
One Piece: Demon of the sea

Tags: Acton, Adventure, Tragedy, Anti-hero, Superpowers, Fantasy, One Piece, 18+(possibly), Overpowered, Romance. (More tags may be added later) Synopsis: The world of One Piece, where countless tales are concealed within its legendary depths. Today, we delve into the gripping chronicle of a solitary warrior, adrift in a sea of anger and resentment, yearning for vengeance. However, destiny, with its wicked sense of irony, unveils a divergent path before him. Join him on an enthralling odyssey of retribution and fury, as he unravels enigmatic secrets meant to remain buried forever. As this extraordinary saga unfolds, a pressing question looms overhead: Will he rise as a beacon of heroism, wielding salvation for all, or will the allure of his darkest desires consume him, transforming him into the very embodiment of fear? Journey alongside this tormented warrior as he navigates treacherous waters, challenging the boundaries of his own sanity. Unearth the forbidden truths that lie shrouded in shadows, testing the limits of his resolve. Within this epic tale, the delicate balance between redemption and damnation teeters on a knife's edge. Will he find absolution amidst the chaos, or will he succumb to the alluring whispers of his own inner demons? Note: This story is purely fiction, Only for entertainment purpose. [One Piece belongs to Eiichiro Oda] [Cover don't belong to me]

Strawhat_samurai · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

[Kaienreki Calender, Year 1507]

[5 Months later]

Perched upon a lofty cliff, a small child gazed out at the tumultuous ocean. Dark clouds enveloped the island, casting an ominous aura upon its surroundings. Amidst the raging currents, a narrow gap emerged—a treacherous pathway the Thorn tribe used to brave the outside world.

This proud precipice stood firm against the violent atmosphere, its unyielding stance contrasting with the harsh winds that whipped through the air. Ravrok, his feet dangling over the edge, strained his deep red eyes to discern a distant speck on the vast blue expanse.

"It's here!" he exclaimed with uncontainable joy.

"Brother has returned!"

With the bear still securely bound at his side, he sprinted towards the tribe, a whimsical sight as he balanced the oversized creature upon his head.

In the midst of the vast sea, a formidable vessel adorned with the emblem of the Marines sailed towards the island.

However, an unmistakable sense of unease permeated the air.


"Big brother has returned!" Ravrok exclaimed as he dashed inside his house, excitement coursing through his veins.

Seated on a grand chair, his imposing father paused his polishing of the golden, spiked gauntlets that held immense value to him.

"Dear..." his mother's voice, filled with concern, resonated from beside his father.

Setting aside the gauntlets, allowing them to hang from his side, his father stood up.

"Though he may be a Marine now, the Thorn blood still flows through him," he declared.

A smile of relief adorned his wife's face upon hearing those words.

In haste, the family of three made their way out, venturing into the main square, eagerly awaiting the arrival of their final missing piece.

Under the shimmering sunlight, the sound of Ravrok's loud shout reverberated through the air, reaching the ears of countless tribe members. Soon, a large gathering assembled at the main square, drawn by the commotion and anticipation.

As figures emerged from the back of the island, following the path taken by those who set sail from the tribe, a sense of unease gripped Calder. He raised his hand, halting Ravrok's excited exclamation mid-sentence.

"Wait!" Calder's voice boomed, his face clouded with concern. He used his large hands to restrain Ravrok's small frame, preventing him from rushing forward.

The rest of the tribe men swiftly assumed defensive stances, sensing that something was amiss. Their eyes focused on a group of approximately 70 to 80 individuals, making their way towards the town boundary from the nearby jungle.

At the forefront of the group was a tall and broad man clad in pirate attire, emanating an air of authority and mischief.

Walking beside him was a man wearing a tattered marine coat of justice, donning the standard uniform and cap. However, his battered and bruised appearance, with bound hands and a blackened eye, betrayed the hardships he had endured. Remarkably, the same symbol as the other Thorn tribesmen adorned his chest, causing a mixture of confusion and concern to wash over the watching tribe members.

"Evander!" Calder's voice thundered, filled with a mix of anguish and anger.

A sinister laughter erupted from the pirate, who callously yanked at Evander's bound form, causing him to stumble forward, his face meeting the ground.

"What a wonderful welcome! Xihihihihi!" The pirate jeered, reaching for a glass filled with alcohol from a nearby table.

Calder's muscles twitched with restrained fury as he demanded answers, his voice laced with palpable anger.

"Explain yourself!"


"Explain ourselves?! Xihihihihi! We are pirates, what more do we need to say?!"

The crew behind him laughed and jeered at the tribesmen.

"F-Father..." Evander's miserable voice was barely heard from beneath.

Calder's fury surged within him, his eyes narrowed with a mix of anger and concern. He stepped forward, his presence commanding attention.

The pirate leader, seated on a wooden table, smirked with twisted satisfaction. "We Wraith Pirates are quite reasonable, you see," he sneered, gesturing toward Evander with a gloating expression. "This fool dared to challenge me, thinking he could take my head! How laughable!"

He continued, relishing in his sadistic revelry. "So, we eradicated his subordinates, one by one! Xihihihihi!" His sinister laughter echoed through the air.

"But you see," the pirate leader continued, his tone dripping with malicious intent, "this man couldn't bear watching his comrades perish. He groveled, pleading for his life. He offered anything to survive!"

The sounds of protest erupted from the tribe, their voices filled with disdain for those who would beg for mercy.

As he finished speaking, he tossed a piece of paper toward Calder. On it was a vivid image of a red fruit with intricate swirling patterns.

"He claimed that your tribe possesses something I desire greatly," the pirate leader taunted, his gaze fixed on Calder.

"A devil fruit!"

The square erupted with the cacophony of tribesmen's voices, each one discussing the peculiar red devil fruit depicted in the image.

For most of the Thorn tribe, the concept of a devil fruit remained elusive and unfamiliar, merely a strange-looking fruit. However, a few individuals recognized its significance.

Calder's gaze fixated on the paper, his eyes narrowing with intensity. He then shifted his gaze towards the person he once called his son—Evander, whose tear-streaked face reflected misery.

"Evander!" Calder's voice reverberated through the silent square, capturing everyone's attention.

"F-father..." Evander's tremulous voice reached Calder's ears.

Calder's expression became inscrutable, his emotions concealed beneath a veneer of determination. The air thickened with an undeniable pressure.

"Tell me, whatever he said... is it true?" Calder inquired, his voice taut with controlled intensity.

"...y-yes," Evander reluctantly admitted.

Calder's features remained unreadable, but a storm brewed within him.

"From this day forward, you are not my son!" Calder's words thundered, eliciting gasps of surprise from the onlooking crowd.

"No son of mine would grovel before an enemy, lead them to our home, or put our people in harm's way," Calder declared, his voice laced with disappointment and resolve.

"Xihihihi! How interesting! Very interesting!" the pirate jeered, a mocking expression adorning his face.

"This would make quite the spectacle!" he added, reveling in his twisted amusement.

"My people! Raise your weapons, and let us not allow this scum to taint our land and trample upon our dignity!" Calder's commanding voice boomed through the air, stirring a chorus of roars from the tribe.

The men surged forward, their determination palpable.

"Get the children and women to safety!" Jaxon, a general of the Thorn tribe and a trusted friend of Calder, swiftly took charge, rushing to escort the vulnerable members of the tribe to a place of refuge.

Amidst the chaotic symphony of gunshots and clashing swords that resonated throughout the square, Ravrok's defiant voice cut through the turmoil.

"I will not cower away!" he shouted, his resolve unwavering.

Calder's attention was drawn to his son's courageous proclamation, momentarily diverting his gaze from the unfolding chaos.

"I refuse to believe that the brother I looked up to is in such a state!" Ravok declared, his voice filled with a mix of concern and determination.

Before he could utter another word, a sword swung perilously close to Ravrok. Acting swiftly, Calder intercepted the attack, his golden gauntlets shattering the blade upon impact.

"Gah!" a cry of pain erupted from the assailant as Jaxon's sword impaled him from behind, the swift intervention of Calder's ally.

"Ravrok, follow your mother," Calder directed, his tone firm yet filled with paternal concern.

"B-but f-" Ravrok began to protest, interrupted by his father's resolute command.

"Protect her, protect the children," Calder insisted, his voice unwavering.

"Xihihihihi! Do you think you can worry about others?" the pirate's voice mocked, resounding through the chaos.

A large, brown furry paw extended in front of Calder, catching his attention. Evading backward, Calder's eyes widened as he took in the source.

It belonged to a giant bear, towering over even Calder, its colossal presence commanding attention.

"I consumed the Kuma Kuma no Mi, Model: Arctodus, and became a giant Arctodus!" the bear proclaimed, a formidable ally in this perilous battle.

While the clash between the Thorn tribe's chief and the captain of the Wraith Pirates intensified, other members of the pirate crew joined the fray.

Guns were fired, swords clashed, and the square was awash with the vivid hue of crimson, as the fight for their land and honor raged on.

The group of women and children obediently followed Jaxon, their footsteps quickened by a sense of urgency and the need for safety.

Ravok tightly clutched his mother's hand, his grip resolute as he made a silent vow to protect her at all costs.


The deafening sound of an explosion reverberated through the jungle, causing the ground to tremble. A large round cannonball crashed down, colliding with Jaxon's side. His cry was abruptly cut short as the projectile erupted in a violent blaze upon impact, engulfing him in flames.

Reacting swiftly, Ravok propelled himself away from the inferno, his arm firmly wrapped around his mother, shielding her from harm. As the fire subsided, a charred figure emerged, a testament to the destructive power of the explosion.

"Fucking cowards!" the half-burnt man cursed through gritted teeth, his seared body trembling as he unsheathed his sword with a fierce determination.

From the depths of the jungle, another group of approximately forty pirates emerged, encircling the vulnerable group of women and children. Among them was a bearded man with a peculiarly elongated arm, emitting smoke from a hole at its end before returning to its normal form.

"Fufufufu, surrender, and we shall grant you mercy," the bearded pirate taunted, his voice laced with cruel amusement.

"A devil fruit..." Jaxon muttered, his voice filled with a mixture of recognition and apprehension.

"I consumed the Taihō taihō no mi, becoming a Cannon Human," the pirate declared, his arm transforming once again into a formidable weapon.

In a swift succession of events, another explosion resounded through the jungle, a cannonball detonating just behind the group. The innocent children and women were enveloped in a searing blaze, their agonized screams piercing through the dense forest.

"Fufufufuf, I warned you," the pirate sneered, reveling in the terror he had unleashed.

A fierce war cry erupted from Jaxon's lips as he charged at the pirate, his intent to avenge the innocent lives brutally shattered by the ruthless onslaught. However, his valiant effort proved futile as a barrage of cannon fire mercilessly rained down upon him, reducing his existence to mere chunks of burnt flesh.

Ravok stood frozen in horror, his eyes transfixed on the remnants of a person he had known so well. The companion with whom he had danced and shared joyful drinks was now reduced to nothing but charred remains. A gut-wrenching scream escaped his mouth, a cry born from unimaginable anguish.

His mother sank to her knees, tears mingling with the trails of soot and snot on her anguished face. She wept inconsolably, joining the chorus of cries emitted by the traumatized children.

Ravok's trembling hands picked up the broken sword his uncle Jaxon once wielded, his heart aflame with fury and grief. With resolute determination, he positioned himself in front, facing the encroaching pirates, ready to confront them and protect what little remained of his shattered world.