
One Piece: Getting Stronger by Writing a Diary

In the world of One Piece, Arton, a sketch artist, suddenly finds himself face-to-face with a Celestial Dragon—and not in a good way. Lucky for him, he awakens a system that allows him to gain strength by writing in a diary. Fired up for some payback against the Celestial Dragons, Arton embarks on a journey, and not just for retribution but also to meet beautiful girls such as Nami, Robin, and Hancock—characters he's drawn a million times before. As his journey unfolds, Arton starts scratching his head, wondering why women like Uta, Vivi, and Hancock are lining up to join his crew. Nami throws him a compliment, "Thanks, Arton, you're the best." Carina playfully proposes a trade, "Nami, you keep the treasure, and I'll have Arton, okay?" And Nico Robin teases, "Arton, you're into more mature women, aren't you?" ***This is a translation*** original: https://b.faloo . com/1299406.html

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123 Chs

Chapter 91 – Chef candidates

Arton took photos and sent them to his diary.

Uta, Kaya, and Carina naturally saw them too.

For these very significant photos, the three of them were quite pleased.

"Arton, where are we going next?"

Uta asked as she climbed down from Arton's back.

"Well... I heard there's a sea restaurant in the East Blue called Baratie."

"I want to check it out first."

Arton said.

"Oh, I see. You want to invite a chef there, right?"

"That's good, this way I can be freed from the kitchen work."

Carina raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"Not really, I just want to have a meal there."

"As for inviting a chef... forget it."

Arton shook his head; he didn't plan to invite a perverted chef like Sanji onboard.

If that happened, life on the ship would be endless trouble.

The three women exchanged glances and saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

"Anyway, let's sail towards Baratie next."

"I'll go record in the ship's log; I'll leave the ship's direction to you guys."

Arton said to the three of them, then stepped into the cabin and went to the captain's room.

After Arton entered the cabin...

Kaya, Uta, and Carina started chatting about girl stuff.

"Hey, Kaya, what's your relationship with Usopp?"

"Why do I feel like you two are really close?"

Uta suddenly asked.

"Well, Usopp often told me stories about the outside world when I was sick."

"We're good friends."

Kaya smiled.

"Really just ordinary friends?"

"No other feelings?"

Uta pressed.

"Uta-san, we're really just good friends."

Kaya said, blushing.

At this moment, Kaya couldn't help but recall the scene of Arton saving her and Merry.

For a moment, Kaya's blush deepened.

"I see, it seems Carina has one more rival for Arton."

Uta turned her head and looked at Carina with a smile.

"Why are you bringing me into this?"

"Looks like I need to teach you a lesson, Uta."

Carina smiled, then raised her hand and pounced on Uta.

Kaya originally wanted to stay away, but soon she was involuntarily drawn into the playful vortex between Carina and Uta.

In an instant, the deck was filled with fluttering cloth and joyous laughter.

On the other side, after Arton sat down at the desk, he opened the logbook system.

[Finally, I have my own pirate ship.]

[Now the ship already has a maid, a songstress, and a doctor.]

[Overall, in terms of crew configuration, it's pretty good.]

[Next, it's time to invite more outstanding crew members.]

Nami: "Invite me! I'm very good, and I'm excellent at navigation."

Nojiko: "I'm sorry, I don't seem to have any special talents."

Vivi: "Do I have any talents? Does dancing counts?"

Violet: "You have a songstress, but you can't do without a dancer~. I hope we can meet soon, Arton."

Carrot: "That's great! I really want to go to sea too. If it's me, maybe I can become Arton's combatant."

Charlotte Smoothie: "If you're willing to be my man, I'll arrange all suitable crew members for you, Arton."

[Speaking of which, the thing I want the most right now is probably a chef.]

[Although Carina has some cooking skills, compared to a professional chef, she's still a bit lacking.]

Carina: "Hmph, this man. Even with food, he's still picky. I'm doing all the work as a maid, navigator, and chef now."

Kaya: "Amazing, Carina-san has mastered so many skills."

Uta: "However, according to Arton, all these skills are included in the maid's duties. According to him, a maid should be all-purpose, hehe."

Carina: "One day, I'll be worked to death by him. He really needs to recruit more people soon."

Charlotte Galette: "It seems Arton likes to eat. In that case, I should have a certain advantage."

Charlotte Cinnamon: "He seems to be a person like Mama. But Mama loves sweets the most, whereas Arton... needs more observation."

Charlotte Custard: "I wonder if Arton has any specific chef in mind."

[If we talk about excellent chefs in this world, Sanji would definitely count.]

[Unfortunately, he's a man and also a lecher.]

[A guy like that absolutely can't be invited on board.]

Vinsmoke Reiju: "Sanji? My brother?"

[Speaking of which, it's one thing for Sanji to be a lecher, but why are his three brothers from the Vinsmoke family also lechers?]

[Weren't those three's emotions wiped out by their bastard father, Judge?]

[Could it be that the lecherous gene is imprinted in the Vinsmoke bloodline, and even if emotions are erased, this trait can't be removed?]

Vinsmoke Reiju: "Is it really Sanji? To be remembered by Arton, he must become very famous in the future."

[I wonder if Sanji's sister is good at cooking.]

[If she is, then I could invite her to be the chef.]

[Tsk tsk, I'd really like to see her transform using that device.]

[I don't know if it's like in the anime, where her clothes disappear when she transforms.]

[If that's the case, it would be quite a sight.]

[If I manage to invite her, could I intentionally poison myself and have her kiss me to suck out the poison in a French kiss?]

Vinsmoke Reiju: "Oh my, it seems the anime version of me left quite an impact on Arton. I'm happy."

[Speaking of which, Reiju is quite pitiful, having such a scientist father.]

[The combat suits Germa developed are indeed impressive.]

[But to use these powers, they had to turn their children into emotionless beings.]

[Vinsmoke Judge is really ruthless.]

[If I use Tsunade's power to heal Reiju, could I free her from Judge's orders?]

"Tsunade's power can free me from my father's orders?!"

Reiju shivered as she read the diary's contents.

"Can this really be done?"

"No, it definitely can be done."

"Tsunade's medical skills can heal even fatal injuries quickly."

"Modifying my body so I don't have to follow my father's orders must be possible too."

Reiju muttered to herself, feeling excited.

Previously, Reiju never thought she could escape Judge's orders and gain freedom.

Therefore, she never considered leaving Judge.

But now, knowing she might break free from Judge's control, Reiju immediately had the same thought of regaining freedom as Sanji...

"I must meet Arton… but how can I meet Arton now?"

Reiju frowned slightly.

[Whether Reiju can cook or not, if I meet her, I can ask if she's willing to join my pirate crew.]

[After all, her detoxification ability is even stronger than Tsunade's, making her a special kind of doctor.]

[Judge, that idiot, really doesn't deserve such an excellent daughter.]

[Who knows if his brain is fried from all that scientific research.]

[He gave up his position as king of a World Government member country to ally with the Big Mom Pirates.]

[In the end, he got played by Big Mom.]

[Tsk tsk, Judge is truly the epitome of losing both the sesame seeds and the watermelon.]

[If Reiju continues to stay with Judge, she'll probably get dragged down by him. It's better to invite her to join me.]

Reiju: "Father will ally with the Big Mom Pirates in the future and get played?"

Stussy: "That's a big piece of news. If the World Government knew about Judge's intentions, they'd be furious."

Hina: "Vinsmoke Judge plans to give up his position as a king of a member country. Hina doesn't understand."

Gion: "Could it be that something happens in the future that forces Judge to do this?"

Kalifa: "This matter... Forget it, even if I report this, it would be hard to explain. I'll focus on my current tasks."

[Speaking of chefs, besides Sanji, Streusen from the Big Mom Pirates is quite impressive. Unfortunately, he's a man and wouldn't betray Charlotte Linlin to join me.]

[Other than him, the most excellent chef in the Big Mom Pirates should be Charlotte Pudding.]

[I wonder if she would accept my invitation.]

Charlotte Pudding: "Huh?! M-me?"

Charlotte Cinnamon: "Pudding has caught Arton's eye?!"

Charlotte Galette: "Damn it, why not me? No, I must practice my cooking skills more."

Charlotte Smoothie: "Seems like I need to pay more attention to Pudding and stop others from bullying her."

[Speaking of chefs, one can't ignore Emporio Ivankov.]

[The vitality cuisine set he mastered is quite something.]

[I'll need to get that from him in the future.]

[But at this time, he's still in Impel Down.]

[The world has changed a bit because of my presence.]

[I don't know if he'll still escape Impel Down in time to participate in the Summit War.]

[If he doesn't, maybe I can personally go to Impel Down.]

[And I can meet Sadi and Domino while I'm at it.]

Sadi: "Sure, when you come, I'll lock you up and torture you properly, hehe."

Domino: "Ivankov? That missing criminal? He's still in Impel Down?"

Koala: "Oh no, Belo Betty, Ivankov's identity has been exposed by Arton."

Belo Betty: "Hehe, it's no big deal, Koala. According to the original timeline, his identity would have been exposed during the Summit War anyway."

"But why would he participate in the Summit War? What made him decide to do that?"

"Was it Dragon's order? Or his own decision?"

Kujaku: "The Summit War again. Is Arton finally going to reveal which pirate crews will participate in the Summit War this time?"


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