
One Piece: Desperate

Transmigrated into a familiar world, in a desperate situation. No cheats, no system, not even a guarantee to survival. How will Max deal with all of this while trying to fulfil his ambitions? JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm **Disclaimers**  -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

HolyJoker · Anime & Comics
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149 Chs

Chapter 38

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

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Chapter 38

Title: Compromise...


Conqueror's Haki, something that only those with the will of a King and a Conqueror could have. I never put too much emphasis on it, nor did I keep my hopes up that this body or my will was that strong.

Sure, I was a King (literally) but that didn't mean someone that was a King had King's Haki. 

Though this was a welcome surprise, it will help in the future. Even now it would help if I learned how to use this power.

But there was one big obstacle… and that was time! Luffy wouldn't take too long to arrive here by now, meaning that I should concentrate on something which would help me survive. Conqueror's Haki was good, but only in the later stages did it become useful for someone like me.

Knocking out a bunch of people was relatively useless at the moment. I had bombs and armies that could do the same. Also with letting Blackbeard live, I had hope that the Marineford War would happen, that it would be a beneficial event for me. Both in political power and physical power. 

I saw Raynare's giant eyes look at me, her crow-like head looking at the ground in fear. 

*sigh* This was a beast-like reaction. Raynare would never be overwhelmed so easily if she had her mind in the front. Yet this beast that took her over bowed down to me too easily.

Seastone could be used to suppress her, but not turn Raynare to her original body. I planned to use Blackbeard's power and see what results it will get. The Dark-Dark Fruit should cancel Raynare's Zoan ability temporarily and by putting some Seastone cuffs on her, that will stop her from going back to her beast form.

But as I looked at the timid beast in front of me, my eyes narrowed. I summoned up the previous feeling where something exploded out of me. 

Sadly, no Conqueror's Haki came out. Well, I guess using it for the first time only a couple of minutes before didn't mean that I could use it whenever I wanted. 

But maybe after some rest, I should try again. Having Blackbeard know that one of my close crewmembers has a very huge weakness, that wouldn't be good at all.

"Whatever you did, it's working against the beast's will. I never saw the creature be this obedient before." Kureha said her input, trying to lift up my spirits.

Heh, this granny is nice. Looking through her usual game-like acting, she truly was a good person, in her own way. 

As the next day came about, I noticed that Blackbeard had started asking around the guards if they knew who he was. But as ordered, they answered 'No' and as soon as Blackbeard turned his back, they would smile at him creepily.

Due to his Observation Haki, Blackbeard can undoubtedly sense those smirks. I had the best actors and patient people in the Drum Kingdom come here for this act. So even if Blackbeard tried to spy on someone, these people hold their acts together all day and night.

What I am trying to do here was tire out Blackbeard with the creepy atmosphere of the unknown. Why would someone act like this? That sense of unknown will bring mental unrest to people… at least normal people, because Blackbeard didn't seem to mind it too much. Still, though, the strange atmosphere will create a sense of strangeness. And in the end, would you rather be friends or enemies with something unknown and creepy? The answer was obvious here, it would be best to have the boogie-man as a friend.

With these thoughts in mind, I went to visit Raynare who was in the dungeons. When I got there, Kureha was already there. I don't know if it's an old people thing, but the grandma lady rarely sleeps, and when she does, it's in very small amounts. 

"So, are you here to try again?" She asked, and I nodded.

She opened the door and inside I saw Raynare in her monstrous form. Again, I thought back to the angry memories of my life. In that split second, a wave rushed out of me and hit Raynare's monstrous body. 

"Turn back into human form." As I said that, the creature looked at me with fear. Its purple eyes looked at me with fear, knowing that this wasn't a simple request, it was an absolute command.

Still, though, the creature only looked at me with fear and tried to turn back. But it couldn't… 

Damn, then that meant Blackbeard was the only solution here. Well then, I could only work with what I was given. No use trying to change the method or waste time on another option. 

Instead, I should be looking out to see how to get the most benefits out of this.

-Normal POV-

Blackbeard was in the castle's infirmary where his crew was in a coma. Recently he had started suspecting that this 'coma' his crew members had been in doesn't seem natural. Sure if some had been in a coma while some woke up, then it would be okay. Instead, they were all still knocked out, even the ones like Van Augur who didn't seem to have any heavy injuries. 

But Doc Q who was in the worst state of health, and half-dead on the other hand was in a bad condition and would have died if Drum Kingdom didn't have good doctors the man would have truly ended up dead.

Blackbeard wondered who had Doc Q fought against? Because his body was fully broken, every single bone in there had been smashed to pieces. Still, he had assumed that only Max was worth any trouble, but it seemed like he had someone under him that was dangerous too.

"It seems like you care for your crew members." Max's voice predominated through the room as he came in. He had a gentle smile on his face and sat down to Blackbeard's side, his small body in comparison made him seem like a child next to Blackbeard.

"Heh," Blackbeard smirked. "Yep, and I have someone to blame for their injuries right in front of me. What should I do with that?"

He looked at Max for any reaction from the young man, but there was none. 

"Yes… I wonder about that too," added Max. "How should you handle this situation? I also have a comrade who was hurt by the battle against one of your men. But if you help me, I promise you to answer one question you ask truthfully. I'll give you my word."

Blackbeard tried to look for any sign of deception from Max, but there was none. "Sure, I gotta be respectful to my host too."

Max seemed surprised by this, at how he easily Blackbeard accepted. And this brought some joy to the pirate, seeing the young man surprised at something.

After that, Blackbeard and Max walked down to the dungeons together. 

"So, can I ask that question now, or after the thing you want me to do?" Asked Blackbeard.

"You can ask it wherever you want," said Max, seeming distracted by something.

"Then… tell me… who do those guards act so weird?"

"Ah! I know what you're talking about. How about we go a little deeper in the dungeons. I will answer as my mind is occupied right now." Said Max as he pointed down.

Blackbeard got the message, it meant that Max couldn't talk about it here as there were people listening in their conversation.

Once they reached deep enough, Max finally answered. "They are all Marine Spies, normally they would be here to just spy on me or kill me if I do something like take over another Kingdom. I would advise you to be careful against them, whatever they are doing it's either to have you become suspicious of me or get you killed. So I want you to take your friends as soon as you can and get out of here."

Blackbeard was shocked at this, he didn't expect something like this.

But Max continued. "Also, your friends should have woken up by now at least. You waking up was outside of their expectations, so I would have you be careful. After getting Raynare from her Awakened form, I would advise you to run away from this place."

"Zehahahaha!!" Blackbeard suddenly laughed, surprising Max. 

A/N: I doubt I have to remind people this, but the things Max says don't have to be necessarily true. Look underneath the underneath… (;