
One Piece : Earning One Trillion Berries Before Retiring

Kahn travelled into the world of one piece even before Roger started his adventure. He who has had a long and adventurous life as a vice admiral on world of one piece and is now contemplating retirement. He finally activated his Golden Finger, a super money system that offers him the opportunity to restore his peak condition and potentially achieve eternal life. However, the cost of these benefits is quite high, and he realizes he needs to accumulate a significant amount of money to achieve his goals. for additional arts and chapters https://www.patreon.com/SUN_MOON_EARTH

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Chapter 80: Damn Celestial Dragon!

"The impact of the collision knocked down the petrified pirates."

The two shichibukai fell down again without any damage.

Until now, the two sides are evenly matched!

Doflamingo looked at the empress with a cold light in his eyes.

This Empress  arrogant and contemptuous of him and he didn't like it one bit.

  But it seems that Hancock doesn't take the Doflamingo seriously in the fight.

Undoubtedly, the Empress's attitude further angered Doflamingo.

"You will regret what did you do  happened today."

"I never know what regret is, but if you don't pay back the money of Kahn, I will let you know what regret is!"


The laughter of the Doflamingo sounded again but this time with more anger.

"Hancock! You are very strong, but how can a woman like you be my opponent! And do you know my identity?" Doflamingo said with a manic smile.

"I am not interested in your identity at all. What I care about is that you pay back the debt. If I can help Kahn get the money back before he comes back, he will be very happy. As long as I can be help of Kahn, I will be very happy. If he is happy, I will feel happy! Therefore, I will not give up, Doflamingo!"

When the Empress said this, her emotions changed greatly from the initial arrogance, to the excitement of mentioning Kahn in the middle, to the final firmness.

The corner of Doflamingo's mouth twitched opposite her!

He found a problem, that is, there seemed to be nothing to communicate with the woman in front of him.

But the emotions have already been rendered here.

Doflamingo will naturally not stop; he believes that his identity will make the other party regret it.

"Pirate Empress-Boa Hancock, you will never be my opponent. In fact, it is a great shame for me to fight a pirate like you, because I have the most honorable character in the world: Cenestial Dragon." When he said this, Doflamingo paused.

He glanced at Hancock, who was still full of pride, and then continued: "It's a Celestial Dragon! I am a Celestial Dragon! Hmm! Heh heh heh heh! The strongest bloodline in the world has been incomparably noble since birth! And possessing unmatched power in this world, how could you be my opponent? Hehehe!"

Doflamingo opened his hands at this moment.

Then he looked up to the sky and laughed, and the presumptuous laughter echoed on the surface of the sea and spread far away.

After laughing for a while, Doflamingo seemed to realize something was wrong.

Because the Pirate Empress in front of him didn't seem to have any reaction.

He stopped laughing, then looked down at Hancock.

Then he was taken aback.

At this moment, Hancock has lowered his head, and his whole body is trembling slightly!

Seeing the Empress like this.

Doflamingo laughed wildly again.

Heh heh heh heh

"What? Are you scared now? Pirate Empress, what about your arrogance just now? Hmm! Heh heh heh!"

Doflamingo enjoyed the atmosphere.

He even recalled his tragic past.

The aura on her body is becoming more and more evil!

"Did you say you are a Celestial Dragon?" A deep and slow voice sounded, as if suppressing some kind of huge emotion!

"Heh heh heh heh! Is there any problem? Now you know, Pirate Empress, you can die with peace of mind! Go to hell and repent!"

After saying this, Doflamingo raised his right hand.

A huge number of white lines appeared, and then formed a clone exactly like him behind him.

Then, under the control of Doflamingo, this avatar quickly rushed towards the Empress.

"Go to hell! You'll regret provoking me if you tell me everything, Heh heh heh heh!"

"You turned out to be a Celestial Dragon, fuck it, the Celestial Dragon I hate the most, you are really unforgivable!" Hancock's voice was full of anger.

The word Celestial Dragons is undoubtedly her nightmare.

The person in front of him turned out to be a Celestial Dragon.

Damn it!

An incomparable terrifying aura erupted from Hancock.

Even surpassing when playing against Kahn.

Doflamingo's avatar was kicked away by the Empress as soon as it arrived in front of the Empress.

The huge power contained in it shocked Doflamingo, who controlled the clone.

Doflamingo's complexion changed, but he quickly sneered.

"Conqueror's Haki? You are not the only one!"

The same powerful Conqueror's Haki erupted from Doflamingo's body.

The collision of the dConqueror's Haki also caused the rest of the people to roll their eyes and fall to the ground.

Soon Doflamingo realized something was wrong.

Because he found a problem.

That is, the domineering look of the Empress in front of me seems to be stronger than his!

How can that be?

"Doflamingo, fuck you piece of shit , you reminded me of bad memories! Please give me a good confession!"  The figure of the Empress suddenly disappeared in place.

Doflamingo instantly felt a huge crisis coming.

It's just that before he even had time to react, Hancock's foot landed directly on his jaw.

The huge force made him fly into the air in an instant, and blood spurted from his mouth.

His mind is in a daze.

How is this going?

But he has no time to think.

Because the figure of the Empress appeared in the sky.

The long white legs were an extremely dangerous weapon for the current Doflamingo.

Before he even knew it, Hancock attacked him again.

The powerful force made his body  fly in the air.

The blood sproutted from his mouth like a fountain !

Then he  hit the pirate ship like a canon.

A big hole was smashed into the deck of the pirate ship in an instant.

The figure of Doflamingo also disappeared.

The Empress then fell down and landed in the wood.

But the next moment, the shape of the entire ship changed.

It turned into a thread in front the Empress's indifferent eyes.

"Is this the awakening of the Devil Fruit my husband Kahn  said?"

At the same time, Doflamingo appeared in anger.

"Damn it! Pirate Empress, you really deserve to die! You made me, who has such a noble blood, so embarrassed, I want to kill you." Doflamingo's roar resounded through the sky.

After roaring.

The deck that has become a thin line rises up 16 giant waves of white lines wrapped around high-density  Armament Haki .

The top of the thin line is covered with black Armament Haki.

Then he stabbed at the Empress at an extremely fast speed, trying to penetrate her to pieces.

This wasthe ultimate move of Doflamingo's fruit awakening.

It can be seen that he has gone completely crazy.

Hancock's eyes were full of anger.

Because the fucker  in front of her brought up the word  World Nobles blood again.

That  fucking celestial dragons .

Facing Doflamingo's attack, Hancock rushed up directly.

"Mero Mero  Kick !"

Doflamingo had a sneer on his face.

"It's really stupid, do you think this  move will work again?"

It's just that what he didn't notice was that Hancock's feet at this moment were different from just now.

Compared to just now, there was one  more things on Hancock's feet, more blood-red lightning!

(end of this chapter)"

why is Doflamingo saying he is celestial dragon to all? This is unlike him. He seem like arrogant prick instead of calm and ruthless king of underworld "JOKER"

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