
One Piece: Fae Travelogue

Travels of a Fae, starts in One Piece World. Other world Travels possible. No pairing decided. Harem status unknown. Probably no harem. Read and decide whether it is good or not. Constructive criticism is appreciated. Due credit it to all authors and creators I have borrowed from for this fanfiction. Please rate and comment.

SeventhEclipse · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: Death and ...Rebirth?..Reincarnation?

My name is Noah. Noah Nordic. Yeah, I know, My name sounds like the primary identity of some superhero, what with the alliteration and all. Like Bruce Banner, Peter Parker and Reed Richards. But I was anything but a superhero.

I am just one of those people with no close friends, enclosed in the world of books, anime and movies. An otaku with who escapes reality through any means possible. My life was a repetitive one.

Work,Home,Entertainment,Work. It was in the middle of this cycle, I had my most life changing experience.....Literally.

After I reached home, tired from all the work, sitting in front of the computer, I directly started my entertainment time. AT the time I felt a budding headache, but I ignored it. By the time i decided to sleep, which was earlier than usual, my headache had turned into a splitting migraine, that got worse whenever I looked at my phone to check the time as I tossed and turned in my bed trying to sleep. Finally I started searching for some painkillers, unable to even try to sleep anymore. Fortunately, I finally found some brufen which I promptly swallowed and tried to sleep again.

By the time I slept again it was very late.

What I came to was my office computer. Blurrily I looked around, noting with my still sleepy head that only my cabin was in the office. No other cabins or computers. By the time I was fully awake, I had pinched my arm raw,which was glowing gold instead of blushing red, to confirm that I was not in a dream or nightmare.

Because, on my computer screen were the words...

Congratulations! You have died in your sleep! Your peaceful death has generated 1000 Soul Karma Points. You have generated 2597 Soul Karma Points total in the last incarnation. Balance Soul Karma Points: 9798 points. You are 202 points sort of entering the First Heaven.

Congratulations, you have avoided hell punishment by 9798 points!

Congratulations, you have avoided limbo by 4798 points!

Cost of normal reincarnation: 10,000 Soul Karma Points.

Cost of choice reincarnation: 6th Heaven citizenship + 100,000,000 or 7th Heaven citizenship.

Cost of randomized reincarnation*: 5000 Soul Karma Points.

*warning!: randomized reincarnation is a series of lotteries has chances of:

1. Being reincarnated in a circle of Hell :+45%

2. Being reincarnated as non humans: dependent on world (including being animals or monsters, in case of reincarnated in hell: imp, devils and demons etc will be added, while non-hell type creatures will have vastly reduced probability.)

3. Chance of curse/blessing:+50%.

By This time, I realized a few things.

1. I am dead and is currently in a soul form, which vaguely looked like my previous self, but with more angular features and slanted eyes.

2. I am cosmically screwed, because, even though I avoided hell's punishment by virtue of my Soul Karma Points, I had a 45% chance of being reborn there.

3. Even if I avoided hell, I may not even be human.

I sighed, and mentally prepared myself for hell. In a depressed manner, I selected randomized reincarnation.

The screen displayed the displayed series of spin wheels and the first one began spinning began spinning before I could see the worlds displayed. I prayed and prayed till finally it came to stop in a sector not in hell. I let out a relieved huffed and tried and failed to see the extremely small region in which the extremely fine needle stopped at. Finally a text was displayed below the spin wheel...

World: One Piece!

Immediately, the second spin wheel adjusted its probabilities as humans, minks, fish-men and beasts and Sea Kings took over the majority portion according to the population in the One Piece world with Sea Kings taking up the majority with humans being a close second. The other races such as elf, spirits and demons took over the remaining one percent of the wheel.

I gulped again as the next wheel began to spin. Again I began to pray to be a human and my heart dropped as the pin stopped in the unreadable 1% of the wheel. I began to cry while waiting for the computer to display what kind of ugly devil I would become.

Species: Fae!

Great... I would not even be one foot tall... I lamented at the thought of becoming one of the fairies as shown in harry potter. Like the tooth fairy or the doxy.

I no longer payed attention as the Curse/Blessing spin wheel began to spin as I began wallowing in my misery.

Curse: Soul Etching.

I looked at the curse the spin wheel landed onto. It sounded painful.

As I was about to click next to get to the next page, the cursor went over the Curse section, and I noticed that it was clickable. Curious, I clicked on the Curse: Soul Etching and the description opened up.

Curse: Soul Etching

Type: Curse

Duration: Soul Permanent. Unable to be removed till next reincarnation.

Consequences: Eidetic memory, Improved comprehension (High), Random insomnia, Decreased emotions, Soul pain (once a year due to memory etching and merging of thought and soul).

Dumbfounded, I then clicked on Species: Fae

Species: Fae

Main World: Throne Of Glass

Characteristics: Humanoid, Shape Shifting, Possible (On Settling) Partial-immortality (Killable), Magic Wielder, Child of Wild Nature

Magical Attribute: Randomized: Lightning.

Note: As the first Fae of the One Piece world, you will be a Fae King. If a fae eats a devil fruit, as a favored child of wild nature sea suppression, though not removed will be 99% instead of 100%.

Effect of sea stones will be slightly reduced. Suppression only effective in One Piece world. Due to elemental attribute of lightning, and being the first fae of the world of one piece, you have 80% chance of being born near a lightning based devil fruit, 20% chance to be born in an island with strong thunder storms, the world is you mother and sky, the father.

Still in a daze with how fast my fortune changed and coming down from my roller-coaster of emotions, I clicked next. Suddenly I felt a soul carving pain as my memories began to be etched into my soul. I couldn't even lose my consciousness, as I had no body and it was my entire soul which was aching.

As I came to, I realized that a new line of text has appeared on the computer.

Would you like to gamble for gifts? (Privilege available only for random reincarnates. Cost Soul Karma Points. Value of available gifts based on input of Soul Karma Points.)

Finally, my golden finger system... Here I come!!!

I clicked Yes and inputed half my remaining Soul Karma Points. I crossed my fingers and prayed..System,System,System... as a new spin wheel appeared and began to spin...

It finally stopped.

Gift: Rhunon's Blacksmith Knowledge.

Sigh... No system.

I clicked on the Gift: Rhunon's Blacksmith Knowledge.

Gift: Rhunon's Blacksmith Knowledge.

Type: Craftsman

Consequence: Magic altered to fit Ancient Language based. Ancient Language based magic spells will be limited to craftsmanship. Battlespells will be limited to lightning based. Ancient language only usable in world of Eragon.

Meaning, I will not be able to craft magic swords, but will be able to create normal swords based on Rhunon's knowledge. Thankfully, I realized that Rhunon's most of the magic that went into swords is used to regulate heat and speedup the production. only enchantments are useless, as they need magic and I can only create them in Eragon's world.

I decided to spin the wheel once more using all my remaining Soul Karma Points. Again I began to pray for a system. Soon the wheel stopped.

Gift: Abyss Auction Card (5/5).

Again no system.

I clicked on the Gift: Abyss Auction Card (5/5).

Gift: Abyss Auction Card (5/5)

Type: Consumable

Consequence: Enables access to Abyss Auction House. Exchanges various goods in exchange for gold.

Well. That's good I guess. At least, the pirate world has a lot of gold.

Warning: Beginning reincarnation...

The warning flashed on my computer as I began to enter a darkness filled void.

Finally the darkness completely enveloped me and with a Boom! of thunder I opened my eyes to tree that was struck with thunder. On the tree, everything has been turned to ashes except one fruit with sharp swirls and electric blue color. A wind blew and with a snap it fell to my side.