
One Piece Exploration

Qin Feng accidentally crossed over, and brought an exploration system with him?What? Be able to explore and get rewarded in any environment?'Congratulations to the host for exploring the desert and getting: Pluto, Rusha Fruit! ''Congratulations to the host for exploring the forest, obtaining the voice of all things, and controlling the wood element! ''Congratulations to the host for exploring the ocean, gaining the favor of Neptune, and being recognized by the sea! 'Fuck it, you're awesome!

Shashwat_Dubey_8647 · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs


"Arashi foot!"

Lu Qi drank lowly, a sharp color flashed in his eyes, kicked out, and immediately saw a slashing wave directly appeared, cutting off Qin Feng's rattan.

Then Lu Qi quickly jumped back a few steps to open the distance, and looked at Qin Feng with cold eyes. "Who are you? His accomplices? "

"It's not." Qin Feng shook his head.

"Then get out of here, or you'll be buried with him here." Lu Qi said coldly, anyone who stood in his way would have to die.

"That depends on whether you have this strength." Qin Feng said lightly.


Seeing Qin Feng's appearance, Lu Qi couldn't help but snort coldly, without the slightest hesitation, he rushed directly towards Qin Feng, using the navy six-style shaving, and the figure quickly flashed in the air.

In the blink of an eye, he came to Qin Feng.

"Finger gun!"

Lu Qi shouted, and the index finger of his right hand stretched out, with a sound of breaking the void, and shot towards Qin Feng's heart.

But right after.

With a 'bang', Lu Qi's index finger was blocked before it touched Qin Feng's skin.

I saw Qin Feng's xiong, a purple skeleton emerged, that is Susano's ability, Qin Feng can not only summon Susano, but also can summon Susanoo parts, such as a hand and the like.

At this time, one of Susano's hands appeared, directly shrouding Qin Feng inside.

Luki's attack hit Susano's arm without causing the slightest damage.

"Capable person?" Lu Qi frowned, naturally regarded this Qin Feng as a Devil Fruit ability, and this should be his ability, but thinking of the rattan just now, Lu Qi became confused again.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Qi just shook his head and didn't think much about it.

A cold gleam flashed in his eyes, and Lu Qi clenched his fists with both hands and rushed towards Qin Feng again.

"Anyone who stands before me must die." Lu Qi shouted coldly, and quickly rushed towards Qin Feng, and in the process of rushing towards Qin Feng, Lu Qi's whole person directly changed, his body size swelled, and he became a half-orc, with an upper leopard and a lower body.

This is clearly Luki's fruit ability.

Animal line: cat, cat, fruit, leopard form.

"Finger gun! Spot! "

Approaching Qin Feng, Lu Qi stretched out his index fingers with both hands, and suddenly launched an attack, and the fingers of both hands kept attacking towards Qin Feng, and the speed was dazzling.

Seeing this, Qin Feng was not afraid at all.

A kaleidoscope of chakra eyes appeared, quietly looking at Lu Qi.

'Bang bang! '

'Bang bang! '

'Bang bang! '

Lu Qi's attack kept bombarding Susano's arm that shrouded Qin Feng, but a shocking scene appeared, Lu Qi's attack could not cause the slightest damage, and Susano's arm that shrouded Qin Feng was even more majestic.

"Damn, give me death!!"

Luki roared.

'Arashi! Kai Bird!! '

With a roar, Lu Qi's right leg lifted, and with a quick kick, powerful power gathered in his leg, and with this kick, it was released, forming a bird-shaped powerful attack, which bombarded towards Qin Feng.


The bird-shaped attack bombarded Susano's arm.

Dust rises,.

'Phew! '

As a fresh breeze blew through, the dust cleared.

The scene that appeared in front of Lu Qi's eyes shocked him.

His own attack still can't cause the slightest damage to that strange arm!!

"Good, so strong!"

"That person seems to be Qin Feng, a pirate with a reward of 400 million, who just killed Draco a few days ago."

"The Yellow Ape General seems to be looking for this person, hurry, hurry up and report the Yellow Ape General."

The naval soldiers next to them said one after another, and a few hurriedly left here, ready to inform the yellow ape.

At this time, Qin Feng was looking at Lu Qi, who was in sluggishness, and slowly spoke. "Is that enough?"

"What?" Lu Qi came back to his senses, stunned for a moment, and did not understand what he meant.

Seeing this, a sneer rose at the corner of Qin Feng's mouth. "If you've played enough, then next, it's my turn."

Luki is very strong, at least at the beginning of the plot, but to be honest, Luqi is not domineering, in terms of considerably, Luqi is not as strong as Klockdar, because the ability of the sand crocodile is natural, and Luqi can't hit it at all.

The strength of Luqi lies in the Six Styles.


Qin Feng even killed Klockdar of the Seven Martial Seas, how could he be afraid of a CP9?


Qin Feng drank directly.

A huge purple skeleton giant suddenly appeared above Qin Feng, shrouding Qin Feng.

Followed by.

'Boom! '

The giant swung his fist, and as soon as he appeared, he slammed into Luqi with a punch at an extremely fast speed...