
One Piece: Finally Free

This is a story about a boy that witnessed his little brother being killed by his abusive and drug-addicted parents. After immediately taking his revenge and ending up dying while crying and hugging his little brother, he gets transmigrated into the one-piece world with a 5-year-old body. What will he do after finding out that he transmigrated here alone in a dangerous world full of monsters? Will he give up on life or continue living and finally be free. There will be no system or cheats. He will have knowledge about the One Piece world and use that to his advantage. He will have to train like any other person and he won’t get some manual that explains Haki to him. There also won’t be a harem. He is the same age as Ace and Sabo so he transmigrated 15 years before the start of the storyline. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). -I don't own the cover. If you own it message me and I'll take it down.

TheEnlightenedSage · Anime & Comics
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205 Chs

Chapter 107

[Ken P.O.V.

3 day later]

We just used a portal to get to the other side of the Red Line, and after a couple of days of sailing, we arrived back at the island.

"Welcome back, Captain." said Van Augur

"Yo. Hm? Where are Vlad and the wolf?"

"He left saying that he needs to become strong on his own." said Perona

"I see. That's too bad. Alright, everyone, listen up!"

Everyone quieted down and looked at me.

"We can't underestimate the World Government. I'm sure they're gonna find out that we were behind this really quickly. So we will immediately leave to a secret location where they won't find us. Robert, open up your shadow storage and get everyone in there."

"But you know about that weakness."

'Robert can only hold conscious people for 1-minute max in there. But they can easily break out of it if they wanted. So I'll have to grab Robert and get up to the sky island really quickly. But at least Robert can create different rooms inside of the Shadow Storage so no one will be able to steal anything.'

"I'll take care of it. Everyone, don't resist. You'll get out in just a second."

Since they have already gone through the portal, they just nodded. Robert used both his hands, and he started sweating a lot.

'A portal doesn't take that much energy because they're going out in a second, but with the storage, he'll be storing over 10.000 people. I hope he can actually hold out for 1 minute.'

A huge shadow suddenly engulfed everyone, and only Robert and I were left. I quickly grabbed Robert, who was about to collapse of exhaustion, and I used Geppo to quickly get up.

"Captain, I only have 30 seconds this time."


<Special Technique: Geppo Jet>

My legs disappeared, and I started moving up way faster. Robert looked like he was about to throw up. We went through the clouds with 10 seconds left. And we landed on the island with 5 seconds left. I put Robert Down, and he let everyone out. He immediately collapsed out of exhaustion.

"You did good, Robert."

(An: He couldn't use a portal since 10km is too far away.)

No one here has ever seen a sky island, except for the people that went to skypiea with me. So they all looked surprised.

"So this is a sky island. I didn't think that they actually exist." said Shiryu

"Well, now, you know. We will stay here for maybe 2 years. It Depends on you guys. If you guys are at the level I want you to be before that time, we'll be leaving here earlier. But we could also leave later. "

I looked around and saw that everyone was taking this as a challenge.

"We will rest today and tomorrow will be the beginning of a 2-year hellish training. And if you think that I'm unfair or cruel, just know that my training will always be 5 times harder than yours. After all, I'm the Captain, and I can't stay the Captain if I don't put in more effort than anyone here."

I could see respect in the eyes of everyone.

'Kekeke. Let's see how many Commander Level people I'll have at the end.'

[Sengoku P.O.V.]

"DAMN YOU, KEN!" I screamed

"Calm down, sir. There is no way that he can escape with 3 Admirals, the 10 strongest Vice-Admirals including Sir Garp, and 20 battleships. He isn't at Yonko level, so it will be easy. He only managed to escape those other times because of cheap tricks. But that won't happen today." said my Secretary

"Purururur, pururururur."

Garp is calling me.

'Did they already win?'

I picked it up.



"Why are you laughing!? I told you to report!"

"Hahahahaha! They're gone! They completely disappeared! Hahahahaha!"

"Damn you, GARP! Give me a better explanation!"

The face of the Den Den Mushi suddenly changed to Kizaru's.

"There isn't much to explain, sir. When we arrived here, they were all gone. Our spies are all annihilated. The people on the island don't know anything since they didn't dare to approach the docs. We have no leads on where they could have run off to."


"Split up into 20 groups and find those bastards immediately! No one is coming back before those bastards are found!"

I immediately hang up. I looked at my secretary.


"Yes, sir!"

He immediately left my office.

I picked up my Den Den Mushi and called Commander-in-Chief Kong.

"Hello, Sengoku."

"Kong, I need to talk to you."

"Hm? Sure, you can come over whenever.'

I hang up and immediately left.

[1 day later]

I'm sitting opposite Kong.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"We have a big problem."

"Hm? Can you elaborate?"

"Ken managed to fool all of us and destroy both Enies Lobby and Impel Down. You could say that he is strong, but he is still nowhere near Admiral level. Even a Yonko wouldn't be able to easily do that. But he managed to do it because he has something way more terrifying than his physical strength. He is extremely smart."

I took a deep breath.

"I've done some research on him. The way he does things makes me think that he already knows everything about it. The recent thing with Impel Down, for example. He knew about the 3-hour interval and jammed all the signals without giving anyone the time to sound the alarm. If he went in blind, he would have taken way more time than 3 hours to do what he did. That makes me think that he has a map of Impel Down."

"Which would be impossible since only a few people have it. They don't even have it inside Impel Down." said Kong

"Exactly. The only way he could have gotten that is from Garp. But I know Garp better than that. He would never give it to him. But when Garp goes out on missions, the only one in the house is Ken. At the time, I didn't think any of it. But that was a huge mistake."

"This is bad. Garp has a lot of secret information. Knowing him, I doubt he would actually hide it in a safe place. If Ken actually got his hands on all of that, we really do have a big problem."

"But that isn't all. Ken and his crew completely disappeared after freeing 10.000+ prisoners. We still haven't found anything about them. We only know that the four giants are on Elbaf, but going after them would be stupid."

"And Ken would be stupid if he appeared right now. He must have known that we would find out eventually, so he made an escape plan beforehand. If I were him, I would stay hidden and train till I don't have to fear anything." said Kong.

"Only him becoming strong is something we can handle, but we have seen that his crew is full of strong people. I don't want to imagine what will happen if their crew reaches Yonko level. Unlike the current Yonko's, I cannot read him at all. So instead of trying to understand him, I want to overpower him. Let's organize a World Military Draft. Let's strengthen our powers and completely annihilate him when he shows up."

(An: By Yonko level crew, he doesn't mean that they will all individually have the same power as a yonko. But they will be a crew that's strong enough to serve under a Yonko. I'm sure that a lot of you understood it, but just in case someone didn't, I wanted to clarify.)

"You should know better than anyone that no one would join us right now since we've been beaten so badly. It has already been reported in the news, and you'll have to raise their bounties. Why would anyone join us right now?"

"6 months."


"Give me six months, and I'll show everyone why we've been keeping the peace for centuries!"

"You know that you don't need my permission for it, right? You're the Fleet Admiral after all."

"But your influence is far greater than mine. You can easily recruit people from all over the world."

"Fine. Show me the might of the Marines, and I'll give you my full support."

I smiled.

'I've never been so humiliated in my life. So, I'll show you why the marines have stayed at the top for so many years!'


[World Military Draft is just recruiting people from all over the world. That's how Ryokugyu and Fujitora became Admirals.]

Anime Quotes:

"Who decides limits? And based on what? You said you worked hard? Well, maybe you need to work a little harder. Is that really the limit of your strength? Could the you of tomorrow beat you today? Instead of giving in, move forward."

– Saitama (One Punch Man)

"A person grows up when he's able to overcome hardships. Protection is important, but there are some things that a person must learn on his own."

– Jiraiya (Naruto)

"Hatred and Sorrow are power. They are yours to control. All you have to do is to turn them into strength and use that strength to move forward."

– Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler / Kuroshitsuji)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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