
One Piece: From Flevance to the King of the World!

You have a new wish order: [Gourmet hunter Alu wants to taste delicious ingredients that he has never eaten before, and the reward is a gourmet cell.] [Illya wants to summon the strongest servant to win this Holy Grail War, and the reward is the Little Holy Grail.] [Valkyrie Brunhilde is looking for the strongest human being. What is the reward in order to defeat the gods ? ? ?] Gustavus Abel has responded to prayers from countless worlds countless times. Although he is a mortal, he is like a god. One day, when he suddenly looked back, he realized that he had already stood on top of the world. And everything in the story has to be told from the perspective of the boy who escaped from the white town that day. This is a translated novel. But you will find that the quality is somewhat higher because I have the luxury of using GPT-4 (and some human editing here and there) Original novel: https://m.bqg124.com/read/136168/

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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331 Chs

Chapter 57

Early chapters here and unreleased novels here: pa.treon.com/FFAddict

Check out my other fanfiction:

One Piece: I Will Wipe Out The Tenryubito!

"As long as we can gain favor and trust from that influential person, no matter what we lose, we can regain it!"

"So what are you suggesting?"

"No matter who the other party is, or what their intentions are for doing all this, we must display a forgiving attitude. Money, women, power; anything they want and we have, we can give."

People exchanged glances, their expressions not very pleasant.

Although this did seem like a solution.

However, they were all used to being haughty in their daily lives, their behavior aligning with that of the Celestial Dragons, at least in their rumors and imaginations.

Now, they were expected to back down and take such a humble posture, which was a bit hard for them to accept at first.

Just then, a tumultuous outcry arose from outside.

"What's happening?"

The head of the Colin family, Colin Gabriel, immediately gestured for his servants to investigate.

Before the door even fully opened, someone stumbled in, crying in a panicked voice, "Someone has attacked us! Captain Check was killed with a single stroke. That person is a devil."

Colin Gabriel's face darkened at once, as Check was in charge of the family's territorial security, one of the strongest under his command.

What did he just hear?

Killed with a single stroke?!

This must be some joke!

Hence, he immediately raised a hand and addressed the room, "I, on behalf of the Colin family, agree to the proposal just made."

There was no choice but to agree when someone was literally attacking their home.

Seeing him take a stand, the others followed suit.

"On behalf of the Loya family, I agree!"

"The Victor family agrees too."

"Excellent. Since we all agree, let's go out and end this farce."

. . . . . .

"Captain? So this guy is the strongest here?"

Abel looked at the so-called captain who was sliced into pieces by his Asura Aurora Slash, unsure of what kind of reaction to have.

But in reality, this was quite typical in the North Sea.

Because any capable individuals would have set out to sea for adventure, how many would stay in such a small country, serving these nobles like dogs?

The encounter with the supposed CP agent was merely unfortunate.

The surrounding guards swallowed nervously, holding their weapons but not daring to take a step forward, genuinely terrified by the killings.

Haven't they just seen their strongest, Captain Check, being cut down with one strike?

The undiminished sword aura had even pierced through nearby buildings.

Facing such a fearsome enemy, would they dare use their heads to block?

Fortunately, a familiar voice came from behind them at this moment.

"May I ask who you are, sir? Did our Colin family offend you in any way?"

Upon seeing that the visitor was a young man, Colin Gabriel was indeed taken aback for a moment, but quickly set aside any contempt in his heart, not showing any disrespect in his speech.

A youth capable of killing his guard captain with a single stroke, how could he be an ordinary person?

If the other party had no backing power, he really wanted to use everything the family had to win him over!

But the next sentence from the youth thoroughly dashed these unrealistic thoughts.

"Did you think hiding would help after offending the Donquixote family?"

"That pathetic king has already gone down to wait for you, and I'm here to send you off."

"Don't worry, my sword is fast, you'll barely feel a thing."

So it was indeed the Donquixote family!

Case solved.

But no one was in a celebratory mood.

Because it sounded like the youth intended to wipe them out completely!

Wasn't it just about selling them weapons?


Buy as much as they wanted, wasn't that enough?!

"Donquixote family. Good, I'll remember this grudge!"

While Colin Gabriel was seething with hatred inside, he had to force a smile on his face, "Actually, this is all a misunderstanding. We families have just decided to purchase a large number of weapons from you."

"Of course, as an apology, you can propose any conditions, and we've also prepared a small gift."

Colin Gabriel signaled to his subordinates. Although the attractive women might not come in handy now, money should be something everyone likes, right?

Soon, a suitcase full of Berries was placed in front of Abel.

"Here are five million Berries, hoping you could put in a good word for us later."

Upon seeing this, Abel couldn't help but give them a half-smiling, half-skeptical look, "You want to dismiss me with just five million Berries? Do you think I'm easy to fool because of my age, or do you think my words just now were merely threats?"

Colin Gabriel's face changed, and he immediately reprimanded his subordinates, "Why did you bring only one suitcase? Do you have a death wish? Go get another!"

Getting another suitcase meant another five million Berries, trying to bribe Abel with a total of ten million Berries.

This price wasn't exactly low.

After all, the 'Great Pirates' active in the North Sea only had bounties of tens of millions of Berries.

But in Abel's view, it was still too stingy.

"I'm about to wipe you all out, yet you aren't even willing to put forward all your wealth to save your lives. Who are you looking down upon?"

With that, Abel flexed his wrist, brandishing his short sword and grinning innocuously. "Fine, I'll just take it myself, after sending you all straight to hell."

At these words, every noble present displayed an expression of abject horror.

Colin Gabriel frantically shouted, "Don't do it! We'll agree to whatever you want!"

"Too late. Bargain with the King of Hell for your lives."

Asura Aurora Slash!

Abel violently swung his short sword, and a brilliant, multicolored sword aura quickly passed through everyone present.

Those aristocrats who, until their last breath, couldn't believe he would dare to strike, collapsed in chunks, cut to pieces by Abel.

"The Gabriel family is finished!"

"All three great families are finished, this country is going to experience a huge upheaval!"

Witnessing the dead bodies strewn on the ground, including the current heads of the three great families, the remaining guards trembled, their legs shaking uncontrollably.

"I told you, my sword is fast, you should consider yourselves lucky."

As Abel spoke, he casually gestured with his short sword, immediately causing the surrounding guards to turn and flee in terror.

"This could be a bit of a headache. Well, I'll kill as many as I can, after all, they're all despicable trash."

So Abel stormed into the mansion, meeting little meaningful resistance. Instead, he came across many trying to run off with various items.

After all, when the tree falls, the monkeys scatter. Any clear-eyed person could see the end of the three great families. If they didn't grab something and run now, then when would they?

As for these people, Abel naturally showed no mercy, slaughtering each one he encountered.

A joke, daring to steal from him?

They were courting death!

Those who fled soon realized that as long as they didn't touch any valuable items in the mansion, they had a chance of escaping.

However, those who wished to use the escape as an opportunity to secure their wealth for the rest of their lives were all caught and killed by the grim reaper.

Everyone understood then.

No one dared to gamble their lives for wealth against the odds of escaping the swinging scythe of death.

Abel simply turned a blind eye and let some people go. After all, he alone could not stop everyone.

As for whether those who escaped could survive, that would depend on their luck.

Because the "Bombing Squad" was on standby in the sky, tasked with taking care of any fish that slipped through his net!

"Hm? Why aren't you running?"

Abel, after casually dispatching two men who had tried to sneak attack him, approached a woman dressed in opulent attire.

He held no principle of sparing women.

Today, all these damned nobles were destined to die!

Root out the grass without eliminating the root?

Unless he had lost his mind!

"Why should I run?"

The beautiful woman stood in place, returning his question with a puzzled tone.

Abel, uninterested in further chatter, raised his short sword, preparing to dispatch her.

Yet, oddly, this woman, with her striking golden hair, showed not a hint of fear, but rather a sense of relief and liberation.

So, at the last moment, Abel halted his attack, "You're not of the Gabriel family?"

The woman opened her eyes, answering calmly, "I'm merely a beautiful puppet they purchased. They dressed me in fine clothes, didn't force me to sully myself like other slaves, just so that their acts of degradation could feel more immersive."

Abel quirked an eyebrow, "A slave? What were you before becoming a slave?"

"A queen of a kingdom that no longer exists."

"A queen?"

"Is it strange for me to be a queen?"

"I see. These aristocratic bastards sure know how to keep their pastimes interesting, resorting to such ways to find their thrills."

Abel clicked his tongue, then asked, "From your earlier reaction, you seem to desire death?"

"I can't find a reason to live, perhaps death is better. At least I've seen these bastards receive their deserved retribution!"

"That's your freedom. If you really need my assistance, I can certainly provide it. But before you die, I want to know how many more slaves are here, and where they are?"

The woman, hearing his words, looked at him with a complicated expression, then said, "I'm not sure about the exact number, but I know where they are kept. I can take you there. My name is Ivette, Crowley Ivette."

"While I hold no interest in the name of a 'dead person', you can call me Abel, considering you'll be of help in what's to come."

"Oh, one more thing. Just a heads up. Although my mission is to kill these nobles, free the slaves, and escort them away, don't ever mistake me for a good person or try to bind me with moral constraints. That would put me in a bad mood."

"I can be quite temperamental, and once I'm in a bad mood, I can only guarantee to send away your corpses."

"Believe me, I am a thousand times more terrifying when I'm in a bad mood than those aristocratic bastards you've seen."

Seeing the woman genuinely terrified, her face turning pale, Abel gave a satisfied nod and motioned for her to lead the way quickly.

Underneath the grand estate of the Colin family, a massive dungeon had been constructed, a prison for the slaves they had purchased. This included those recently gathered for a certain high-profile individual, all kept within the dungeons of these three noble families.

Of course, a large portion of the funds used to buy these slaves was squeezed from the public, even the added amount was derived from the commoners' exploitation. Those who couldn't afford taxes inevitably fell into slavery, and their offspring were slaves generation after generation.

And the economic value generated by these slaves over the decades of their lives naturally all went into the pockets of these nobles. It was such a distorted system that created these corpulent, parasitic noblemen who could only suck blood from the populace.

Abel, who had chosen to join the Donquixote family, had no grounds to critique, nor did he possess the interest to do so. If not for Pica's sympathy for the weak, Abel would probably be lying comfortably on a soft bed, having sweet dreams by now.

"Who goes there?"

Perhaps due to excellent sound insulation, the guards stationed in the dungeon remained oblivious to the chaos above. To these barking curs, Abel showed no mercy, unsheathing his shortsword and plunging into the crowd. In a short while, all of them were dispatched below.

He couldn't allow these noble lords to be without dogs when they reached the underworld. Alas, he was just so understanding.

After eliminating the guards, Abel found a bunch of keys on one of the bodies, which he tossed to the woman behind him.

"You release them, and ensure they behave. Once I've dealt with the remaining nobles, arrangements will be made to get them on a ship and out of here."

"Why me?" Ivette Crowley seemed taken aback.

"Don't you need a reason to live? These folks, sharing the same or even worse experiences, probably need a leader who's not too dim-witted?"

"Since you were once a queen, I assume you know exactly what to do to avoid ruining my mood."

"Or you could tell me the truth," Abel suggested. "For example, that it was a supremely foolish king who led his own kingdom to ruin."

Ivette bristled instantly. "I'm not a fool! You'll see soon enough just how much a charismatic leader is respected and loved!"

"We'll see."

With that, Abel motioned her forward and handed over the stage. He turned and left, uninterested in delivering liberation speeches or babysitting a crowd. Given the choice, wouldn't he rather be collecting bodies and looting treasure? And besides, there were two other noble houses eagerly awaiting his visit for debt collection.

At this point, Abel was unaware that he had already slaughtered the patriarchs of the other two noble families. As for whether Ivette could handle the situation, or if she would run into trouble – that was none of his concern. It was best if she could control the slaves and keep things calm. But if she couldn't, well, he had his own ways of maintaining order. To kill the chicken to scare the monkey – a timeless strategy no matter where it was applied.

The best way to make someone behave was to make them understand that you were more terrifying than the worst thing they could remember! With that in mind, Abel's ensuing actions undoubtedly proceeded more smoothly than before. At each location, he would storm in and cause havoc, while the 'bomber combo' provided fire support and took care of any stragglers.

Honestly, Abel couldn't fathom the thought processes of these nobles. Each time they encountered him, they'd begin with a round of scorn. When their prideful guards were slaughtered, their faces would change, resorting to all sorts of temptations, their speeches strikingly similar.

What amused Abel the most was when they complained about the offered amount of money while he directly took them down. The expressions of disbelief on the nobles' faces were priceless! As if they were saying, 'You can make any demand! How could you actually kill me?!' The bizarre self-confidence that stated, 'I'm offering you a chance to make your demands, you definitely won't strike,' was strikingly identical.

Unfortunately for them, they had met a tough nut to crack this time.

After clearing out the three most notorious noble houses, Abel had collected a significant number of bodies. Despite plenty of time left, he figured it was sufficient. Unless he went on another large-scale slaughter spree, a significant quantitative leap was virtually impossible.

Thus, Abel promptly submitted his order.

"Order confirmed. Initiate transfer."

"Basic prayer order completed. Client gives four-star rating (Unexpectedly Pleasing)!"

"Review: Sufficient in quantity to last for a while, and among them, two bodies stand out – their quality is significantly higher, would be better if there were more."

"A four-star rating awards an additional 50% basic trading points. No other rewards remain."

"Due to client satisfaction, you receive an additional reward – Special Weapon Material: Kakuhou of an SSS-ranked Ghoul (Orange)."

"Only a four-star rating?"

While Abel was slightly disappointed, he quickly let it go. According to the review, to achieve a five-star rating, he would need to focus on 'quality' as well as quantity. The two superior-quality bodies, he guessed, were likely the duo in black suits.

In the world of One Piece, the potential for human growth exceeded imagination! Thus, the bodies of those who have undergone special training to become stronger are definitely of higher quality than ordinary bodies. However, he couldn't find more of such on this island.

Fortunately, he still managed to receive a four-star rating, and for the first time, he saw a material of orange quality!

"Kakuhou of an SSS-ranked Ghoul" (Orange)

Special Weapon Material

Description: A unique organ removed from an SSS-ranked Ghoul.

Effect: Can be used to craft weapons.

PS: Artisans below 'master' level, don't waste your time!

"So, who should I give this to for weapon crafting?"

Abel was at a loss. There was no relevant technology in this world, and even the famed craftsmen probably had never seen such an unusual weapon material. Unless he used the "Order Publishing Experience Card" to take a chance.

But now he couldn't offer any matching rewards, and likely no one would accept his prayer order.

"Forget it, let's keep it for now, it might come in handy in the future," Abel decided, concluding that there was no hurry to use it. Even if he did manage to craft it into a weapon, he probably couldn't exploit its full potential with his current strength.