
One Piece: From Flevance to the King of the World!

You have a new wish order: [Gourmet hunter Alu wants to taste delicious ingredients that he has never eaten before, and the reward is a gourmet cell.] [Illya wants to summon the strongest servant to win this Holy Grail War, and the reward is the Little Holy Grail.] [Valkyrie Brunhilde is looking for the strongest human being. What is the reward in order to defeat the gods ? ? ?] Gustavus Abel has responded to prayers from countless worlds countless times. Although he is a mortal, he is like a god. One day, when he suddenly looked back, he realized that he had already stood on top of the world. And everything in the story has to be told from the perspective of the boy who escaped from the white town that day. This is a translated novel. But you will find that the quality is somewhat higher because I have the luxury of using GPT-4 (and some human editing here and there) Original novel: https://m.bqg124.com/read/136168/

FFAddict · Anime & Comics
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351 Chs

Chapter 243

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Watching the crowd of pirates rushing towards him, Abel couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"It was supposed to be just a simple visit to an auction. Why does it have to turn into such a mess?"

Abel grabbed the young girl's hand, and Baby-5, who was in sync with his thoughts, immediately transformed into a demonic weapon—scythe form.

Swoosh swoosh swoosh!

Abel swung the demonic scythe with extreme speed and then, as if the scene was frozen, the dozen or so pirates approaching him were dismembered, their pieces falling to the ground.

The thick scent of blood immediately spread through the air.

"I heard you also go by the title 'Witch'?"

Abel pointed the demonic scythe at his opponent. "How coincidental, this scythe of mine specializes in hunting witches!"

Catarina Devon drew her favorite sadistic weapon, a whip, "Such a beautiful face, it would be a shame if it got scratched. Even though you're not a woman, I might make an exception and add you to my collection."

With that, she swung her whip, cracking it loudly!

This was Abel's first time fighting an enemy with a whip, and he was somewhat uncomfortable, but it wasn't a big problem.

After all, battling women was something he excelled at!

The talent [Heart of a Ghostly Demon] activated!

His increased speed and strength allowed him to forcefully grab the opponent's whip, and with a strong yank, he pulled.

Catarina Devon, pulled forward all of a sudden, showed a look of surprise, clearly not expecting his strength to be so formidable.

Just as she was about to be split open by Abel's demonic scythe, Catarina Devon had no choice but to release her whip and then draw a beautifully crafted rapier from her waist!

She then turned into a blur of afterimages and wove a dense, impenetrable net of swordplay, aiming it for Abel's head.

She also exhaled a cloud of pink mist!

Abel hadn't expected his opponent to have such a trick up her sleeve, and in a moment of carelessness, he inhaled some of it.

He immediately felt a burning heat throughout his body, and his eyes were filled with desire.

"Ha ha ha, this is the seductive poison of the Nine-Tailed Fox, how about we retreat to a room and revel together?"

"Looking at your face makes me want to vomit!"

Abel, while swinging his demonic scythe to counter the attacks, spoke with a hint of disgust.

"Death wish!"

Catarina Devon was most sensitive about her appearance; anyone who dared to call her ugly in her presence was typically tortured to death by her.

Young and beautiful women who appeared before her eyes also almost always succumbed to her cruel intentions.

This was undoubtedly a sign of a psychological complex stemming from insecurity!

Now, Abel deliberately touched on her sore spot, successfully enraging her.

But Abel didn't care at all. Although the poison was powerful, it was not fatal.

In just a moment, he had already analyzed the toxins within his body and had created the antibodies!

"Such is the seductive poison of the Nine-Tailed Fox, nothing more."


Catarina Devon had initially thought he was just putting on a brave face, but when she saw the rosy color fade from his face and his eyes return to complete clarity, she became unsettled.

Her Nine-Tailed Fox seductive poison was an invincible weapon that nobody could resist!

Every person struck by it would fall under the control of primal desires, eventually turning into a beast driven only by the urge to vent.

Even the most virtuous of women couldn't withstand it.

With this toxin, she had caused countless tragedies and disasters.

Yet today, it unexpectedly failed!

Frustrated, Catarina Devon let out a scream and entered her hybrid human-beast form. Not only had his stature increased again, but his entire head had transformed into that of a fox, trailing behind him were nine fiery red tails!

As soon as these tails appeared, they flexibly lashed out toward Abel.

Due to their overwhelming number, even with Observation Haki, it was difficult to dodge them all, resulting in Abel taking several hits.

Fortunately, his Armament Haki protection meant that he wasn't seriously injured.

"Baby-5, Soul Resonance!"

"Got it!"

Abel had no intention of dragging out the fight, seizing his chance to create some distance. Then the scythe in his hand began to unleash its true form.

Now holding a massive, exaggerated invisible axe scythe, he truly felt as though he could conquer both gods and Buddhas!

Thus, he stepped forward, dragging the axe scythe at his waist, and swung it with all his might.

Hunting Witch!


The frame froze as Caterina Devon, shielding herself with her fluffy beast paws crossed in front of her, also fortified with Armament Haki.

But in the next second, a line of blood appeared.

Her upper body, along with both arms, cleanly fell to the ground.

Caterina Devon's face still bore an expression of astonishment, as if she had not anticipated the attack to be so ferocious and sharp.


Abel let out a breath.

This woman had put a lot of pressure on him, but after having recently faced the Curse King, he did not tell a lie.

With the lethality of the Hunting Witch maneuver, even female foes who were a couple of levels stronger than him had no choice but to admit defeat!

Not to mention, a scythe is also a blade!

Thus, the killing power was even greater when he wielded his magic scythe.

"How strange, this person has no soul?"

Baby-5, now back in her human form, uttered a sentence that made Abel freeze.

He quickly tossed the girl away at the greatest speed.

The next moment, a huge fox head emerged abruptly and bit down on him fiercely.

The rumor was true after all!

The nine-tailed fox really had nine lives!

Its sharp fangs pierced through Abel's Armament Haki, intending to sever him in half.

But it had failed to notice that the blood flowing from the wound had entered its body through its mouth.


Abel forcefully punched the giant fox head in the nose, causing it to tear up, but his punch also provoked Caterina Devon's fierceness.

Upon seeing this, Baby-5 transformed her foot into a gun muzzle and began to fire ceaselessly at the fox's head.

Unfortunately, her attack power in her standard weapons form was insufficient, not even amounting to a nuisance.

"You're as good as dead, I'll bite you in half!"

"Let's see who dies first!"

Abel, unable to feel pain, kept hammering punches onto the fox's head without any hesitation.

Suddenly, at some moment, the fox's head started to bleed from its nostrils, and the strength of its bite on Abel weakened rapidly.

Abel knew then that the poison in his blood was taking effect.

"Why does my body hurt so much? What have you done to me?"

The pain was unbearable for Caterina Devon, who immediately let out a wail.

Abel took this opportunity to pull himself free from her teeth and leaped out, his body sporting several bleeding wounds, presenting a ghastly sight.

"How do you like the taste of my blood? It seems that the poison contained within it is something not even Zoan-type users can resist."