
One piece dungeon system

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 25

Grand Line, Naval Headquarters, Fleet Admiral's Office.

"Aokiji, is what you say true?" Sengoku asked in a serious tone to Aokiji through den-den mushi.

Sengoku had previously received a report from Aokiji regarding the Guild. This then makes Sengoku surprised and understands the reason why Shanks left the New World.

"Everything you heard from me earlier is true, Sengoku-san. Right now Garp-san and I are in the Guild together with the Guild owner Ars."

"What about Shanks and the others?" Sengoku asked back while frowning.

"They have already entered the dungeon. I think they will start making moves to take territory within the Guild" Aokiji said calmly and continued again, "Sengoku-san, I think, it's time for us Marines to separate from the World Government"

"What do you mean?" Sengoku was surprised to hear these words from Aokiji.

"Currently there are many navies who have discontent with the World Government. Many of the orders they gave us violated the code of ethics as well as the philosophy that we have always adhered to, namely justice. We are following the current World Government only because we get financial support from the World Government. However, currently there is a place that we can use as funding support, namely the Guild. We could send some of our troops out on a hunt to get the funds we could use to run the Navy. Besides that, I think this place is also very suitable to be used as a battle field for people who want to practice their fighting experience. Every monster that is in the dungeon will not run out, it is very suitable to be used as a training companion to increase fighting strength and fighting experience."

Aokiji paused for a moment and continued, "I've already discussed this matter with, Garp-san. Garp-san is okay and supports the idea of you breaking away from the World Government. By separating ourselves from the World Government, we can apply the justice that we have always wanted to do. I'm sure Sengoku-san also wants this and also has some dissatisfaction with the policies and orders that the World Government has always given us. We almost made them like a tool that could be thrown away whenever they wanted. I also heard some information from Borsalino that the research unit is currently developing a technology. I have a hunch if until the technology has been successfully developed. It's not impossible that the World Government will throw us out soon."

Sengoku fell silent hearing this. As a senior in the Navy. Of course Sengoku knows a lot of things that ordinary people or other members of the Marines don't. Regarding the research problem regarding the power said by Aokiji, he also knew about it.

"I will discuss this matter with other higher-ups. I can't decide this unilaterally" Sengoku said in a deep tone.

"I see. Garp-san and I will go into the dungeon to start collecting a number of crystals so that we can get information books about items that can be exchanged as well as communication tools so that we can communicate at all times. I will ask Gilbert to send it to you as soon as we get it."


Their communication was immediately cut off.

Sengoku's hands clenched tightly, "We Marines can definitely stand alone and apply the justice we want" Sengoku muttered with a strong look in his eyes to show his current intention to commit treason against the World Government.

Sengoku immediately called his adjutant, "You call back high-ranking Navy officers starting from the rank of Rear Admiral to immediately gather in the meeting room. Also tell Admiral Akainu and Admiral Kizaru to postpone the tasks they currently have and gather in the meeting room immediately!"

"I see, Fleet Admiral Sengoku-san"

Grand Line, Saboundy Island, Area 13, Guild.

"Yo, it's hard to believe that you guys would actually commit treason against the World Government" Ars who was currently in the room with Garp and Aokiji was listening clearly to the conversation.

"Hmph! If not for the Navy having the same philosophy as this old man. This old man has been out of the Marines for a long time because of those scum." Garp fearlessly spit out his opinion.

"Is it really that many in the Navy that hates the World Government?" Ars asked while raising his brow.

"Lots. Very much" Aokiji said seriously, "Don't see us obeying the orders given by the World Government obediently. Almost all of us especially the higher-ups from the Navy all hate the World Government. We joined the Navy because we have a desire to eradicate and bring down the crimes committed by pirates. However, upon entering… Many things were not what we thought. We are still loyal to follow orders from the World Government because the funds owned by the Navy come from the World Government. If not for that, we would have betrayed them long ago."

"Hmm… Well, if that's your decision. I will not interfere in this matter. Ok, have you guys decided to enter the dungeon this time?"

"Hahaha… Of course" Garp immediately grinned excitedly, "I'm currently trying to fight the monsters inside. How can they withstand this old man's iron fist?"

"Monsters on the 1st to 3rd floors won't be able to withstand it, Garp" Ars said calmly and continued, "If you want to try fighting an opponent on par with you. Go to the 4th floor. There you can meet your equal."

"Why not the 5th floor? Do you think my strength is not enough there?" Garp said in a dissatisfied tone.

"Your current strength can be said to be sufficient. However, I'm sure you won't survive if you enter the fifth floor. In case you fought one on one against the monsters on the 5th floor, you might be able to survive. However, it will be a different story if you fight with some monsters there. You will die instantly because no one will be able to save you there."

"Arara~ I think you should listen to what Ars has to say, Garp-san" Aokiji said calmly, "After all, he is the owner of this place. ars is more familiar than us"

"Hmph!" Even though Garp himself was not satisfied. However, he still followed the advice given by Ars.

"Are you guys going to make group cards? Or later?"

"Later" Aokiji replied, "We haven't decided who will be the leader and officers in our group."

Ars nodded then took out two new adventurer cards and handed them to Garp and Aokiji who had been arranged by him in a group similar to Rayleigh and Mihawk's "Individuals".

Garp and Aokiji quickly verified their adventurer cards.

Adventurer Identity Card

Name  : Monkey D. Garp

Group  : Individual

Floor  : 0

Permission  : 0

Crystals  : 0 large crystals 0 medium crystals 0 small crystals

Adventurer Identity Card

Name  : Kuzan

Group  : Individual

Floor  : 0

Permission  : 0

Crystals  : 0 large crystals 0 medium crystals 0 small crystals

"Hey, Kuzan. Help this old man pay the entrance fee to the dungeon. I didn't bring any money to come here." Garp said casually as he handed Ars his adventurer card.

Ars' gaze at Garp immediately became strange, "Could it be that you old people are poor people?"

"Ha?" Garp was surprised to hear these words from Ars.

"Earlier, Rayleigh and now you too, Garp?" Ars asked strangely, "I wonder how the world will react if it finds out which Mei'O Silver Rayleigh is the former Vice-Captain of the Roger Pirates and Marine Hero Monkey D. Garp. Entering the dungeon the first time by asking other people for money"

"Don't slander me, Ars" Garp immediately said with a disgruntled tone and a frown on his face, "I'm not broke. Only, I didn't bring my money here. After all, I came here suddenly and there was no preparation at all."

After saying those words, Garp suddenly realized something and looked at Ars with a stupid look, "Hey, Ars. What did you say earlier… Was it possible that Rayleigh really was broke the first time he came?"

Ars nodded, "That person entering the dungeon first had to rely on Shakky to pay the entrance fee. I can't stop thinking about you guys."

"Bahahahaha…" Garp burst out laughing after hearing this, "Rayleigh actually borrowed money? Bahahaha… I guess I had something good to say to him the moment we met"

"Ara~ Aren't you the same, Garp-san? You also entered the dungeon for the first time by borrowing money from someone?" Aokiji asked casually.

"Shut up you amateur!" Garp immediately shouted angrily looking at Aokiji.

Aokiji just shrugged his shoulders casually then handed Ars 20 thousand berries along with his adventurer card, "One time pass for both of us"

Ars nodded and immediately processed the request from Aokiji. It didn't take long for the two of them to get permission to enter the dungeon. Ars immediately returned their adventurer cards and Garp's face showed enthusiasm and wanted to enter the dungeon immediately.

"You already have an entry permit. You can already enter the dungeon. Have fun there. Also, you are free to release all the power you have there. Don't be afraid to break anything. Because after the battle ends, the area that was the location of the battle or the area that you previously destroyed will immediately return to its original state."

"Bahahaha… Even if you don't say that, I will definitely do it" Garp said excitedly and turned around, "Let's go, Kuzan. I need to call on that Akagami Boy to reply to the words he said to me earlier. I think he's forgotten my iron fist. He has to feel it one more time."

Aokiji nodded and immediately walked away into the dungeon along with Garp.