
One Piece : Earning One Trillion Berries Before Retiring

Kahn travelled into the world of one piece even before Roger started his adventure. He who has had a long and adventurous life as a vice admiral on world of one piece and is now contemplating retirement. He finally activated his Golden Finger, a super money system that offers him the opportunity to restore his peak condition and potentially achieve eternal life. However, the cost of these benefits is quite high, and he realizes he needs to accumulate a significant amount of money to achieve his goals. for additional arts and chapters https://www.patreon.com/SUN_MOON_EARTH

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123 Chs

Chapter 76: Beating Lafayette!

All eyes turned to Kahn.

The interrupted Doflamingo looked a little uncomfortable and furious.

His eyes looking at Kahn under the red glasses grew colder.

There were also some bulging veins on his forehead, indicating his current bad mood.

Kahn naturally sensed this immediately.

"Doflamingo! Your gaze seems rather unfriendly! The last person who looked at me like that didn't fare well!" Kahn's voice remained calm.

The room fell silent for a moment, and no one spoke, not even Sengoku , though he did furrow his brow slightly.

Finally, the veins on Doflamingo's forehead subsided.

He inquired, "Oh? Is that so? What happened to the last person who looked at you that way?"

"Ah! The last individual who gazed at me in such a manner was that worthless Crocodile!" Kahn's words were delivered matter-of-factly.

But the implications were shocking.

Crocodile, the Shichibukai who had been subdued by Kahn?

This meeting had been convened because of Crocodile, and now Crocodile had been dispatched to Impel Down by Kahn, which spoke volumes about his fate.

Doflamingo was certainly aware of this.


"What? Do you have an issue with that?" Kahn looked at Doflamingo, and his gaze held a strong sense of threat.

The intensity of this threat surprised everyone.

"As expected of the Admiral of Death!" Hawkeye's voice broke the silence.

Only then did everyone snap out of their stupor.

"Kahn! What are you doing?"Sengoku  finally spoke up.

"Nothing, really. Just offering a warning to some self-righteous scum." Kahn withdrew his threatening aura.

"Kahn, don't think I'm afraid of you," Doflamingo retorted with anger in his tone.

With so many powerful figures as witnesses, he couldn't afford to lose face.

"Very well, but I wasn't addressing you just now. We'll discuss our matters later. I hope for a satisfactory resolution. For now, kindly remain silent," Kahn said casually.

Doflamingo nearly burst a vein this time, but ultimately held back. After all, they were at Navy Headquarters, and he had no leverage.

However, tensions between the two had clearly escalated.

Kahn ignored Doflamingo and turned his attention to Lafayette.

His icy stare weighed heavily on Lafayette, who had witnessed Doflamingo's subjugation.

"Alright, you may answer my question now."

"Didn't I already mention that I'm from the Blackbeard Pirates?"

"That's easy!"

Lafayette was taken aback. What did Kahn mean?

It seemed that things weren't unfolding as he had anticipated. He felt a growing unease.

The next moment, Kahn vanished from his spot.

When he reappeared, he was right in front of Lafayette.

Lafayette's pupils constricted.

"When did the Navy Headquarters become a place where pirates can behave so brazenly?" Kahn's right hand had transformed into a dragon claw.

Lafayette wanted to react, but Kahn's speed was astonishing, and he was too slow.

All he could do was watch as Kahn's fiery red dragon claw struck his chest.

Lafayette immediately felt an immense force emanating from Kahn's dragon claw. He was sent hurtling through the air, crashing through the conference room's railing.

Blood spewed from his mouth.

Kahn had no intention of letting him escape.

Utilizing the Shave and Moon Step techniques alternately, he swiftly pursued Lafayette.

Lafayette was in excruciating pain, an expression of disbelief on his already pallid face.

But he knew he stood no chance against Kahn.

He then sprouted wings from his back—his Devil Fruit ability.

Undoubtedly, he was attempting to flee.

Kahn was about to catch up when he felt a sudden drowsiness overwhelm him.

However, Kahn awakened almost instantly and let out a smirk.

"How dare you arrogantly trespass on Navy Headquarters with such limited abilities? I don't even know what to say."

Kahn made no further attempts to pursue Lafayette.

"The Roar of the Fire Dragon!"

A ferocious beam of flame vortex erupted from Kahn's mouth.

Although Lafayette was swift, he couldn't match Kahn's fiery assault.

The high-temperature flames enveloped Lafayette as he gazed upon his impending doom.

The fiery attack eventually dissipated, revealing Lafayette's battered form.

At that moment, his eyes were vacant, and he had lost consciousness.

His entire body was scorched, with no unscathed area remaining.

Kahn had spared his life because he didn't intend to kill him.

Unconscious, Lafayette plummeted from the sky.

Kahn approached when he saw this and seized his arm.

A few instantaneous steps later, he returned to the conference room's window sill.

Kahn casually tossed the unconscious Lafayette onto the conference room's floor.

Simultaneously, his voice resonated throughout the room.

"I truly can't comprehend the audacity of a pirate who swaggered into Navy Headquarters. Such a pitiful display."

As everyone gazed upon the unconscious Lafayette, they were left stunned.

"Alright, Kahn, return to your seat," Sengoku instructed.

Kahn complied with a nod.

"Guards!" Sengoku called out.

The meeting room's door swung open, and two Marines entered.

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku  , please provide your orders!"

"Escort this individual out!"


The two Marines dragged the incapacitated Lafayette out of the conference room.

Once the door was sealed shut, Sengoku  turned to address the room.

Regarding Kahn's recent actions, he chose not to comment.

After all, Lafayette was just a pirate.

"Now, let's proceed," Sengoku urged.

But no one spoke up.

Sengoku  felt a hint of frustration. The entire meeting had been disrupted due to Kahn's unexpected actions.

"If there are no further proposals, this meeting will conclude, and we will make our selections independently," Sengoku  declared.

His words prompted others in the room to stir.

"I don't particularly care, as long as the new recruit is worthy of the title. That Blackbeard fellow mentioned earlier seems intriguing," Doflamingo finally offered.

Sengoku  remained silent, casting his gaze toward Hawkeye and the Empress.

Hawkeye  had no objections.

As for the Empress, all  her eyes were on Kahn at the moment.

Sengoku  couldn't help but sigh.

He then turned his attention to Hawkeye.

"If the Shichibukai and the Navy continue in this manner, this meeting seems rather pointless, doesn't it, Lieutenant General Kahn?" Hawkeye added.

Hawkeye's words refocused everyone's attention on Kahn.

Kahn could feel the weight of their collective gaze.

"Why are you all staring at me? I'm just an ordinary Vice Admiral! I have no say in any of this!"