
One Piece: Ground Zero

A young street rat gets gunned down, during a gang shoot out. Promises that in his next life he won’t let any one control him again. Only for him to come face to face with a God and a New Life in.... ONE PIECE Given the abilities of Katsuki Bakugo (As a Devil Fruit) our MC begins a new journey. I of course don’t own anything other then my OC’s

The_Crimson_Writer · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 6 - Potential Rivals.



~3rd POV~

"Ah today's the day" Bakugo exclaims stretching from a brief work out.

Bakugo over the course of the last year has battled every beast on the island and beaten them all, some were challenging like the Wolf Lord due to its pack while others were fairly simple to beat.

Of course todays the day Bakugo has finally decided to beat the last of the Beast Lords, the Bear Lord as Bakugo calls her. She resides in the Mountain area, it lives at of the tallest mountains, Galtymore is what it's called.

Galtymore is about 1000 metres tall (3280 foot tall). Which is why Bakugo has always wanted to climb it but first he has to beat the Bear Lord.

"Let's do this" Bakugo hypes himself up as he makes his way to Galtymore mountain.

It doesn't take long for Bakugo to make it to the mountain, he remains a few steps away from the cave in which the bear resides.


The cave is nearly pitch black so it's impossible to see within it unless the sun is at the right angle. It's almost completely silent as the entire forest quietens down almost if sensing the coming battle.


The Bear Lord burst out from her cave and rush's immediately at Bakugo, who grins madly at the coming Bear.

The Bear Lord towers over everything on the island standing at 11'6 foot (353 cm or 3.5 metres), its jaws can crush boulders and its paw can rip trees out of the ground roots and all.

Bakugo bolts towards the coming Bear, and dodges its swinging paw by sliding underneath it and coming up behind the Bear.

Leaping up Bakugo smash's a roundhouse kick to the Bears back. The Bear Roars in pain before swiping at Bakugo who's still in the air. Bakugo tanks the blow from the bear and crashes into the side of the mountain.

"Bwahaha have you gotten stronger?" Bakugo asks the Bear. The Bear Lord grunts before charging at Bakugo once again, who follows suit by using Soru to flash behind the Bear.

Bakugo seeing the unguarded back of the Bear, unleashes a storm of Rankyaku at the Bears back. They don't do much damage as they can barely penetrate the Bears thick skin and fur.

The Bear Lord roars in pure anger and bolts towards Bakugo far faster they she did previously catching him by surprise. She quickly swipes at him with her claws and manages to slice lightly into his chest.

Bakugo grunts in pain, as he jumps and smash's his knee into the bears chin. He smiles as he hears the satisfying crunch of the Bears teeth.

As he lands Bakugo doesn't allow the Bear to recover as he lands a powerful kick into the Bears back leg and another on its knee.

The Bear Lord crumbles to the ground as its legs give out. Bakugo seeing this leaps once again into the air and slams an axe kick onto the bears head. Knocking it clean out.

"BWAHAHAHA WHAT A GOOD FIGHT" Bakugo crackles out. "Now time too go brag to that shitty old man"


Jogging into town after putting some medical herbs on his wound along with covering with a bandage, Bakugo heads towards Mori's house.

*Knock Knock*

"Oi you in old man?" Bakugo yells.

*Knock Knock*

"Hold on a damn second you brat" Mori shouts from inside. Before opening the door a few seconds later.

"You best have a damn good reason for interrupting my tea time" Mori says looking down at Bakugo.

"Of course it do you damn old man, I just beat the Bear Lord" Bakugo brags.

"Oh, the one the lives in the Mountain Caves?" Mori questions.

"Damn Straight" Bakugo grins.

"Rahaha good on you brat, get inside I wanna introduce you to someone" Mori says waving Bakugo inside.

"Oh is your friend here?" Bakugo questions.

The duo enter the kitchen and Bakugo lays his eyes on an older fellow with whitening hair and a small beard of stubble. He's of a slightly smaller build then Mori.

"Whom might this be?" The old man sitting at the table asks politely.

"Diego this is Bakugo" Mori introduces his practically adopted grandson.

"Ho Ho, he looks like quite the strong lad" Diego says standing to inspect the child. "Hmm yes, plenty strong indeed"

"Oi your creeping me out, ya old fart" Bakugo says with a weirded out face.

"RATATATA he's got spunk too" Diego chuckles.

"RAHAHAH tell me about it, you shoulda seen him when he was younger he was such a rude brat" Mori says exaggerating greatly in bakugos opinion. "Suki had to spend months teaching him some decency"

"Oi I'm right here ya know" Bakugo says with tick marks forming on his forehead.

"Oh your still here?" Mori questions, "Go out back and meet Diageo's grandkids"

"Whatever you shitty old man" Bakugo grumbles heading out back.

Stepping outside Bakugo spots two green hair kids, one boy and one girl. The girl has short dark green hair is resting against a tree, while her brother who has similar hair but it looks almost black is swinging a sword.

"76, 77, 78" The green hair boy counts.

'he's got good form' Bakugo thinks watching the green haired kid.

"82, 83, 84"

"Why are you playing with that sword greeny?" Bakugo asks not at all insulting the kid.

"Wha-what? I'm not playing with it" the greeny says surprised at Bakugo's presence.

"Looks like you were" Bakugo shrugs.

"I'm not playing, I'm training" Greeny responds sternly.

"What for?" Bakugo asks.

"To be a Marine" Greeny states.

"HAHAhaha you a wanna be a Marine?" Bakugo cackles.

"Of course Marines are awesome" Greeny says in awe.

"Ba no way, Pirates are way cooler" Bakugo disagrees.

"No way, Marines"







"Ha got you" Bakugo points out.

"What? Damn it" Greeny groans.

"Wanna spar?" Bakugo ask gesturing to the sword in Greenys hand.

"Yeah, it looks like I'll have to beat the coolness of Marines into you" Greeny says grinning.

"Bwaha try it Greeny" Bakugo says picking up a spare sword.

"My names not Greeny" Greeny says.

"Don't care" Bakugo shrugs getting into his stance.

Bakugo makes the 'come here' gesture, to which Greeny immediately responds by charging.

Bakugo blocks Greeny's over head slash, which is followed by a couple horizontal slash's. Which are all blocked by Bakugo.

During these short clashes Bakugo easily took notice of the power behind each attack. 'He's weaker then me' Bakugo smirks.

Blocking another slash, Bakugo uses his physical power to push Greeny back a few steps before going on the offensive. Starting with an powerful overhead strike which is dodged, Bakugo follows up with a quick series of slash which Greeny can only dodge.

But Greeny doesn't stay on the defensive for long as he steps forward he blocks a strike from Bakugo, jamming their sword together and forcing a test of strength.

Bakugo quickly begins to win the test off strength until, Greeny forcefully slides his sword down Bakugo's creating sparks temporarily blinding Bakugo.

"Bitch" Bakugo mutter jumping back. 'He's definitely better with the sword then I am' Bakugo silently thinks.

"Let's keep going" Greeny states smiling.

"Bring it" Bakugo replies.

They both charge at each other, and clash sword once again.



{A/N: Images of the two new characters will be in the next chapter, when we find out their names}