
One Piece : Villain Ace

A Gangster became Portgas D Ace when Ace first started his journey. With a crew full of villians, and the powers of Mera Mera No Mi taken to it's limit, this evil Ace will achieve his potential as the child of pirate king Gol D Roger.

ImagineMaker · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Ace was feeling a large amount of heat within his body, he assumed these were his new fire powers.


Ace cracked his knuckles and grinned at the group of birds, now that he had superpowers, it was time to put his foot down. These prehistoric beasts needed to know who was boss.

"Thanks for you help guys, now here's the idea. I am your new boss! You heard that right, I am the new leader."

"Fight me if you want weaklings, I will make barbecue out of you."

Ace burst into flames and eagerly looked around him, the birds were shocked and started whispering, soon a big bird hopped out of the crowd. 


The bird pointed towards Ace then pointed towards himself, making a cut throat gesture.

That was the leader bird, accepting Ace's challenge.

"Oh, you are approaching me, instead of running away you are coming closer."

Ace laughed and took his stance, he looked the leader bird in the eye, the remaining birds ran away, leaving a circle for them to fight in.

The atmosphere was tense, but Ace's stomach suddenly growled and his fire died down.

'I am so hungry..'

Ace looked like he ate a lemon, he was regretting this. He was starving, this was not the best time to challenge the birds.

"Take this, hot hug attack!"

Ace gritted his teeth and jumped anyway, he had no idea how to use his powers, he randomly yelled and jumped on top of the bird, hoping it would work.


Ace did the only thing he knew, he used the default logia ability, the ability to become an element, Ace turned his body into fire.



The leader bird screamed and tried to shake Ace away, he was pecking Ace with his beak, trying to get him off. 

But his beak passed through Ace's body again and again, Ace was fire, nothing could physically hurt him.

"Caw Caw Caw!"

The leader bird quickly hit the ground three times, it was tapping out of the fight. How was he supposed to fight fire? This was unfair.

"You give up so soon? Hahahaha, That's right I am your leader suckers! Ahahaha I am so strong."

"Shit I am starving."

Ace almost fell from hunger, but he kept laughing loudly. He recreated his gangster group with a group of birds.

No, it's better to call it a pirate group, that's the theme of this world.

"Bring me something to eat! Fruits, animals, fish, whatever you can find."

"Bring them to your glorious leader."

Ace ordered while lying face first on the sand, the birds looked at each other and flew away. 

They were going to collect food for their new leader. He was weird but pretty strong.


Not even a minute passed and a bird returned, he had a fish six times larger than Ace.

"That's what I am talking about, not sure if I can eat all that though."

Ace smiled and got up from the ground, holding the large fish Ace started chanting. 

"Burn, burn, burn."

Ace was trying to make some cooking fire, fire powers were good but difficult to control. 

Fire was destructive by nature, making it a gentle cooking flame was hard.


But Ace managed to do it, a controlled fire spread around the fish, cooking it evenly.

"Lets burn this part, lets cook this one."

Ace felt like a world class chef, the more he cooked, the more his control increased.

"Devil fruits are so easy to use, it's power depends entirely on my imagination."

Ace understood the core nature of devil fruit abilities, this was why many people had weird abilities, it's all based on imagination. 

Using this logic, the first thing he wanted to do was create something which allowed him to gang up on people, his gang leader instincts were tingling.

"I wonder if I can I make puppets from fire? Kizaru could create copies of himself using light abilities, that's basically a kind of puppet."

Ace thought while eating the fish. He swallowed the food and created a fireball.

"Become like me, the fireball looks like me."

Ace imagined the fireball turning into himself, he wanted it to happen. He willed to happen. 


Almost immediately the fireball become larger, it bent and twisted until another Ace was standing before Ace.

"Holy shit it worked, imagination was the key factor here. Now that I think about it, Mr 3 also had wax clone technique, and Prince grus made artificial humans from mud. This is sick, oh I am gonna have so much fun with this."

Ace grinned at his lookalike, he was wondering what kind of technique this was.

Prince grus was using this power to make living humans from mud, Kizaru made duplicates of himself, and Mr 3 makes clone puppets.

Three separate people used the clone technique in three separate ways.

"What kind of creature are you, fire human?"

Ace asked but the fire clone did not respond. Ace didn't mind, he tried giving a command. 

"Use my fighting moves."

The clone who was standing like statue, immediately began moving. It started punching and kicking the air, practicing Ace's fighting techniques.

"So you are more like robot, you remind me of Cracker's biscuit soldiers, now that I think about it."

Looking at his clone, Ace remembered another guy who used this type of clone, Charlotte Cracker. One of big mom's sweet commanders.

Ace's clone was a lot like his.

"With this guy around, I don't have to worry cannon fodder."

Ace laughed happily, he ate fish and drank some coconut water that his birds collected.

"You guys, don't just stand there. We have a lot of food, let's party everyone!"

Ace announced a party and the birds cheered, he and his group of birds started having fun. Dancing, singing, drinking, Ace was messing around with birds all night long.

This was how his first night in the pirate world ended. Ace got up with a massive headache the next day. 

"Ugh dammit, who told me fish blood is a good substitute for alcohol."

Not only Ace, even the birds were dizzy, the party was too hard-core for them.

"Aagh shit, someone bring me water."

Ace shook his head and got up, it took a while for his headache to stop. It was almost noon by the time everyone was upto their feet.

"Our pirate group should be called Spade Pirates, what do you think?"

Ace was sitting on a big rock, the birds were standing below him, making noisy suggestions.

"What? You want to name our pirate group 'birds of a feather stick together'? What kinda nonsense name is that?"

"And where did you even hear this, you some kinda scholar? Is your nest back in Ohara?"

Ace scolded the bird and huffed, he had decided to go with spade pirates after all.

"Whatever, it's final, we are the spade pirates, It suits my name, Ace of spades."

Ace made the final decision and the birds just had to accept it, Ace smiled and nodded. 

Pointing east, Ace exclaimed. 

"Let's go then! let's get out of this island and search for a crew."

"We don't need any holy mothers, we want villains in our crew. We are going full blackbeard everyone."

"Set sail, carry me to the new world!"