
One Piece: Gacha System

19 years old, Luke Ainsworth is a Gacha Addict who just got run over by a truck exactly after he got the limited character he wanted. He was later sent to the world of One Piece with the System. Well, to his weirdness, the world of One Piece is different from what he remembered... Massive AU -_- Remember kids don't ever do drugs unless you want Captain Buggy to throw his red nose at you.

HereAlice · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Devil Fruit User

It's been a few weeks since that accident, and Makino still thinks about the villagers' strange attitude. It's just too weird for her, Luke saved them against the pirates, yet they are mad at him for small stuff like punching a guy that deserves to be punched.

"Hmmmmmm...I wonder what Luke is doing right now. I missed him." Makino muttered why looking at the window.

After that, Luke decided to stop working under her, she is not going to blame him for that, but she certainly missed having him around. Not to mention the disgusting look he gives to the pirates when fighting them is so attractive. Imagine if he shows that look at her in the bed? Ahhh!? What is she thinking!? Luke is Ann's lover, not her.

"What are you doing, Makino?"

Makino snapped herself back from daydreaming after hearing Ann's voice. Ann is currently leaning on the door while staring at her. Ann is presently wearing a tight white shirt and pink panties.

"Ehhhh Ann!? When did you wake up?"

"Around five minutes ago, so what are you doing, and where is the breakfast?"

Due to her pregnancy Portgas D. Ann, the only daughter of Pirate King Gol D. Roger and the lover of Ainsworth Luke, is currently living with her older sister figure. She also decided not to sail to the sea until she gave birth to her child and would sail with her lover instead of going alone.

"I'm just thinking, and the breakfast is under that serving lid. I cooked some bacon and eggs for you."

"Thinking about Luke?" Ann casually asked as she pulled up the serving lid. Makino, who heard that, can't help but be flustered by it.

"W-What are you talking about!? I'm not thinking about your lover!"

"Yeah, *Munch* whatever. It pretty obvious that you are in love with him," Ann said while eating the bacon. It is evident for her to see Makino's affection for her Luke.

Talking about Luke, the man is currently traveling to get enough money for his future family member and to buy a ship. He works as a bounty hunter with a rather famous reputation comparable to 'The Pirate Hunter' Roronoa Zoro. He was known as 'The Mad Beast' Luke because he was always covered in blood when he came to the Marine Base to claim the bounty of his victim.

"Shut up, Ann! just eats the goddamn food, kay!?"

"Jeez, stop shouting in the morning. You are going to make my ears bleed."

(Gan's Bar - Lamb Island)

Luke can be seen drinking a glass of milk with a guy in a black suit sitting precisely next to him. He is drinking milk instead of beer or wine because he still can't handle it. The guy next to him is offering to join an underground criminal group, which means a mafia.

"So what do you think about joining our clan, Mister Luke?"

"I'm not interested," Luke replied without looking at the guy. Instead, he is looking at the blue screen in front of him.



[Name: Ainsworth Luke]

[Age: 19 Years Old]

[Blood Type: XF]

[Alias: Mad Beast]

[Bounty: -]

> Level 10 [0/0 EXP]

> Strength - F [70 + 50/100] = E [30/100]

> Endurance - F [50/100]

> Agility - D [96 + 10/100] = C [6/100]

> Luck - D [7/100]

> Status Points - 15

[Note: One of the Status needs to reach SS-Grade to ascend to Level 11]



He already reached [Level 10] a few days ago and currently trying to find a way to ascend to [Level 11]. Upgrading one Status to [SS-Grade] isn't impossible, but it is a challenging task for him to complete. It probably will take a few more months to get one of his Statuses to that grade.

Thankfully he is in [East Blue], considered the Weakest of all the sea. According to [System], the pirates in this region are around [Level 5-8], with a few exceptions like Arlong, who is probably around [Level 10-12].

"What are you saying, Mister Luke? If you work with us, You will make more money than now without losing anything." The man still insists on making Luke work for his boss.

"Can you scram?" Luke asked while pointing at the poor man's neck with the tip of his [Engulfing Lightning]. "If you won't, the bar will know how a Mad Beast deals with his prey," Luke muttered the last bit with a glare.

"O-Okay! I'm sorry for bothering you!" The man ran out of the bar after being threatened by Luke.

"Is that really necessary?" The bar owner asked, raising his eyebrows at Luke. Luke just smiled sheepishly at that question.

"Sorry bout that, Gan; I Didn't mean to scare off your customer."

"Haaaah...Seriously Luke? Didn't I tell you that it's had been a year since I received a Customer?"

"Well, it is your fault for serving shitty booze, and I'm hurt that you didn't count me as a customer."

Gan's Bar is famous for serving shitty quality alcohol. Literally, no one in the town goes to his bar. Luke meets this man during his bounty hunting. He saves Gan from being beheaded by a pirate, and the man replies to his kindness by giving him free food and drinks.

Gan's Bar may be known for its lousy booze, but the quality of its food is still top-tier, although not on the same level as Makino's food. The orange juice and lemon juice that Gan make are also delicious.

"Yeah, Yeah, whatever." The bar owner replied before taking Luke's empty plate to the sink.

'Hey [System].' After the man got out of his sight, Luke decided to call for the System.

[Yeah?] The System responded to Luke.

'Can you open [Storage] and take that [Zoan Fruit] for me?'

[You already decided to eat it instead of waiting for another Devil Fruit?]

'Well, to be honest, I'm tired of waiting, and I need money to buy a ship, so I can't spend freely on Devil Fruit.'

[Why don't you just sells it on the black market?]

'Too risky. Imagine if I sold it to my future enemy? It will bite me back in the ass. Better keep it or eat it instead of selling it.'


---[Devil Fruit]---

Name: Inu Inu no Mi - Model Raiju

Type: Mythical Zoan

Rarity: Legendary

---[Devil Fruit]---


Luke doesn't know what a Raiju is because despite being an anime and gacha fan, he doesn't know jack shit about Japan's Mythology and Tradition other than it being a country that produces high-quality Waifu. Stupid Weeb...

Considering the blue spiky apple-shaped Devil fruit in his hand is a [Mythical Zoan]. He hopes it is a good decision to eat it. He honestly wanted something like [Pika Pika no Mi] or [Goro Goro no Mi] because they are [Logia] and [Speed-Type] Devil Fruit, but those fruits already belonged to someone else.

"This is it - Yuck!"

During his One Piece marathon watching, he always wonders what the [Devil Fruit] actually tastes like. It tastes like shit...

Even the expired food he accidentally ate back when he was a kid is still better than this shit. He feels like he is eating dumpster juice, don't ask him how he knows what dumpster juice tastes like.

"Hey, you okay, Luke!?" Gan rushed back to him in worry.

Being a Devil Fruit user means he can't swim, right? Well, not a bad thing because he can't swim from the beginning.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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