
One Piece: Finally Free

This is a story about a boy that witnessed his little brother being killed by his abusive and drug-addicted parents. After immediately taking his revenge and ending up dying while crying and hugging his little brother, he gets transmigrated into the one-piece world with a 5-year-old body. What will he do after finding out that he transmigrated here alone in a dangerous world full of monsters? Will he give up on life or continue living and finally be free. There will be no system or cheats. He will have knowledge about the One Piece world and use that to his advantage. He will have to train like any other person and he won’t get some manual that explains Haki to him. There also won’t be a harem. He is the same age as Ace and Sabo so he transmigrated 15 years before the start of the storyline. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). -I don't own the cover. If you own it message me and I'll take it down.

TheEnlightenedSage · Anime & Comics
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205 Chs

Chapter 40

[This chapter is just a lot of information about the new ship and a flashback.]

In front of us is a massive black ship. I took my inspiration for this design from the Black Pearl because I always found it a cool ship.

The Black Pearl is 50 meters (165 feet) in length, but this ship is two times as long. It's 100 meters (330 feet) tall and 30 meters wide. I don't remember how many cannons the Black Pearl had, but ours has 81. 32 at each side, ten at the back, and one massive one at the front with three smaller ones at each side. But the one on the front is covered up by my Jolly Roger.

(An: The ship is more than two times as big as the Thousand Sunny. The Thousand Sunny is 42.5 meters (140 feet) tall, and Ken's ship is 100 meters (330 feet) tall.)

My Jolly Roger is a skull with two Katana's sticking diagonally in its head from above. The Katana's have a blue hilt and a white blade. The eyes of the skull are blue. When we want to use the cannon on the front, the skull opens its mouth, and the cannon appears from inside of it.

I jumped onto the ship.

'I'm impressed. They've really outdone themselves.'

All the sails had my Jolly Roger on it, and the ship was full of blue accents.

Everyone came onto the ship.

"Wow captain, is this really our ship!?" asked Robert with stars in his eyes

"This is the one and only Pirate's Whore!"


Mikita slapped me on my head.

"What is that for a name! Choose something more decent!"

"Hahaha, I was just joking."

"How about the Sea's Whore?" asked Deuce

"Deuce!" Zala slapped him on his head

"You men are all the same." said Robin

"Who vote's for Ken's name?" asked Sabo

Everyone put their hands up except for the girls.

"It seems like my name wins."

The girls glared at us.

"There is no way that we'll allow that!" screamed Zala

"Alright, fine. Then you'll be the whore."

Her hands suddenly turned into spikes.

"It seems like the Captain has a death wish."

"Euhm, I'm going to keep exploring the ship. Bye."


I disappeared and appeared inside the ship and started looking through it.

The ship has a separate bedroom for all of us plus a couple of extra rooms for future crewmates. And of course, mine is the biggest. And of course, there are a lot of bathrooms.

There is a huge kitchen and dining area. There is a big lounge room where we can chill together. There's also a storage room where we can keep all of our food.

There's a doctor's office for Deuce, a library for Robin, and a training room with reinforced walls, floor, and ceiling for everyone. There is a workshop where Laffitte can work his magic. We also have an extra workshop for our future Shipwright.

There's also a pretty big Crow's Nest where the future Lookout can stay comfortably and report whatever they see.

I walked into the bridge, where the future Helmsman will take control of the ship and steer it in the right direction with the help of our Navigator. There is just a normal weel to control the ship, but it's decorated with blue accents. The Helmsman will have a clear view out of the bridge.

Next, I went to the gun deck. This is where all the canons are. It's right under the main deck. There were rows of cannons with a lot of cannonballs at each cannon.

'I should use these cannons more. It's pretty fun to use these things. And when I get a good Sniper, they will transform these cannons in deadly weapons.'

I walked to the front and looked at the massive cannon.

'I could easily fit in here and look at those massive cannonballs. But it would have been cooler if we could have gotten the same cannon as the Strawhats. But we will be able to get a much better cannon in the future.'

[Flashback to Alabasta]

The day after the three girls joined my crew, I took Robin to The Tomb of the Kings, where the Poneglyph of Alabasta is. I activated the secret entrance, and after we entered, we saw a blue Poneglyph.

After she saw it, she had a surprised look on her face.

"This must be the Poneglyph that Crocodile was searching for, and if I remember correctly, the reason why you got such a high bounty when you were a kid was because you are the last person that is able to read these things. So how about you tell me what is written on it."

She nodded and started reading it.

"It has a little bit of information on the Void Century."

"Oh, really? Then can you tell me what it says?"

"It says that there..."

She started telling a really convincing story.

"Alright, stop lying and tell me the truth."

"What do you mean?"

She didn't look scared or nervous; she just looked confused.

"I'm really sensitive to lies. I can easily tell that you're lying. So just tell me what is really written on there."

"I can't."

"So it's about that weapon, Pluton."

She had a surprised look on her face.

"That look on your face confirms it. Don't look too surprised. I know everything about Crocodile and his plans. I know that you don't want to unleash this weapon onto this world, but why don't you look at it with another point of view. The World Government doesn't want anyone to read these Poneglyphs, why do you think that is?"

"Because they have a big secret that they want no one to know."

"Exactly. And your dream is to unravel the secret of the Void Century, right?"

She nodded.

"So, after you know what happened, what will you do?"

"I will tell everyone about it."

"And then what?"

"What do you mean? The people will take them down if they have done something wrong."

"And how will the people do that?"

"Do you really think that if everyone in this world goes against the World Government that the people would lose?"

"The World Government had 800 years to prepare for whatever could happen. Do you really think that they won't have one of the three weapons in their possession? And they could potentially have something even stronger in their arsenal."

"Are you trying to say that you want to get Pluton to fight the World Government."

I smiled.

"You're a sharp one. I've told this to no one, but the only way for me to realize my dreams is to eliminate the World Government."

"Are you being serious! Do you know who you're up against!"

"You want to destroy them too, don't you. To pay back the people who have made your life hell. The same people who killed everyone you cared about. Who made you fear for your life every day since you were a kid."

I held out my hand.

"If you want to make that happen, help me with all your power. You might be the only one who could threaten the existence of the World Government. With your knowledge and my strength, we will be able to take down the World Government. So please, Nico Robin, join me and let's rid this world of the evil that is holding it captive."

Tears started falling from her eyes.

She smiled and grabbed my hand.

"You can count on me, captain."

I smiled at her.

"Thank you."

(An: He isn't using her weakness to get his hand on a powerful weapon. He is being serious about only being able to achieve his dreams by destroying the world government.)

I grabbed my notebook and pen.

"Alright, spill the beans."

She started telling me about the location of Pluton and about how to use it.

[Flashback end]

I'm standing in front of the huge cannon with a smile on my face.

'A weapon that could destroy islands. If I managed to get those blueprints and turn this ship into Pluton, I wouldn't need to fear a Buster Call because even an Admiral will not have a high chance to survive. But it isn't a convenient weapon to take care of one person. It's a weapon of mass destruction, so I shouldn't expect it to be convenient.'

I went down the stairs and arrived at our main storage room.

'It's pretty empty right now, just some extra cannons for when the others get destroyed and extra cannonballs. But to much stuff will just slow down the ship. But I guess I didn't care about speed when I told them to make it this big. The reason why the Supernova's ships are "small" is because they need to have the speed to run away from danger. But I don't care about that, especially since I've created this new technique while I was training this last month.'

I went back to the upper deck, where everyone was.

Zala glared at me.

"Are you still mad? I was just joking."

"Hmpf, you better watch your mouth next time."

"Alright, beauty."

She blushed.

"Complementing me isn't going to make me think better of you."

"Yeah, yeah, I understand."

"Captain, I have the receipt."

He gave me a paper with a lot of numbers.

"600 million for the Adam Wood! Shouldn't it have been 200 million or something like that!?"

"They also used Adam Wood on the Giants ship." said Laffitte

I was about to faint. I held onto Ace to keep standing.

"Who the hell told you to do that!"

"I'm really sorry, Captain, but I thought that you wanted it for both ships. I will accept any punishment that you have for me."

He went on his knees.

"What are you doing! Do you want to suck my dick or something? Stand up."

He quickly stood back up.

"That wasn't what I wanted to do."


I let go of Ace and stood back on my feet.

"It's fine. The Giants having a strong ship will be beneficial to us."

I kept reading the receipt.

100 million for both the ships' total labor cost, which takes the total to 700 million berries. We had 803 million berries in the bank, but now we only have 103 million left.

'There goes the 700 million we got from Alabasta. We got 500 million from the king and stole 200 million from Crocodile.'


'It's good that we're going to be visiting the city of gold; we'll be able to fill our bank after that trip. And we will still be getting the other 500 million in the future from the king.'

"It seems like we're poor again. So did you do what I told you?"

"Yes, Captain. I hired some men and took the giants ship to Little Garden to pick them up. They are waiting for us at Water 7. I also got them new weapons and armor."

"And how much did that cost?"

"1 million."

"Alright, at least we're ready for the New World."

"So have you decided a name for the ship yet?" asked Sabo

"Yeah, the name is…"


You guys better be thankful for this extra-long chapter even though nothing happened in it. This is the most words I've ever written in any chapter.

[It seems like a lot of you guys like the Black Pearl from the Pirates of the Caribbean, I included. So I based the design of Ken's ship on the Black Pearl. I think that I've told you guys about everything on the ship, but let me know if you think that I forgot something. I have a cool name in mind for the ship, but I'm just curious about what you guys think that I should name it. And if someone guessed the name I have in mind; I will upload an extra chapter.]

Random Facts:

Jinbe's name comes from Jinbei-Zame, which means Whale Shark in Japanese.

Oda said that Luffy can stretch his PP.