
One Piece: Getting Stronger by Writing a Diary

In the world of One Piece, Arton, a sketch artist, suddenly finds himself face-to-face with a Celestial Dragon—and not in a good way. Lucky for him, he awakens a system that allows him to gain strength by writing in a diary. Fired up for some payback against the Celestial Dragons, Arton embarks on a journey, and not just for retribution but also to meet beautiful girls such as Nami, Robin, and Hancock—characters he's drawn a million times before. As his journey unfolds, Arton starts scratching his head, wondering why women like Uta, Vivi, and Hancock are lining up to join his crew. Nami throws him a compliment, "Thanks, Arton, you're the best." Carina playfully proposes a trade, "Nami, you keep the treasure, and I'll have Arton, okay?" And Nico Robin teases, "Arton, you're into more mature women, aren't you?" ***This is a translation*** original: https://b.faloo . com/1299406.html

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118 Chs

Chapter 28 – Carina finally becomes a maid

After being captured by the Black Cat Pirates and ultimately rescued by Arton, Carina understood that perhaps her every move was under the watchful eye of the mysterious Arton.

And if she tried to lie, Arton seemed to be able to see through it.

Given that, it might be better to agree to a time-bound work arrangement with Arton.

This way, she could repay Arton's kindness, and perhaps, also satisfy him.

As for saying something like working by Arton's side forever, Carina dared not utter such words to Arton again.

After all, working for 10 years, Carina could ensure she would fulfill the agreement.

But working for a lifetime... Carina hadn't planned on spending her entire life working for Arton.

Of course, Carina also hoped that Arton would pay her a certain remuneration for these ten years.

And the best compensation would naturally be the power of Yae Miko that Arton initially intended to give her.

"Wow, ten years, huh? That's really interesting."

Arton raised his eyebrows, looking at Carina with some surprise.

"Yes! Didn't you say earlier you wanted me to temporarily act as a maid?"

"I'm still young now, even after ten years, my youth will still be with me."

"How about it, don't you want to have a beautiful, cute, and potentially talented maid for ten years?"

Carina curved her lips upwards, intentionally throwing Arton a coquettish glance.

It must be said, Carina, just like the nickname Nami gave her,

Her coquettish glance really did carry a hint of a seductive fox.

"Interesting, then may I ask to what extent can you serve as a maid?"

"I do know, some people's maids can do anything for their master."

"Even having children is possible."

Arton reached out, gently lifting Carina's chin, and asked with interest.

"Se... Sexual things are not allowed."

"But serving you tea and water is still okay."

Carina blushed, somewhat afraid to meet Arton's eyes.

"Just that?"

"What else do you want, Captain Arton?"

"As a maid, even if not willing to get intimate, helping the master tidy up the room, preparing bathwater, and even back scrubbing should be okay, right?"

"Is it really just back scrubbing?"

"If we could go a bit further, that would of course be best."

"Ah! Let's not go any further, but if it's just to the extent of back scrubbing, then it's okay."

"Good, you're hired. I'll be counting on you for the next ten years, Carina."

Arton clapped Carina's shoulders firmly and said with a smile.

Ten years, that's already a long time.

In so much time, anything could happen.

Perhaps Carina might get used to staying by Arton's side.

Not to mention, as long as she stays by his side, Carina could end up being remembered by the Marines and the World Government during their pirate activities together.

By then, Carina might also be more reluctant to leave Arton for her own safety.

Ten years is enough.

'The template of Yae Miko can now be used on Carina.'

'It shows that this woman is serious this time.'

'Well then, let's temporarily entrust the power of Yae Miko to her.'

'This way, I also gain an extra hand.'

'Even if after ten years, she still wants to leave, by then I'll have become strong enough not to need a Yae Miko template anymore.'

'Besides, the template of Yae Miko can be reclaimed, hehe.'

Thinking this, Arton patted Carina's shoulder again.

"Carina, now that you're my maid, you should work hard for me."

"I won't say much about you running away before."

"Later, you go and direct Jango and the others to set sail for Syrup Village."

"When you're free, come and help me with my back."

After saying this, Arton intentionally raised his eyebrows at Carina.

"So, I can continue to call you Captain Arton now, right?"

"Of course."

"Then I'm relieved. However, a maid shouldn't need to do the navigator's job, right, Captain Arton?"

"What, you want a raise?"

"You really are Captain Arton, always able to guess what I'm thinking, hehe."

"But, a maid's duty is to help the master resolve any troubles, right? Navigational issues count as one of the master's troubles too."

"You truly are Captain Arton, able to say such things so naturally. It seems I'll definitely be exploited for labor in the future."

"Hehe, don't worry, I treat my own people quite generously. Here, Carina, this is my reward for your willingness to work sincerely for me."

Arton smiled, placing his hand on Carina's shoulder.

The next moment, Carina was enveloped in dazzling purple lightning.

[Ding! Host, you have chosen to implant the "Yae Miko Template (Primary Form)" into Carina, beginning implantation…]


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