
One Piece: Desperate

Transmigrated into a familiar world, in a desperate situation. No cheats, no system, not even a guarantee to survival. How will Max deal with all of this while trying to fulfil his ambitions? JOIN THE DISCORD: https://discord.gg/M9hghrm **Disclaimers**  -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s).

HolyJoker · Anime & Comics
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149 Chs

Chapter 135: New Arrivals

A/N: Chapters in advance in Patreòn

Pa treon.com/HolyJoker

(Finished in there)


Chapter 135: New Arrivals


"Hahahaha!" Kureha laughed at Reiju's conclusion and I could understand where she was coming from with this. That was when the old woman stopped laughing and looked the pink-haired girl straight in the eyes. "That's good then. Make sure he doesn't genuinely become evil. Kekekeke~"

Reiju smiled. "I think Max would be the last person in the world to do something as illogical as to be evil."

You know, this usually quiet girl knew quite a lot about me and understood me. I usually don't pay too much attention to her existence, but she has always been someone who has been the easiest to convince to stay by my side. Yet, she was still loyal even though she knew so much about me.

"Goodbye, Kureha," Reiju made a pink rose out of gasses and blew it towards Kureha. The rose scattered and became into sakura petals, once it touched the old woman's body, it was sucked through her pores. Her eyes became dilated before her heart stopped.

"What was that?" I asked curiously. 

"It was a version of a hallucinogen gas, it would make Kureha hallucinate the happiest memories in her head. She lived a dozen happy lifetimes in those seconds." Reiju answered my question and stared at me calmly. "Was that the wrong thing to do?"

"No…" I shook my head. If it made Reiju feel easier about this, then I don't mind. Some people liked to lessen the guilt they felt about killing someone and I was okay with that. Though I didn't agree with it on a personal level since if I did it, my heart will inevitably grow softer and in the end, I could lose my guts. The chances of that happening were low, but even I wasn't like a machine and had illogical emotions sometimes. "If it makes you happy, then I am okay with it. Just don't try and do it in a place where it could endanger your life."

She chuckled. "If you keep acting so nice I will fall hard for you and might become annoyingly clingy."

Smiling, I grabbed her hand, trying to make her forget that she just killed an old woman that wasn't necessarily unkind and even helped us. "Remember, whatever it is, as long as you are happy, then it's okay. After all, that's how relationships work, we try to make each other happier."

"Stop it…" Reiju said half-heartedly as she leaned her head on my shoulder. This might be the first time I seemed to act on her behalf just to make her happy and with no second hidden agenda in mind.

Well, I always had a second agenda for everything I do. But, I will let Reiju think however she wants, she no longer is my prisoner or someone I need to keep a tight grip on all the time. A relationship is all about understanding each other and accepting them for who they are. 

Reiju never knew what loving someone romantically ever felt… I will give her that feeling to the woman who knew me the best.


On an undisclosed island in the New World, a green cloaked man with tattoos on his face stared at his protege uncertainty. "Sabo, are you sure you want to do this?"

The man was Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionaries, and Sabo was his 2nd in command. "Yes, I need to find Ace's killer or I will never be able to sleep peacefully. This will haunt me for the rest of my life. Also, I will be performing spy duties in the Marines, so this plan wouldn't be too bad for the Revolutionaries either."

*Sigh* "But if you are caught, then everything will be over. The Marines will execute you on the field, they wouldn't want another big war like with Ace." Dragon insisted, trying to dissuade the young blonde man from doing anything reckless. 

But sadly, Sabo was headstrong on this. "Dragon -san, this is something that I had thought over a hundred times. And when Luffy was here, training with us. I couldn't help but blame myself for not remembering things sooner."

"You can't blame yourself for something like amnesia," Dragon frowned, but even he knew that there was no way the headstrong Sabo would change his mind. "Though, if you go there, make sure to be disguised and never contact us regularly so people don't find a pattern to your actions."


At the same time, in Wano. Momonosuke, Kinemon, Kiku, Raizo, and Kanjuro were in a ramen stand and eating their fill. The ramen stand's name was [Reiju's Charity Ramen]. Since it was free and they didn't have any money on hand, this was the only thing they could get.

They had seen a lot of signs like this all over through the Flower Capital City of Wano. Reiju's Charity Clinic, Reiju's Charity Construction, and many other things. One thing they all had in common was to help the needy. The organizations dealt with everything, from helping the needy get some food, small homes built, and making sure that they were taken care of medically. 

"This Reiju person must be quite important," whispered Kiku to her fellow Red Scabbards. 

"Oh~ are you guys talking about Reiju -sama!" Suddenly the ramen stand owner seemed very interested in things. 

Once they got a good look at the owner, they saw that she was a beautiful light blue-haired woman. But Kinemon also noticed something else, the woman seemed to be floating and as he got up… his assumptions were correct and saw that the woman didn't have human legs. Instead, she had the lower body of a fish.

"You… are the mermaids that Oden spoke about," Kinemon remembered when his master spoke a lot about the beautiful Mermaids of Fishman Island. Sometimes so much that it would take Toki's slap to keep him from talking about them.

"Yep~ I am a mermaid and my name is Mero. Also known as Negan's wife."

"Mero, did you finally convince that hard-head Negan to marry you?" Suddenly a small, elderly man with a cyan tuft of hair and goatee that resembled small flames came to the ramen stand. He has a blue tattoo covering his shoulders and upper back that resembles a vest with pink flower patterns and a border.

"W -Well… I believe we are already married in our souls," Mero stuttered and looked away, blushing.

"Gahahaha! I am sure that one day you will get him." The old man encouraged her, knowing that while Mero always introduced herself as Negan's wife, that was all self-proclaimed. 

The old man started eating and suddenly turned around to look at Kinemon and the others who were cloaked. "Oh, I haven't seen you around here before. Who-"

Suddenly he stopped talking and the chopsticks dropped out of his hand. Kinemon and the others immediately became worried that they might have been found out. 

"Kinemon? Kiku? Raizo? Kanjuro… and Momonosuke -sama!!" The old man was so shocked that his eyes seemed to jump out of their sockets. The red Scabbards looked at the man strangely, not remembering anyone who looked like the old man. 

Though, as they saw the man's tattoo, immediately it hit them like a bolt of lightning and the Red Scabbards knew who this frail-looking old man was. 

"""""Hyogoro!!!!"""" they all exclaimed in shock. The old Yakuza Boss had changed too much, back in the day he used to be a tall and strong man that towered over others. But now he seemed so frail that even someone bumping into him might result in his death.

"How come you guys are here?!" Hyogoro asked, wondering why they all looked the same as twenty years ago. 

Kinemon didn't hesitate before giving his answer. "We are here to defeat Kaido and make Momonosuke -sama the Shogun."

Immediately, Hyogoro's face paled once he heard that.

A/N: If you wanna join my Discord server to ask any questions or see character pics. Here it is the link:


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