
One Piece : Earning One Trillion Berries Before Retiring

Kahn travelled into the world of one piece even before Roger started his adventure. He who has had a long and adventurous life as a vice admiral on world of one piece and is now contemplating retirement. He finally activated his Golden Finger, a super money system that offers him the opportunity to restore his peak condition and potentially achieve eternal life. However, the cost of these benefits is quite high, and he realizes he needs to accumulate a significant amount of money to achieve his goals. for additional arts and chapters https://www.patreon.com/SUN_MOON_EARTH

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Chapter 74: If Apologies are useful, why do you need the Navy?

Doflamingo sensed that something was amiss.

"That trash is no longer my subordinate," he stated.

Kahn brushed it off and continued, "It's all right. That's not important anymore; it was fine before."

Everyone focused their attention on Kahn, puzzled by his intentions.

Kahn went on to clarify, "Here's the situation: your subordinate injured my sailors, insulted me, and damaged my reputation. He already feels deeply guilty, but what's done is done. If apologies could resolve everything, what would we need our navy for?"

Doflamingo's face turned slightly sour. He wasn't sure if Kahn was joking or serious.

"What do you mean?" Doflamingo inquired, his tone uncertain.

Kahn was a little dissatisfied.

Now that I've talked about this, does the Doflamingo still not understand?

Kahn responded, "What do I mean? Compensation, of course! Pay for the medical expenses of the sea soldiers and the damage to my reputation. That guy may not have the money, so naturally, I had to come to you. I trust you won't renege on the debt."

The onlookers were stunned. Was Kahn, a Vice Admiral, asking a Shichibukai for money?

Doflamingo, on the other hand, was caught off guard but soon found it amusing.

But soon laughed.

"Yeah! Hahahaha!"

"What are you laughing at?" Kahn was dissatisfied.

"Compensation? You're serious about wanting me to pay for this?"

Kahn, undeterred, replied firmly, "Of course! Do you think I'm joking? Besides, it's about my subordinate."

The marines around them were taken aback. Was this Vice Admiral demanding money from a Shichibukai?

If Pochi and the others were here, they would probably be very moved.

However, even if they were not there, some marines who were close to him would show admiration when they heard Kahn's words.

Lieutenant General Kahn deserves their respect no matter what!

The corners of Doflamingo's mouth twitched when he heard that!

He already felt that Kahn in front of him seemed to have a brain problem.

Doflamingo raised an eyebrow and glanced at the Sengoku, who remained silent throughout this exchange. "Sengoku, are you not concerned about your subordinate's actions?"

Sengoku finally broke his silence. "Shut up, Kahn," he roared, clearly irritated.

He couldn't stand it anymore.

Kahn immediately stopped speaking, and the attention shifted back to the Sengoku.

"What are you all still doing here? Don't you think this matter isn't significant enough?" The Sengoku asked, seemingly uninterested in the dispute Of Kahn and Akainu.

He didn't mention anything about to Kahn and Doflamingo at all, and he didn't even respond to what Doflamingo said just now.

It's like there is no such thing.

Because he couldn't respond.

As a Fleet Admiral, respond to Doflamingo? For something like money?

Kahn is shameless, but he still wants old face.

Kahn didn't speak again.

The same goes for Akainu.

Doflamingo does not have any opinions.

As for Hancock, her eyes were all focused on Kahn at the moment, and there is no one else at all. Judging by her appearance, she doesn't even know what Sengoku said.

"All of you follow me to meeting room."

As they walked toward the meeting room, Kahn remained at the rear of the group, and Hancock joined the Shichibukai. She remembered Kahn's earlier words and attempted to restrain herself.

Kahn couldn't help but think about how to ask Doflamingo for the money.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant General He approached Kahn and greeted him with a familiar tone. "Kahn! Long time no see."

Kahn's response was rather unimpressed, "You're quite reckless, aren't you?"

Lieutenant General He didn't hold back, replying, "Well, you provoked Akainu first, old man."

"Bullying? Who's bullying who? Besides, I think you're just showing off!" Lieutenant General He bluntly expressed his thoughts.

Kahn chuckled. "I couldn't stand by while that kid Akainu was bullying you."

Lieutenant General He sighed, "I just don't want the Navy to fight amongst itself."

Kahn smiled, reflecting on the changes over the years. "Yeah, we're all getting old."

"You should keep a lower profile, though. You've been rather outrageous in recent years," Lieutenant General He advised.

Kahn was momentarily surprised by the comment, thinking Lieutenant General He wanted to reminisce about old times. Emotions were resurfacing.

Seeing Kahn's silence, Lieutenant General He continued, "Your increased strength is a significant concern, but given what you've displayed, it's no longer a problem. However, you should still maintain a lower profile. The money you've accumulated should be sufficient."

Kahn grasped Lieutenant General He's underlying message. He now understood that not only Doflamingo but also Sengoku and He were well aware of his endeavors to make money. Lieutenant General He's advice was rooted in genuine concern for him.

Kahn, on the other hand, was faced with a dilemma. Maintaining a low profile would hinder his money-making endeavors, which he could not afford. However, he couldn't voice these concerns to Lieutenant General He.

With that, the conversation came to a close.