
One Piece: Getting Stronger by Writing a Diary

In the world of One Piece, Arton, a sketch artist, suddenly finds himself face-to-face with a Celestial Dragon—and not in a good way. Lucky for him, he awakens a system that allows him to gain strength by writing in a diary. Fired up for some payback against the Celestial Dragons, Arton embarks on a journey, and not just for retribution but also to meet beautiful girls such as Nami, Robin, and Hancock—characters he's drawn a million times before. As his journey unfolds, Arton starts scratching his head, wondering why women like Uta, Vivi, and Hancock are lining up to join his crew. Nami throws him a compliment, "Thanks, Arton, you're the best." Carina playfully proposes a trade, "Nami, you keep the treasure, and I'll have Arton, okay?" And Nico Robin teases, "Arton, you're into more mature women, aren't you?" ***This is a translation*** original: https://b.faloo . com/1299406.html

Metarln · Anime & Comics
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122 Chs

Chapter 26 – Marrying Kaya

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"Sun Breathing: Dragon Sun Halo - Head Dance!"

With a low chant, wielding his long sword, Arton transformed into a spinning fire dragon, swiftly moving across various parts of the Black Cat Pirates' deck.

The pirates, who had initially attacked Arton following Buchi's death, were instantly engulfed by scorching flames, losing their lives in an instant.

Furthermore, after slaying the pirates who had attacked him, Arton did not stop the Sun Breathing sword form.

The figure, like a fire dragon, continued to sweep past the majority of the pirates who hadn't approached him.

In just a few seconds, only a few pirates, including Jango, remained on the deck of the Black Cat Pirates' ship.

This wasn't Arton being indiscriminate.

But after the experience of completely annihilating the Giant Tiger Pirates,

Arton felt that if he wanted to hurry on his journey, he still needed to leave a few hard workers to do the labor.

Relying solely on Carina wasn't enough.

Additionally, keeping Jango was part of Arton's plan to use him to gauge the current progress of the storyline based on his knowledge.

If Captain Kuro of Syrup Village had already contacted Jango by phone, it might indicate that the pirate storyline had entered the main plot, and the protagonist Luffy had already set sail from Windmill Village.

Of course, keeping Jango wasn't just to confirm the storyline.

Arton also planned to use Jango to let Carina know the true face of Klahadore by her side.

[Photo: " Dragon Sun Halo - Head Dance " Slaughters the Black Cats!]

[Indeed, for the current me, the pirate crews in the East Blue are still too weak.]

[These guys, originally, didn't even require me to use the Sun Breathing sword form.]

[But, to properly intimidate the remaining pirates, so they don't slack off on their work, I used "Sun Breathing: Dragon Sun Halo - Head Dance " to let them witness my power.]

[I hope this Captain Jango can understand the gravity of the situation and assist me in revealing Captain Kuro's true identity to Kaya.]

[That way, perhaps he still has a chance to successfully transition from a pirate as in the original story.]

[Otherwise, I'll have no choice but to send him and his crew to another world.]

[Speaking of which, I wonder if my earnest help will touch Kaya.]

[What if she decides to offer herself in gratitude? What should I do then?]

[After all, she and Carina are not the same; Carina is a cunning woman, not necessarily knowing how to be grateful.]

[But Kaya should be a girl who knows gratitude, right?]

"Pfft, who's going to offer themselves in gratitude?"

Kaya cursed quietly, her face turning red again.

Of course, Kaya's blushing was not only due to Arton's teasing words.

Similarly, the fact that someone was concerned about her safety also touched Kaya's heart.

[I remember Kaya is a girl who likes medicine.]

[If we're going to set sail, a ship's doctor is essential.]

[Why not try to have her become my ship's doctor?]

[Carina is a bit too cunning, though she's quite suited for the power of Yae Miko.]

[But she can't become a crewmate, nor can I entrust the power of Yae Miko to her.]

[However, Kaya, if she could become my ship's doctor, maybe I could entrust the power of Yae Miko to her.]

[The precondition is that she is capable of handling that power.]

[If she can successfully adapt to this power.]

[The bloodline and talent inherent in Yae Miko might directly cure her illness.]

'What?! He plans to give me the power of Yae Miko?!'

'And it could even directly cure my illness?'

'Is this true?!'

Originally, Kaya was lying down on the ship, but the contents of Arton's diary made her sit up straight in bed.

All along, she has been troubled by the illness that afflicts her.

All along, she has hoped to have a healthy body so she could travel the seas herself.

And now, Arton has mentioned not only plans to cure her illness with the power of Yae Miko but also the idea of taking her out to sea.

How could this not make Kaya yearn for it?

Without reason, Kaya already found herself wishing to see Arton sooner.


Aboard the Black Cat Pirates' ship, Carina stared blankly at the new content in the diary copy.

She had never anticipated, before even coming up with a way to appease Arton's anger, Arton would already have plans to bestow the power of Yae Miko upon someone else.

Although she had previously given up on the chance to obtain the Yae Miko template, seeing Arton so decisively planning to give it to someone else, Carina couldn't help but feel a sense of discomfort.

'It makes sense, after all, it's such a powerful ability.'

'Arton naturally would want to give it to someone else.'

Carina shook her head, sighing deeply in her heart.

'That's right, to appease Arton.'

'As long as I sincerely join Arton's crew and work for him for a while.'

'He would be willing to forgive me, right?'

'And, maybe he would even bestow the power of Yae Miko upon me.'

Thinking this, Carina's eyes immediately sparkled as she looked towards Arton, who was negotiating with Jango.


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