
One Piece: Desperate

Transmigrated into a familiar world, in a desperate situation. No cheats, no system, not even a guarantee to survival. How will Max deal with all of this while trying to fulfil his ambitions? JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm **Disclaimers**  -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

HolyJoker · Anime & Comics
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149 Chs

Chapter 137: Mad Men Sing Beautiful Songs

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Pa treon.com/HolyJoker

(Finished on Patreòn)


Chapter 137: Mad Men Sing Beautiful Songs


Kinemon saw Ashura Doji's body and sword shaking, the man's eyes were shadowed and it seemed like he was angry. Amongst the Red Scabbards, the man in front of him was the strongest. Even before becoming Oden's subordinate, Ashira Doji was considered someone dangerous.

So Kinemon was cautious and pulled out his katanas. Kiku, Raizo, and Kanjuro did the same. They all got ready for a battle amongst themselves. 

The people walking down the street looked at them weirdly and started talking amongst themselves. Seemingly unbothered by the situation, even though they distanced themselves from the battle.

"Is there going to be a fight?"


"Let's see how fast Ashura Doji can beat these punks."

Kinemon tightened the grip in his katana to try and calm himself. He knew that getting in a fight here would only lead to trouble. "Ashura Doji, have you forgotten the man who boiled himself alive for us? Have you forgotten Oden too?!"

Ashura Doji stopped shaking at the mention of Oden and looked his friends all in the eye. "Guys… I think you should get out of Wano immediately."

Though Kinemon was too hard-headed to catch the tone in his words. Kiku and Raizo immediately noticed that their old friend was warning them. At that moment, they understood that there was something more here than it was meeting the eye.

"Kinemon, let's go back," Raizo put his hand on Kinemon's shoulder, trying to stop him from doing anything reckless. This situation could develop into a disaster and get them all killed.

*sigh* "Okay," Kinemon agreed and turned around, this made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. But the fire-cutting samurai suddenly turned around and charged toward Ashura Doji. "Yeah right! As if I would say that! You bastard!"


He and Ashura Doji clashed weapons, pushing people off their feet due to the strong currents of the clash. The people around them seemed very amused and happy by what was happening.

Kinemon winced, as his opponent easily pushed him back with one hand. Now he was reminded again who was the strongest Red Scabbard, and it seemed like Ashura Doji had only gotten stronger than twenty years ago.

"Listen to me!! Get out of Wano!!" Asura Doji yelled desperately, catching even Kinemon off guard.

"Oy! Ashura. You still haven't taken care of the troublemakers," a rude female voice came from the roof. Looking at the one who spoke, it was a young woman with blue hair and pink streaks running through it. She had a pink face mask and an angry look on her face. "I am the manager of Kuri, if there is a problem here your head isn't the only one that will start rolling. You know just how much Max doesn't like trouble."

"I will take care of it," Ashura Doji insisted. Trying to not show any emotion to the young woman. Because while he wasn't scared of her, he knew just how troublesome Ulti could become. 

"Bastard! Then take care of it already!" She yelled, putting a hand on her hip and seemingly getting even angrier. "Max is currently having a tea break, once it's over and he comes here…"

Ashura Doji's body started shaking again as a fearful look turned his face, he could smell the insanity around him and could feel his mind's sanity slipping away. 

What neither of them noticed was a small shadow fleeting in the clouds above them.


-Max POV-

I flapped my bat-like dragon wings to stay afloat up here. The scenery was quite nice and an entertaining thing was happening below me. Looking all over Wano, I hadn't been able to find Toki's devil Fruit, which was a little annoying. Still, sometimes things just don't go your way and I was okay with that… as long as it wasn't something big of course.

Well, Ashura Doji seems to want to try something again? A couple of years back I released my Conqueror's Haki in combination with a certain Devil Fruit and his small group of subordinates went mad. I could tell that left a tremendous mental scar on the man. Well, he was a good test subject of how even some strong-willed men fall prey to Conqueror's Haki as long as it was past a certain level. 

Retracting the wings back into my shoulder blades, I started falling towards the ground. The wind hitting me made a certain weight of adrenaline pass through me, it was a strange emotion. Because while I knew this fall wouldn't kill me, the mindset from my last life still stood strong and didn't want me to do things that only superhumans would survive.


I landed on the ground right in between Ashura Doji and his friends. Suddenly, I sensed an overwhelming amount of terror coming out of two people, the overweight samurai, and Ulti on the roof. One was worried about his friends and the other about her life and her brother. Because while Page One wasn't in charge of this district, the unwritten rule around here was that if I kill you, the rest of your bloodline will follow with you.

"M -Max -sama!!" Ulti exclaimed in shock, fear, and absolute despair. "I -I can explain. It was all Ashura Doji's fault. I just noticed the situation and came here to take care of it myself."

My gaze wandered towards Ashura Doji. "Is that so?"

The man's mouth was agape as he looked at me with a sense of fear. 


His katana hit the ground and he fell on his knees. "Max -sama please take my life and spare the lives of my friends."

The people around us looked at this with a sense of dread, but at the same time, excitement. No wonder people always built colosseum, MMA, and other fighting sports. We just love seeing other people fight.

I glanced at Kinemon and the rest of his entourage, my gaze stayed on Momonosuke and Kanjuro for a split second than the rest. "Hello there, welcome to Wano. People of the long past."

Since I had come back from the Drum Kingdom, after killing Kureha, I was in a happy mood. So I didn't think about killing Momonosuke and the others. 

Of course, that was mostly because young Momo here wasn't willing to try and fight against me. And making the Kozuki a Noble Family once again will buy me the loyalty of the samurai. They would be very useful in the ultimate war in this world. A couple of generations later, when everyone has forgotten about Oden, I will massacre them.

Ashura Doji stayed in a bowing position and didn't take his forehead off the ground, even though I wasn't paying attention to him any longer. "So? What do you plan to do from now on? I hope you aren't thinking any thoughts of rebellion because that would break my heart in a million pieces. I am very sensitive towards these things. So… what is your choice?"

As soon as my words were finished, a burst of Conqueror's haki burst out of me. Knocking out the people around us, while making Ulti, the Red Scabbards, Momonosuke bow, their hands touching the ground.

They didn't answer or say anything, because they couldn't due to the pressure that almost crushed young Momonosuke, even though I was going as easy as I could in the young man. Taking their silence as an answer, I smiled at them gently and clapped. "Now that's good~ peace is the best solution. Losing lives in a needless battle would be a shame."


Kinemon felt like a fool, only now did he understand what Ashura Doji was saying all along. Terror, absolute despair.

'What a fool I was. Thinking that we could fight against a monster like this.' - Kinemon's spirit was broken. Just like that, he had now given up any hopes of ever wanting to overthrow Max.

This was a show of absolute power... 


A/N: Recently due to college I haven't been able to answer the comments or even read them due to the lack of time. If anyone has any questions, join discord and ask me.

DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm