
Chapter 84

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"Time to leave, time to leave."

Initially, after wrecking the warships, Abel had wanted to see if there were any easy pickings, only to see Doflamingo being hammered by Tsuru to the point of spitting blood!

With his Devil Fruit ability restrained, losing in physical combat, and not being on par with the opponent's Haki level, the most crucial point was the 'Birdcage.' Although it temporarily trapped Tsuru, it had also thrown him into a dangerous situation.

This place was definitely not safe to stay any longer!

Abel felt Doflamingo might cancel the 'Birdcage' at any moment and flee through the air. If he were to remain here by then, he would face a furious Tsuru, which would undoubtedly spell bad news for him.

Therefore, he picked up Baby-5, purposely went around the 'Birdcage,' and hurriedly left.

He had absolutely no intention of staying to help.

As for Doflamingo?

He could only wish him luck.

If Doflamingo doesn't make it back, Abel swore, he would definitely take good care of Baby-5, manage the Donquixote family's business well, and continue to grow it.

Of course, by then, calling it the 'Donquixote' family might be a bit inappropriate.

Abel thought the Gustavus family name sounded pretty good.

After briefly daydreaming, Abel bypassed the Navy's frontline battlefield, and finally saw Diamante and the others again in the rear.

At this moment, they were relying on the family's base building for their counterattack.

Pica, whose voice usually elicited laughter, was now in an invincible posture, fighting against hundreds of opponents.

The Stone-Stone Fruit gave him the ability to assimilate any rock he touched!

That meant the entire family's stone base had become his aid, transforming into his body, his arms, and legs.

The more rocks he assimilated, the stronger his attack power became.

And because his real body was always hidden within the stones, even if the rocks he controlled were destroyed, it would not cause Pica any harm. One must find and attack his real body for the attacks to be effective.

However, finding a person within such a massive rock was not an easy task.

Moreover, Diamante and the others around were not weaklings either. How could they possibly stand by and watch as all the Navy soldiers targeted Pica alone!

Consequently, the Navy's offensive was directly blocked here.

Abel didn't rush to join up with his crew immediately. Instead, he hid nearby to observe the situation. He discovered that among the attacking Navy forces, there were several powerful individuals.

Two women in sunglasses stood out in particular.

One was tall and fat, sporting a head of fluffy green hair and a cigarette hanging from her mouth. She wore a beige top and a crossed weapons belt, with a pink bow tie at her collar.

The other was blonde with short hair, dressed in a light purple shirt, a deep purple tie, and armed with a long sword.

The former was proficient in Armament Haki and hand-to-hand combat, holding a gun in her left hand and throwing powerful punches with her right - truly a force to be reckoned with.

The latter excelled in Observation Haki, being agile and possessing exceptional sword skills.

They respectively squared off against Lao G and Diamante, neither able to gain a significant advantage. The battle was extremely intense.

Apart from them, there was a black-haired woman in blue,

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