
One Piece Dravde's Adventure

Lucid dreams are nice. But when you realize it's not a dream, you will be in for a rude awakening. Witness as a fit young man with an easily breakable body and plenty of issues enters into the world of One Piece. Will he survive or will he die on the way

Dravde · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs


"Hold on, Hawk Eyes!" Krieg suddenly steps in with a grin on his face. "Didn't you come all the way out here for my head? The head of the infamous ruler of East Blue, Don Krieg!?"

"That was my initial intention. But I've already enjoyed myself here. And so I'll return back to my nap."

"It may have been enough fun for you, but I haven't done my bit yet." The pirates start panicking as Krieg is antagonizing Mihawk on purpose even after that show of power.

"How about you die before leaving!?" Krieg shouts as he pulls out his guns and his armor opens up revealing guns everywhere as he starts shooting barrages at Mihawk.

"Hmph, you never learn, do you... farewell." Mihawk slashes creating a huge wave and destroying the burning ship even more as he leaves calmly in the midst of destruction. Luffy and I jump back on Baratie as Krieg complains how Mihawk supposedly "Got away."

"Usopp! Go on ahead!" Luffy suddenly shouts at Usopp.

"Alright! Zoro and I'll definitely bring back Nami! So you make sure to get us a cook! Once we have everyone together, let's head to the Grand Line!"

"Yeah! Let's!" Luffy and Usopp agree on something that I definitely don't agree.

'Wait, WHAT!? No wonder I remember them being safe! They were never here to fight to begin with!? FUCK!'

"They're finally coming. Damn pests." Sanji says as he looks at the Krieg pirates who are about to attack.

"I'm going to fucking die." I sigh and lament at the dangerous situation I'm in.

"Hey old man! If I chase them away for you, will you let me off the hook?" Luffy suddenly asks Zeff.

"Fine. Do as you wish!" Meanwhile a loud shout can be heard from the pirates as Krieg had given them a pep talk.

"Woah! They're all fired up to fight too! Hey old man! It's a promise, right!?"

"You don't have to ask me twice. My restaurant would become a wreck if I let you work here for a full year anyways."

Sanji starts ordering the cooks to open up the restaurants fins so that there would be more room to fight and less damage to the restaurant itself while Luffy runs inside while holding on the railing.

"GOMU GOMU NO... ROCKET!" Luffy goes flying towards the pirates and then he "GOMU GOMU NO..." stretches his hands far to the sides "GIANT SCYTHE!" and clotheslines most of the pirates into the water as he stops by hugging a tilted mast.

Krieg starts telling how foolish Luffy is for trying to fight him on top of water on some flimsy footholds since Luffy is a Devil Fruit user but Luffy doesn't care since he can stretch now.

'Not really that good sounding of a tradeoff...' [If the world was more land than ocean then yes... but it isn't]

Suddenly the fins come up creating a foothold to battle on as everyone gets in battle positions while Luffy is shouting how cool this transformation is. Then suddenly the fish head of the restaurant also goes out of the ship and turns into a paddle boat with three cannons on the front... yes, a huge damn paddle boat that looks like a fish.

Patty and Carne who are piloting the boat start shooting at the pirates and after a while they try to rush Krieg and kill him. Unfortunately Krieg's armor protects him from the cannons and he stops the rushing boat with only one hand and he throws the boat away towards the Baratie. But before the boat hits Baratie, Sanji jumps up high and kicks the boat.

"SANJI!!! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOUR OWN ALLIES!?" Patty and Carne come out of the now broken ship yelling in rage.

"... Yeah." Sanji just casually admits.

"Don't "Yeah" us! Did your brains become boiled into stew, you retard!?"

"You almost lost 2 powerful fighters, you spaghetti head!"

While they were arguing the rest of the cooks are having a rough time fighting against the pirates and we are on a stalemate thanks to me keeping most of grunts busy with my knives. Thanks to Observation Haki I can dodge mostly all attacks but it doesn't mean that I can overpower all these elite grunts when they have me surrounded. As soon as Patty and Carne notice this they also join in and the tide turns to our favor.

"Patty, Carne! Watch out!" I yell as I sense Pearl getting on the foothold and rushing towards them. They succeed on defending but still take quite a hit and need to take a breather until they can join the fight again. "Nice assist! That could've been bad."

Sanji joins the fight and swiftly helps defeat the remnants, leaving only Pearl standing.

"Hah! To beat up all of 'em using only your feet. You strike me as a rather lazy guy... or is that your policy?"

"A cook's hands are his life. I can't risk fighting with 'em. But don't worry. My feet will be more than enough to take you down."

Sanji responds to Pear but Pearl finds it ridiculous as he hasn't lost a single drop of blood in all the fights he has been in. He starts boasting how he is the invincible "Iron Shield Pearl" of the Krieg Pirates.

"You sure that no one was just good enough or smart enough to... oh, I dunno... hit you where you aren't armored?" I look at Pearl who keeps posing and saying how stylish he is.

"Need help filleting this dude? Or are you just going to tenderize him with your kicks?" I ask Sanji with a joking tone.

"No need." Sanji rushes in and kicks but Pearl block it and starts bragging how he is invincible until suddenly a stray Luffy flies to the back of his head and *GONG!* his face smashes on his own shield and making his nose bleed.

The pirates start panicking as Pearl gets scared and starts smashing his shields together in a fast pace. Even Krieg starts shouting for Pearl to calm down but Pearl just keeps screaming "I'm in danger!"

"DANGER!" Suddenly Pearl's armor lights in fire and "FIRE PEARL DAITOKUTEN!" he throws flaming pearls everywhere lighting up the battlefield on fire.

Now not only is the most of the ships slowly burning but even the Baratie also.

"You know what... Yeah.... You got this. Everyone! Start putting out the damn fire!" I step back and go fetch a bucket to extinguish the fire as the pirates who caught fire jump into the sea and Sanji rushes to stop Pearl.

I can hear and feel how the fight is going and seems like they took out Pearl even if by an accident.

'Who's that guy sneaking towards Zeff...' "AHHH!" I hear Zeff's shout and I can even feel Pearl getting up and going towards Sanji and Luffy who aren't moving for some reason.

I go over there with a bucket in hand and see Gin has broken Zeff's wooden leg and has a gun pointed as Zeff's head as he is threatening Sanji and the chefs while Pearl is turning Sanji into a bloody mess.

Sanji starts talking how he won't abandon the restaurant since it is the old geezer's treasure.

"You ate your own leg and gave me all the food. You saved my life. I'm not handing over this restaurant. And I won't let you kill the damn geezer either. He's a geezer who gave up everything for the sake of one little brat. IF I CAN'T EVEN PUT MY LIFE AT RISK TO SAVE HIM, THEN I CAN NEVER REPAY MY DEBT TO HIM!"

'I'm so damn tired of this bullshit...'

'[BREAK 'EM!]'

I smash the metal bucket on Gin's head while also blinding him with it and kick him to his balls. He drops his gun in pain and I take it while also kicking the bucket and making his head ring. I use this chance to shoot one of Gin's knees to smithereens and kicking him to the side that keeps burning and leave his fate to the flames.

Next I start shooting at Pearl's face but he blocks but I keep shooting as I get nearer and before Pearl knows it, I'm plenty near him and I change where I'm aiming at and shoot at the unprotected part of Pearl's feet. Feeling the pain Pearl panics and shows more openings that I capitalize but unfortunately after a couple of shots the gun runs out of bullets before I could truly mangle the bastard.

"You won't repay any debt by just standing there and getting yourself killed! Dying doesn't help anyone! Not even yourself!" I shout at bewildered Sanji and then turn towards everyone else.

"I'm too tired of this shit! Now it's your guys turn as I'm fucking done!" I point at Luffy and Sanji.


And he's had enough BS for the day. Everyone has a limit and the dude hasn't had a proper rest for a month now.

I might need to take a break again.

Happy readings everybody~!

Dravdecreators' thoughts