
One Piece: Devil Fruit? Ninjutsu, Boy.

[Following the boat is not an invincible article]“Navy, this battle is undoubtedly your victory!”“But within five years, I, Lot, will start another war!”“A war that sweeps the world, changes the world, overthrows the world government, a war that kills all the pigs sitting on the red earth continent!!”“Look forward to it! Marines! Look forward to that day! Let’s see! Which is my pain more, or your belief in loyally protecting the Lord!!”At the top of the war, under surveillance phone bugs, in front of the whole world, the vice-captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, wrapped in a golden tail beast suit, and awakening the Samsara Eye, Lott declared war on the world.The Celestial Dragons who were executed in front of the whole world, the purple giants who were far higher than the giant clan, the meteorites that covered the sky and the sun.At this moment, the navy who were still complacent about the death of the legendary whitebeard generation realized that they——Created a more terrifying monster! ! !The World Conference broke out in the Holy Land, Onigashima fought against the Straw Hat Pirates and became the Twin Emperors, and Egghead Island was broadcast live all over the world to encircle and suppress the Five Old Stars. The era of great pirates has gone wild! !….This book is also called: “My Pain Is Above Yours” “Anecdotes about the Vice-Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates and Princesses from Various Countries”Slow heat is not invincible flow

Md_King_9028 · Anime & Comics
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106 Chs

Chapter 5

Two days later, a small fishing boat floating on the ocean in the East China Sea——

"I'm so hungry, Lot——"

The boy wearing a straw hat was lying on the edge of the boat, looking at the fish swimming underwater with tears. He seemed to have caught them to eat, but the person with the ability could not touch the sea water, so he could only look at the other fish in a coquettish tone. shouted the bandaged boy.

The latter seemed to be irritated by the straw hat boy's words, and suddenly roared angrily:

"Who do you think caused this? ? We prepared enough food for ten people to last for ten days, but you bastard ate it in two days!! I told you to save some food, but you bastard actually got up at night to eat while I was sleeping!!"

Rotte was so angry that his teeth seemed to have turned into sharks. He reprimanded Luffy loudly, and then immediately tried to calm down:"No, no, no, you can't be angry, otherwise the wound will open again. Breathe – breathe breathe."

Feeling that the wound on his chest was about to burst due to his violent breathing, Lot quickly calmed down his emotions.

Although the transformation potion made his physique much better than before, it will take time for the wound to heal. Before, he was not good at strenuous exercise.

"Private Marseille."

Facing Lott's anger, Luffy made a 90-degree bow.

Seeing this, Lott had no choice but to sigh. The captain had already apologized, so what else could he do? Is it possible that he is still on the pirate ship now? Can they jump off the ship and run away?

Fortunately, the two of them wandered on the sea for a while, and finally saw a small island. A small island means there is a high probability of food. Luffy suddenly burst out with strength, and even disliked relying on it. The wind was too slow to blow the sails, so he took out two oars from the cabin and shook them with all his strength.

The small fishing boat immediately sailed towards the island at a terrifying speed.

"I can just go up and see what's going on."

As if to apologize for his behavior of stealing food, Luffy offered to go to the island to find food alone and let Lot rest on the boat.

"Go ahead, but I can't spare you if you find food and eat it secretly!"

Rotte waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

"I see!"

Luffy nodded, then stretched out his arms to grab the nearest tree on the shore, and used the elasticity of rubber to pull him over.


Lot sighed. After spending the past two days together, he had a deeper understanding of Luffy's character. He began to wonder if he was on the wrong ship.

There are people who go out to sea without any knowledge of navigation. They rely entirely on intuition and use materials without any plan. well…

With another deep sigh, Lot decided to put this troublesome matter aside for the time being, and looked down at the newspaper he had just bought from the newspaper delivery guy.

It contains information about the destruction of the 18th Naval Branch.

"Recently, a group of remnants���After the pirates attacked Green Island, which is famous for its fine wine in the East China Sea, they destroyed the base of the 18th Naval Branch. For this reason, our world government feels sad for the people who died on Green Island and the 18th Naval Branch….."

After reading the words on the newspaper in a low voice, Lot made a"bang" sound.

How shameless…

Balabala talked a lot, but in the end, except for the destruction of Green Island and the naval base, there was no truth.

Turning over the newspaper, Lott, who didn't want to be disgusted anymore, paid attention to other events published in the newspaper.

As a ninja, you must develop a good habit of collecting intelligence at all times.

After he wrote down some things that he thought needed attention in the newspaper, Luffy also came back. In addition to bringing back several large bags of food, he also brought a timid-looking radish wearing glasses.

"Lot, I'm back! This guy is Kerby, and he said he wants to be in the Navy, so he wants us to send him to the Navy base – by the way, he gave us all these foods! Kerby, this is Lot."

Luffy introduced the two of them with a smile.


Hearing these two words, Lot's eyes flashed with cold light subconsciously, but he quickly calmed down.


Kerby, who was frightened by the fleeting look just now, greeted Lot in a panic, his face covered in cold sweat.

He didn't know why the man in front of him looked at him with such terrifying eyes for the first time when they met.

"Come up."

Just when Kebi was in shock, in a blink of an eye, Lot's expression changed from fierce to full of smile,"I'm sorry, I just experienced something, so I don't have a very good impression of the navy."

There are good people in the Navy, and there are also Navy people who really want to protect innocent people. Lott doesn't want to kill them all with one stick.

Otherwise, there will be no one alive in that base.

"No…it's okay."

Keby expressed his understanding. In his opinion, the two of them are pirates, and it is strange that they have a good impression of the navy.

After saying hello briefly, Luffy took Kebi and food on board, and the small fishing boat docked again Set sail.

On the way, Luffy talked about what happened on the island. When he heard that there was a pirate group on the island, Lot was so angry that he grabbed Luffy's face.

Then he said with a smile:"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I think I can solve it myself. You see, I defeated the captain of the pirate group and brought the food back."

Luffy pointed to the bags of food with a proud look on his face.

"But what about those pirate treasures?"

"Um? Does it matter if this thing has food?"

Luffy asked strangely

"Of course it's important!! With those treasures we can buy food on the next island, and even buy a bigger boat!!"

Rotte is going crazy.

Does this idiot have no knowledge of navigation at all?!

This kind of person actually wants to be a pirate? Or his captain??

"Luffy, do you think that in a pirate battle, you just take away the food after winning?"

"if not?"


Looking at Luffy's natural expression, Lot wanted to cry.

Out of sight, out of mind. If he went back now, the group would probably run away, so Lot simply closed his eyes and decided to take a rest.

Luffy and Kirby were chatting. From the latter's mouth, Luffy learned that the naval base where he was going had bounty hunter Nonoroa Zoro tied up, which aroused Luffy's great interest.

"Is he strong?"

Luffy asked

"Roronoa Zoro, a three-sword swordsman, is somewhat famous in the East China Sea, and his strength is not bad….."

Lot, who was resting with his eyes closed, spoke.

"In this case, if that guy is good, let him be our partner, how about it, Lot? We happen to be short of a swordsman."

After listening to Lot's introduction, Luffy immediately said with a smile.

"It's your decision, Captain."

Waving his hand, Lot said nonchalantly, and then continued to rest.


The naval base was not far from them, so the next morning they arrived at the island where the base was located.

As soon as they landed on the island, Luffy started talking about wanting to eat.

Because the food he had just scavenged yesterday was eaten overnight, he had not eaten for nearly eight hours.

For eight hours, he almost fainted from hunger!

The restaurant was not difficult to find, and the three of them quickly found one. After ordering and eating, they started discussing what to do next.

Lot wanted to find a professional doctor to treat the wound again, while Luffy planned to go directly to the naval base to find Zoro.

However, a very strange scene occurred in the restaurant. Every time Sauron's name was mentioned, everyone else was frightened and panicked as if they had seen a ghost.