a weak rear admiral in the east blue, one or two ranks higher than Smoker at the start of the series) He only ever used his swordsmanship in the marines and he held back quite a bit to only show off captain level strength. He had gotten quite good at swordsmanship while he wasn't as good as Mihawk and Shanks he was also not too far off. If he had focused on being a swordsman he could probably be just as good as them if not better. He was pretty confident in this strength now but he still wanted to get stronger. He needed to be strong enough to save Ace no matter what happened in the future. Even if that meant fighting three admirals at once to hold them off.

Speaking of Ace he had just received word that he had just fought Jimbe and was about to join Whitebeard's crew. Kai decided to pay him a visit during this year's vacation time.

Kai landed on an island and walked towards the pirates base using his haki to sense people and walk in without anyone even seeing him without him turning invisible. He walked into a room where Ace was sleeping and saw that he was still alive and well. He decided to write him a little note to help Ace out. He told him to focus on his fire's temperature in order to strengthen his devil fruit abilities. If he could get a blue or even white fire he would be much stronger than before.

Kai was constantly using his kenbunshoku and whenever someone would walk in to check on Ace he would go invisible and hide, until a certain person walked in causing Kai to decide not to hide.

"Who are you-yoi?" Asked a man with a pineapple shaped head.

"Don't worry I'm Ace's friend. I just wanted to make sure he's okay. I'm just glad he found a good crew and a real father for himself." Kai said as he was eating a pineapple.

"He hasn't joined the crew yet."

"Wahaha! And you think Whitebeard's gonna let him refuse his offer? Funny joke."

"... I guess you're right-yoi."

"Hey Marco, a word of advice. I would tell Whitebeard this but he would try to kill me rather than suspect his own sons. Don't trust Teech too much. Something is fishy about him. I'm not saying you need to kick him out or kill him for no reason before he does something. Just keep an eye on him."

There was a long pause as Marco processed the information. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Alright cya. Don't tell Ace about my visit. It's not time for us to meet yet." Kai flashed out of the room before Marco could stop him and ask him anything else.

"What a weird marine friend you have, Ace."

Kai walked through the ship to a certain room before turning invisible and sneaking up behind someone.

"Teech, if you hurt Ace, consider your life forfeit." a large man heard this from right behind him and spun around immediately to see who said it only for there to be no one there.