
One Piece: Finally Free

This is a story about a boy that witnessed his little brother being killed by his abusive and drug-addicted parents. After immediately taking his revenge and ending up dying while crying and hugging his little brother, he gets transmigrated into the one-piece world with a 5-year-old body. What will he do after finding out that he transmigrated here alone in a dangerous world full of monsters? Will he give up on life or continue living and finally be free. There will be no system or cheats. He will have knowledge about the One Piece world and use that to his advantage. He will have to train like any other person and he won’t get some manual that explains Haki to him. There also won’t be a harem. He is the same age as Ace and Sabo so he transmigrated 15 years before the start of the storyline. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). -I don't own the cover. If you own it message me and I'll take it down.

TheEnlightenedSage · Anime & Comics
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205 Chs

Chapter 181

In a lively room filled with pirates and booze was one huge man with a long black beard that stood out. He was sitting on a giant chair with girls hugging him from all sides while he was drinking.

"Hm? So you're Blackbeard, the one who'll die soon."

In an instant, the loud and lively atmosphere disappeared, and it became deadly silent. Blackbeard looked at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him with a smile.

"Zehahahaha, what are you doing here alone, Kage Robert? Don't tell me that you think that you can beat me alone! Zehahahahahaha!"

"Hahahaha!" Blackbeard and the rest of his crew started laughing.

"Captain just told me to give you a warning, 'Don't be too greedy, sleep-deprived snowman!'."

Blackbeard froze. "It seems like I've underestimate that brat." Blackbeard put down the mug in his hand and shoved the women off of him. He stood up, easily towering over Robert. "Tell your Captain that he'd better throw away that key. Or he'll die a dog's death."

"Shadow Spikes!"

"Black Wall!"

Spikes made out of shadows shot out of Robert's body towards all directions, but Blackbeard put up a black wall all around Robert, stopping his spikes.

"Zehaha! If this is all you Azure Pirates have, you might as well offer me your heads now."

"AAHH!" Multiple Blackbeard Pirates suddenly screamed out in pain as they fell down with shadow spikes through their hearts.

"If this is all you Blackbeard Pirates have, you should just offer me your heads now. But since my business here is done, I'll be going." Robert immediately disappeared into his shadow before Blackbeard could stop him.

"Tsk, such a cheeky brat."


"So how did the peace talk go?" asked Ken.

"Sigh, he was definitely shocked by your warning, but he gave us one back which was equally shocking. He said, 'Tell your Captain that he'd better throw away that key. Or he'll die a dog's death.'"

"So he knows about it, huh. He is as unpredictable as always."

"Captain, might a say a suspicion of mine."

"Go ahead."

"I think that he won't dare to attack us as long as we have that key."

"Oh, why would you say that?"

"It was hard to notice, but he was definitely shaking when he was warning us. You sent me there to make sure that they know that we have them on our radar so that they won't try anything funny. But seeing how scared he looked when mentioning the key, I don't think that we have anything to worry about. But of course, this could also be a trick from him so that we would let our guards down."

'The more I hear about this key, the more I want to destroy it, but no matter what we tried, it is unbreakable. It is even more durable than the Poneglyphs.'

"So what should we do about Blackbeard?"

"Leave him be. Perona's surveillance is enough for now. But we have to prepare to fight him when we go against Kaido. Since he found out about the key, he'll probably also find out about our attack. And I'm not going to let my guard down just because there is a small chance that he is scared of the key."

"I'm sure that we can deal with it when that day comes. Oh yeah, did you hear about what the Strawhats did?"

"Yeah, he always leaves such a mess behind wherever he goes. But I guess this time, it was Doflamingo and the World Government who were responsible for this mess. However, the world will be freed from the World Government soon enough."

"Captain." Mura suddenly appeared in front of Ken.

"What up?"

She showed a bounty poster to Ken.

[Azure Ken: berry bounty Only Dead]

(His previous bounty was 4.812.000.000.)

"Oh, look at this. Now I have the second-highest bounty ever and the highest current bounty. I sure am moving up in the world. But it took them long enough. I killed Big Mom a month ago, and they're just now updating my bounty. They're such lazy pricks. But did anyone else get a higher bounty?"

"No, sir."

"Well, whatever, the bounty system will be gone soon anyway. I just hope that I can surpass Roger's bounty before that. I need to have some bragging right when I see him in hell."

"Hell? But you've never hurt an innocent person, and you're going to free this world from the evil that is controlling them."

"That's not how this shit works, Mura. You can't just beat someone up and then help out someone else, thinking that will erase your sins. To have your sins erased, you will have to pray to God for forgiveness, but fuck that guy. He never helped me, so I won't pray to him."

"Captain! If God is real, you have just practically sealed yourself a place in the depths of hell!" screamed Robert.

"It's fine. Heaven is too peaceful for me. I've already gotten accustomed to the violence, so I'll fit right in."

"Don't worry, Robert. I'll make sure to protect Captain, even in hell," said Mura with a serious face.

"Argh, I just can't believe the two of you. I would never even think about going there."

"I heard that there are a lot of beautiful succubuses in hell."

"Count me in!"

"Hahahaha." Ken and Mura laughed at Robert, who turned red.


Sabo, Ace, Perona, and Laffite are gathered in Sabo's room. All of them had grim looks on their faces.

"Are you positive that that is what you heard?" asked Sabo.

"We're 100 percent certain. Deuce and his 'friend', who was actually a CP-0 agent, entered Mary Geoise, and the guards called Deuce, sir Lewis Marfont. The Marfont family is one of the 20 World Noble families," said Laffitte.

"And did you find out why he went there?"

"The CP-0 agent said to Deuce that his little sister will be really happy to see him again, and Deuce flinched when he mentioned his little sister," said Perona.

"So the bastards are holding his little sister hostage. This could get really annoying. Should we let Ken know?" said Ace.

"No, not yet. I already have a plan that could let us rescue them without needing to fight. Perona, Laffitte, I need you guys to capture that CP-0 agent."

"Hm? But they never talk. I still pay Kane and his crew of CP-0 agents a visit, but Kane is the only one who speaks. The rest don't say anything," said Laffitte.

"I don't need intel from him. We will use him to infiltrate Mary Geoise. We will use Devon's fruit to turn you into the CP-0 guy, and then we will get Deuce and his Little sister out of there."

"But do you think that Devon will help us out? She and Deuce don't get along at all. I bet she wouldn't care whether he lives or dies," said Ace.

The room temperature suddenly dropped. "Do you think that she has a choice?"

"I'll immediately call her!" said Perona as she quickly flew through the wall.

"But do you think that we will be able to fool them?" asked Ace.

"Devon's fruit managed to even fool Ken, so as long as we don't act suspicious, we should be able to do it no problem."

"Sigh, if Robert's fruit still worked in Mary Geoise, this would have been so much easier. I really am curious how they managed to block his fruit," said Ace.

"Must be the monster Captain and Robert talked about. It could sense Robert even though he was in a different space. That's definitely an opponent that I don't want to fight," said Laffitte.

"Well, we have our own monster, so there's no need to worry. As long as we follow him, defeat sounds impossible," said Sabo.


Itachi Uchiha Quotes:

"Those who cannot acknowledge themselves, will eventually fail."

"It is not wise to judge others based on your own preconceptions and by their appearances."

"People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That's how they define "reality". But what does it mean to be "correct" or "true"? Merely vague concepts... Their "reality" may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?"

"Self-sacrifice... A nameless shinobi who protects peace within its shadow. That is a true shinobi."

"It's never been "The one who becomes Hokage will be acknowledge by everyone", it's "The one who is acknowledge by everyone, becomes the Hokage".

"Don't cry, Sasuke. Your big brother is here to protect you, no matter what happens."