
One Piece: Demon of the sea

Tags: Acton, Adventure, Tragedy, Anti-hero, Superpowers, Fantasy, One Piece, 18+(possibly), Overpowered, Romance. (More tags may be added later) Synopsis: The world of One Piece, where countless tales are concealed within its legendary depths. Today, we delve into the gripping chronicle of a solitary warrior, adrift in a sea of anger and resentment, yearning for vengeance. However, destiny, with its wicked sense of irony, unveils a divergent path before him. Join him on an enthralling odyssey of retribution and fury, as he unravels enigmatic secrets meant to remain buried forever. As this extraordinary saga unfolds, a pressing question looms overhead: Will he rise as a beacon of heroism, wielding salvation for all, or will the allure of his darkest desires consume him, transforming him into the very embodiment of fear? Journey alongside this tormented warrior as he navigates treacherous waters, challenging the boundaries of his own sanity. Unearth the forbidden truths that lie shrouded in shadows, testing the limits of his resolve. Within this epic tale, the delicate balance between redemption and damnation teeters on a knife's edge. Will he find absolution amidst the chaos, or will he succumb to the alluring whispers of his own inner demons? Note: This story is purely fiction, Only for entertainment purpose. [One Piece belongs to Eiichiro Oda] [Cover don't belong to me]

Strawhat_samurai · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

Hello, Author here.

A few things before you read the chapter.

Firstly, this story strictly follows the one piece timeline found on the One Piece wiki (https://thelibraryofohara.com/the-one-piece-timeline/)

Secondly, Most of the story has been planned out, but you are more than welcome to provide suggestions and ideas.

Thirdly, This is not a harem story, There is only one love interest (female).

Finally, This story is being written as a challenge, so it wouldn't be abandoned, but expect some gaps in upload (I am a student, Send help!)

(The more powerstones, comments and reviews this story gets, the more motivated i would be to write and release new chapters)


[Kaienreki Calendar, Year 1507]

The tranquil sea surrounding Marineford, the formidable Marine stronghold, shimmered under the gentle sunlight. Not a single sea creature dared to disturb the waters near the bastion of justice, knowing the consequences that awaited them.

The air carried a refreshing tang of salt, mingled with the diligent footsteps of Marine soldiers donning their distinguished uniforms and iconic caps adorned with the Marine insignia. It was another typical day in Marineford, bustling with activity and purpose.

Amidst this organized chaos, Sengoku found himself seated behind his desk, a mound of paperwork towering before him. His knitted brows and unwavering focus mirrored the immense responsibility he bore. The scratching of his pen against paper filled the room as he meticulously reviewed reports and signed documents, ensuring that each decision upheld the principles of justice.

In the midst of Sengoku's engrossment, the office door swung open with a resounding bang, and Garp barged in without a hint of decorum. Rice crackers in hand, he munched away with gusto, crumbs scattering in all directions. Sengoku had grown accustomed to Garp's spontaneous entries, finding amusement in his predictable unpredictability.

"Hey, Sengoku! Mind if I join you?" Garp asked playfully, plopping down on a chair without a care in the world. He continued devouring his crackers, oblivious to the mess he created.

Sengoku sighed, shaking his head in good-natured exasperation. "Garp, one of these days, knocking might become a new skill for you. Nevertheless, please take a seat. How was your visit with your grandson?"

Leaning back in his chair, Garp's eyes gleamed mischievously. "That boy of mine! You won't believe what he's been blabbering about. Becoming a pirate! Can you imagine? Just his silly sense of humor, I suppose. He'll end up joining the Marines, following in the footsteps of his dear old grandfather."

Sengoku arched an eyebrow, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Is that so, Garp? With you as his guardian..."

Garp erupted in hearty laughter, sending a shower of crumbs into the air. "Come on, Sengoku! He's just fooling around as always. Pirates or not, he'll find his own path. Dreams can be grand, after all!"

Before their banter could continue, a Marine soldier burst into the office, flushed and breathless. Quickly regaining composure, the soldier saluted, his urgency palpable.

"Admiral Sengoku, Vice Admiral Garp, my apologies for the interruption. We've just received urgent news," the soldier announced, his voice brimming with importance.

Sengoku and Garp exchanged a knowing glance, their playful conversation abruptly halted by the gravity of the soldier's presence.

"Proceed, soldier," Sengoku commanded, his tone firm and authoritative.

Taking a deep breath, the soldier relayed the information, "We've received reports of a disturbance in the Peril Channel."

Garp nonchalantly crunched on a cracker, his face wearing an expression of feigned ignorance. "The Peril Channel?" he inquired, as if he had never heard of it before.

The Marine soldier, adopting a sudden air of authority, began his explanation. "The Peril Channel is a treacherous stretch of sea near Soragiri Island, characterized by its strong currents and unpredictable weather. Legends and rumors abound, claiming that those who enter the channel never return, or that a forbidden monster lurks within its depths. Even the Marines remain uncertain about what lies inside or if anything exists at all."

As the soldier spoke, a set of glasses and a blackboard materialized seemingly out of thin air, giving him the appearance of a teacher lecturing a group of young students.

Clearing his throat, Garp attempted to change the subject. "Ahem...of course, I'm well aware of the Peril Channel. I was just curious about what happened there..."

Sengoku couldn't help but sweatdrop at Garp's blatant attempt to divert the conversation. Nevertheless, he maintained his serious demeanor and pressed on. He was familiar with the Peril Channel's significance, as it covered a vast expanse of sea along the route to Soragiri Island, the island serving as a crucial waypoint for the Marines and other sailors. The channels treacherous nature forced ships to take a three-week detour, costing them precious time.

"Tell us what occurred," Sengoku urged, his tone firm.

The soldier hesitated for a moment before continuing. "5 weeks ago, we received a distress signal from Captain Evander of Branch 51. He was in pursuit of the notorious Wraith Pirates, led by the infamous Big Paw Flint. Evander, accompanied by around 50 soldiers, was near the Peril Channel at the time."

Sengoku wracked his memory, recalling the face of a tall and stalwart young man filled with a strong sense of justice and adventure—Thorned Evander.

Swallowing nervously, the Marine soldier pressed on. "In response, the Emergency and Distress Department dispatched a team led by Commodore Viktor Ironsides. They set out from headquarters approximately one month ago."

Just as he finished speaking, the soldier handed Sengoku a small, snail-like creature—a device used to record voice or visuals.

"This message was received just now from commodore Viktor."

Sengoku delicately picked up the den den mushi from the soldier's hand and placed it on his desk. With a decisive press of its shell, he activated the device.

["#82942 Viktor Ironsides, Marine HQ, Rescue squad!"]

A burst of sound erupted from the snail, filling the room.

["We were following a distress signal sent by Captain Evander of Branch 51, but when we reached near the Peril Channel, we encountered...something. I'm at a loss for words to describe it,"] Viktor's voice relayed urgently.

["I'm transmitting this message along with some images. Please provide further orders,"] he continued, his tone tinged with both curiosity and concern.

As the sound abruptly ceased, a small image materialized on a nearby wall, capturing everyone's attention.

"What is this?" Garp muttered under his breath.

The image depicted a colossal mass of cooled magma and lava situated in the midst of the sea. Its sheer size was awe-inspiring. The powerful currents swirled around it, forming a maelstrom that prevented any approach.

At the apex of the rocky formation, crimson flames and molten lava blazed with intense heat. The surrounding water boiled, shrouding much of the view in thick steam.

["This might just be the secret of the Peril Channel"] the voice from the den den mushi concluded, hinting at the magnitude of the discovery.

"You may leave, but remember that the information shared within these walls remains strictly confidential," Sengoku declared with an air of authority, his tone brooking no disobedience.

The soldier nodded vigorously, his understanding evident as he saluted and swiftly exited the room.

As the door closed behind the soldier, silence descended upon the office, only to be punctuated by the rhythmic crunching of rice crackers emanating from Garp's direction.

"*Crunch* So... *gulp* is this Peril Channel really that important?" Garp queried between mouthfuls of crackers.

Sengoku let out a weary sigh as he settled into his chair, reaching into a drawer on his desk to retrieve an old folder of papers.

"Since my time in the Marines, a total of 11 warships have been swallowed whole by that treacherous part of the sea, including one led by a Vice-Admiral," he revealed, his voice tinged with gravity.

"We suspected that something or someone within those depths was responsible for the disappearances. However, every team we dispatched to investigate never returned, and the area was deemed forbidden."

A shadow of unease flickered across Sengoku's face as he continued, his voice growing somber. "However... when I was a young and newly promoted Rear-Admiral, curiosity got the better of me. I wanted to see what lay within."

"The weather rivaled the harshest regions of the New World, and the unpredictable currents added to the peril. But most importantly..." Sengoku's voice trailed off as he grappled with the memories, his expression turning pale.

"I sensed something... something sinister," he confessed, his words barely audible amidst Garp's comical munching.

*Crunch* "Uh-huh... *gulp*," Garp responded, his eating habits providing a stark contrast to the gravity of the conversation, creating an unintentionally humorous tableau.

"...I didn't know if I could face whatever awaited me, so I made a hasty retreat," Sengoku confessed, his admission barely audible, as if sharing a secret with only himself and the rice-cracker-crunching Garp.

"Bwahahaha!", Garp's boisterous laughter echoed throughout the room, causing Sengoku to roll his eyes in exasperation.

"Let me at 'em! Whoever or whatever is lurking in that channel, they'll regret it once I land my punches!" Garp exclaimed, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Sengoku sighed, his patience wearing thin. "I understand your confidence, Garp, but this situation may require more than just brute force. I will contact Sakazuki, his Devil Fruit powers will surely be of great help"

Garp raised an eyebrow, his grin unwavering. "That magma kid? You think I can't handle this on my own?"

Sengoku shook his head, his tone filled with concern. "It's not about doubting your abilities, Garp. I just have this nagging feeling deep inside that things won't be as straightforward as they seem."

Garp chuckled heartily, dismissing Sengoku's worries. "Hahaha! You worry too much, Sengoku. But fine, do as you see fit. I'll be ready to lend a hand whenever you need me."

Sengoku nodded appreciatively, acknowledging Garp's agreement.

[Time skip]

The symphony of surging water resonated in every direction, creating a mesmerizing cacophony. The salty tang of the sea permeated the air, a testament to the vastness that surrounded them. Above, a canvas of unbroken cerulean stretched as far as the eye could see, devoid of any fluffy clouds. Through this vast expanse, a magnificent warship sliced through the deep blue waves, proudly hoisting the marine insignia on its billowing sail. At the forefront of the vessel, a formidable dog figurehead exuded an air of strength and authority.

On the deck of the ship, a colossal figure stood with an imposing presence. Monkey D. Garp, hailed by many as the marine hero, gazed out into the limitless horizon. His towering stature and steeling resolve painted a picture of unwavering determination. With a prominent smile etched on his face, he embodied the spirit of justice that coursed through his veins.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the deck, marine soldiers scurried about, their urgency palpable as the turbulent waves grew increasingly tumultuous. The atmosphere shifted, and before long, the warship found itself enveloped in a dense wall of billowing steam. The temperature rose abruptly, intensifying the air around them.

"SIR!" a soldier called out, approaching Garp with beads of sweat streaming down his face. Saluting respectfully, he delivered the news, "We have just received a signal from Commodore Viktor. His ship was anchored on a nearby island, and he is currently making his way towards us."

From below deck emerged a figure of commanding presence. Tall and muscular, he donned the resolute garb of justice, with a marine cap adorning his head and a scarlet double-breasted suit accentuating his stature. As he strode forward, wisps of smoke from his cigar ascended into the air, lending an air of gravitas to his presence. The soldiers instinctively parted, creating a path for his advance.

His brow furrowed as he surveyed the scene before him. The wall of steam loomed in every direction, obstructing their path.

"Since we are here, then they aren't needed." He said, his body tensed beneat his justice-imbued coat, as if he was about to attack the steam.

"Bwahahaha! Let me show you how it's done, boy," Garp bellowed with laughter, stretching his colossal frame. Drawing back his arm, an inky black aura enveloped it, covering it in a black coating.


With a resounding blast, the air crackled and reverberated. A forceful shockwave ripped through the surroundings, dispersing the steam and taming the unruly waves. And there, amidst the dissipating mist, stood a towering mountain engulfed in roaring flames, an awe-inspiring sight that left all who beheld it speechless.

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