
One Piece: Desperate

Transmigrated into a familiar world, in a desperate situation. No cheats, no system, not even a guarantee to survival. How will Max deal with all of this while trying to fulfil his ambitions? JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm **Disclaimers**  -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

HolyJoker · Anime & Comics
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149 Chs

Chapter 33

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

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(~30 chapters in advance)

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Chapter 33

Title: 'Cooperation'

Hearing that someone from the World Government was coming to 'check' on me, Max wasn't surprised. He did just take over a Kingdom after all. Though no one could say that did something illegal, so it was a general gray area on that part.

This world wasn't so much different in that area. Though of course, the whole slave thing was different. But still, there is one rule that would be true. The laws were made for the powerful, for example, the Passive Income loophole was the best example of this. As long as someone earned money from such things as company ownership and get revenue 'passively' they have to pay no tax in most places. 

Max wasn't a revolutionary to change the system, he would rather take advantage of this loophole. After all, no intelligent species can be uncorrupted and advanced at the same time. Greed, wanting something that they didn't have, was one of the main reasons humanity came so far. The people who advanced humanity most wanted to be in history books, some became extremely rich, some had grand ambitions and different reasons for doing what they do. Still though, the same as mother nature used one tool for evolution, the mistake. Human advancement also used Greed, wanting something that you don't have and never being satisfied with what you already had.

I shook my head, getting rid of these thoughts. It was useless to think about such things now, the most important point here was that fighting against the premade system would just be a wasted effort. 

Still, though, there could be an investigation on suspicious activity. This will just be an excuse so they can get some dirt on me and use it as blackmail. They can't touch me due to Sharlia, but with a reason, I could have an "accident" and break my neck. Plots don't need to be known by Sharlia or the public, but the higher-ups need a reason just in case things get revealed. They aren't stupid to try anything at the moment, but the Five Elders will still have something to use against me.

Trying to fight against them on this would be useless. They want my weakness… hmmm… this could be useful. Changing their minds and make myself show that I don't have any weakness or person they could threaten to use against me would be dumb. That will just make me seem like a threat.

"Your Majesty, the diplomat from the World Government is here." Said a guard as they came into the throne room.

I looked at him and smiled gently. "Then no need to keep the man waiting."

Usually, I would let him wait for an hour or two to show the difference between our positions, and make a power move. But that isn't the role I wanted to play as a King, nor was that the best move to make currently.

When the man came in, he had a rat-like face and a smile permeated his face. Though his greedy look was easy to spot, he was someone that a good bribe would settle down and make him a good cooperative guy. Sadly though, I don't plan to bribe him, I am a "just" King. 

Well, I was not above bribing him, but the man's position was too low, and spending money on the man would be next to useless. His official marine clothes fluttered about, I recognized them as the expensive kind, those usually fluttered and made someone look cooler. This world had some strange things made, and I recognized his brand of clothes because I used the same. People usually say that appearance doesn't matter, and they are completely wrong. Appearance matters a whole lot, not only people make an initial opinion of you in 10 seconds after seeing you. But also the way people treat you changes.

He bowed his head slightly. "Greetings, King Max."

Though he seemed polite on this, normally people would get on their knees when talking to a King. From this little action, it was safe to assume that the World Government doesn't recognize me as a King, or the man in front of me is an arrogant guy. Maybe both?

Still, though, I acted like I didn't notice the discretion. Killing him right now would give the World Government a reason to label me as a Mad King. And that would be enough reason for them to raze the Drum Kingdom to the ground.

"Welcome, diplomat." I welcomed him, obviously using his title to put him down. Acting like I didn't notice his small discretion would be best, but at the same time, I should 'accidentally' undermine him too. "So why are you here? Hopefully nothing too bad, right?"

"Hahaha," the man laughed nervously. His rat-like whiskers twitching with each throttle. "No, no, there is nothing bad. After all, you saved a kingdom from a tyrannical king. No one would dare dispute that."

Huh? They aren't gonna plant some evidence?... Where is the corruption? Where are the schemes and hidden agendas?

"Though I would like to meet Saintess Sharlia, her brother and father are very worried." 

Aha! That's where the schemes and corruption come in! They want to separate me from my legal-free card… I mean Sharlia. 

"Oh, then I will have to disappoint," I said, a little downtrodden. "As you know, Sharlia is a World Noble so I have no control over her or what she usually does or where she goes. I don't control her."

"Ah…" he didn't know what to say to that. Usually, most people would at least be polite and help him find Sharlia if they were in my position. But instead, I decided to hide behind her back and even as a King. People wouldn't do this due to some sense of shame or honor… I couldn't care less about any of that. 

"I see…" he said finally. "So, how are you feeling about your new royal duties?"

"Well, they are very tiring," I said, not even missing a beat in my lie. Nah, a King's duties weren't tiring at all. Ever since my past life, I can always push work into other people and still make myself seem like I do a lot when I do little to nothing. "If it wasn't for Sain Sharlia's orders, then I wouldn't be doing any of this. I honestly can't even get a decent night of sleep these days."

The man knew these were all lies. After all, they had Kaku and Blueno to report on what I do. But if they admit that, then they will be cautious because I will become suspicious of everyone and not be as transparent anymore. Of course, these were all how they thought because I already knew who the spies were, and even if I didn't… I NEVER reveal my true intentions to anyone in the crew. Still, though, they want their little spies here, afraid that I might kill them. Is it worth it to call me out on my lie and endanger their spies that they won't be able to get in anymore? No, from their view this would undoubtedly be a dumb move to do. 

"Okay, I understand your situation," in the end, the investigator couldn't do anything more here. 

Ahhhh~ I just love it when things line up like this. Still, though, these situations will stir up the waters, and some things can sometimes happen even when I don't like to think about them.

Now, I just need to calmly analyze the situation and what I would do if I was in the World Government's place. Well, first and foremost I would eliminate someone like me with a Buster Call. But they don't know the knowledge I have, and how dangerous I can become.


As Max was contemplating that, on the outskirts of the Drum Kingdom, a giant raft the size of a ship floated by. A flag with a three-headed crossed skull pirate flag adorning the top of it.

"Zehahahahaha~" a creepy laugh sounded through the sea.

I haven't said a lot about Max's past life. But he was quite good at doing nothing at his work while making it seem like he does a lot. Usually managerial positions are able to easily make it seem like this. So in work someone should always aim to become a manager and work "hard" for the company… that is my little cheat sheet to life~

HolyJokercreators' thoughts