
One Piece : Earning One Trillion Berries Before Retiring

Kahn travelled into the world of one piece even before Roger started his adventure. He who has had a long and adventurous life as a vice admiral on world of one piece and is now contemplating retirement. He finally activated his Golden Finger, a super money system that offers him the opportunity to restore his peak condition and potentially achieve eternal life. However, the cost of these benefits is quite high, and he realizes he needs to accumulate a significant amount of money to achieve his goals. for additional arts and chapters https://www.patreon.com/SUN_MOON_EARTH

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Chapter 78 : Honorable Five Elders!

Sengoku rolled their eyes upon hearing this.

He didn't think that Kahn was a fool, but he was afraid that the old guy would speak out too much unnecessary things.

Mainly because seeing Kahn again, this guy was like a different person. Sengoku clearly knew that this was because Kahn's strength had changed.

If something really happened, he would be very embarrassed. But that's all there is to say. Soon, they came to a huge office.

After a lapse of thirty years, Kahn saw the five people standing at the pinnacle of power again.

"Master Five Elders!" Warring States greeted.

Kahn didn't say anything.

This situation also made Five Elders's eyes flash.

"It's Sengoku and Kahn, you're here."

Although they said so, their eyes were all on Kahn.

And their hearts were also shaken.

They already knew what happened to Marin Ford just now.

They didn't expect that Kahn is already so strong now.

He even has the Conqueror's haki, and his devil fruit ability is very strong.

He Actually even suppressed Akainu in the battle.

This once again exceeded their expectations.

"Sengoku , you go out first; let's us talk to Kahn!" The blond elder said directly.

"Sengoku was taken aback when he heard the words.

"Talk alone?" he asked.

Then he glanced at Kahn.

Kahn looked calm, as if he knew this would happen.

Sengoku didn't insist on seeing this and walked out directly.

Just before going out, he didn't forget to wink at Kahn.

After the Sengoku period left, Saint Shepherd Jupiter, Warrior God of Agriculture eyes shifted to Kahn.

"Kahn, long time no see!" said the Saint Shepherd Jupiter.

Kahn smiled when he heard this.

"Yeah! I didn't expect old like me to be remembered by the five elders! Should I say it's my honor! By the way, I don't know why the five elders are looking for this old man? The old man is very busy; so many pirates are waiting for you! Let the old man catch them!" Kahn asked.

"Kahn, have you forgotten who you are talking to? Remember your identity!" said the elder with a knife scar in his face.

Even Sengoku dare not have such an attitude!

"Ah! How can I forget this? I am talking to the honorable five old elders."

"Kahn, you are so arrogant! Do you really think we can't do anything about you?" The curly-haired elders had a cold look on his face!

The others also had similar expressions.

"Arrogance? No! It's just telling the truth."

The atmosphere between the two parties is very depressing.

Saint Shepherd Jupiter didn't expect that Kahn in front of him would be so arrogant.

As for Kahn, he sneered in his heart.

As he guessed, the old guys in front of him really regarded him as the previous Kahn.

Give him a blow as soon as he came in?

But before coming, Kahn had already prepared for the worst.

Thirty years ago, he bowed his head. If he bowed his head again today, it would be unreasonable.

Besides, Kahn believes that as long as he bows his head, he will probably be regarded as a dog in the future.

What he wants, at least like Garp.

But face is never given by others, but earned by oneself.

This point has already been verified.

Did he really think that the title of naval hero can protect Garp? NO.

Are you kidding? It's because of the strength of Garp.

All influence is false. Only strength speak.

Stick to development; it is my own lack of strength, but now I have enough Strength, so naturally, there is no need to struggle.

This is also the root cause of Kahn's toughness.

Kahn himself was not trust worthly in front of these old guys. If Kahn was like this, maybe they would be even more afraid!

That guy Sengoku said, "Don't be impulsive!"

But in Kahn's view, impulsivity may not necessarily be a bad thing sometimes!

But the most important thing is to have capital to be impulsive.

"Kahn, it seems that you still have opinions on what happened back then, but you have to know that the things you did and the results you got are already very good." The words of Elder with mustache broke the silence of the scene.

Kahn laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" The bald Elder face turned cold.

Then he also unsealth the sword in his hand!

"Don't get excited; this old man just wanted to say that the old man I don't care about that kind of thing that happen a long time ago."

"You don't look like you don't care!" The curly-haired Elder replied.

"Really! But it doesn't seem to help the old man to care about it. Besides, the old man is just a navy veteran now, so I can't care about these things."

"Kahn, are you dissatisfied with our original decision?"

" By the way, if Elders summon this old man just to talk about such things, I don't think it's necessary! If there is nothing else, the old man will leave."

"Kahn, do you really think that you can be unscrupulous when your strength becomes stronger?" said the blond five old stars.

At the same time, other people also exuded a powerful aura.

As the supreme ruler of the world government on the surface, how could the five old stars have no strength, but they don't need to take action at ordinary times.

Because there are a lot of strong people working for them.

The aura they exude is very strong, and the power is only second, the most important thing is the sense of oppression of being in a high position.

Kahn, who felt this, sneered in his heart. This move had no effect on him.

"ELders, what does this mean? Did the old man say something wrong?" Kahn said with a blank expression.

Looking at Kahn, who has not changed at all under their pressure.

Five Elders were also a little shaken in their heart.

Such strength of Kahn greatly exceeded their expectations.

The atmosphere became a bit heavy.

But in the end Five Elders retracted their aura.

"Kahn, remember your identity, you can go!" The curly-haired five old stars said suddenly.

Kahn was taken aback when he heard the words.

Is this the end?

He was prepared for the worst.

The other five old elders frowned when they heard this, but didn't say anything for a while.

Seeing this, Kahn naturally turned around and left without the slightest hesitation.

Looked at Kahn who walked out of the office door.

The faces of several people are not very good-looking.

"Is it really good to let him go like this?" Elder with the sword said.

"Yes, judging by his appearance, he probably still has a lot of resentment about what happened back then."

"But if you don't let him leave, will you start a war right here?"

And this sentence also silenced the few people present.

"He was so calm just now, he must have something relied on, and his previous strength was not like this, we ignored him too much."

"That's why I let him go. According to intelligence, his current strength should be slightly higher than that of the Admiral, and his devil fruit ability is very strong. It is not so easy to completely eliminate him.

This is a holy place. If you do it, the consequences will be very serious. And one point, if he really doesn't mind about that matter, maybe it will be even more troublesome for us!" The curly-haired five elder made a conclusion.

The others nodded when they heard the words.

This is also what they considered.

In the end, it was because of Kahn's strength.

Speaking of this, tthey were silent again.

Then the Elder with mustache broke the silence: "In short, Kahn's matter is over first, and I don't think he intends to oppose the world government, and his current status somewhat restricts him, as long as he is not too If it's too much, then ignore him! The Sengoku also has a certain degree of restraint on him."

The other five elders also all nodded.

For now, this is fine.

After Kahn came out, he saw the Sengoku waiting there.

Seeing that there was no problem, Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't ask Kahn what he said.

"Sengoku , we should go back."

"No hurry, there is another person who wants to see you."

Kahn frowned.


"Mr. Kong!"

Kahn was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled.

"It's Mr. Kong! We haven't seen each other for a long time!"

(end of this chapter)