
Chapter 96 Billion·Divine Punishment Vs Rising Dragon·Fire Dragon Eight Trigrams!

Blue lightning mixed with red lightning entangled on the spear.

Sander thrust the Thor's Spear at Kaido without hesitation.

A huge roar sounded on the coast.

A huge mushroom cloud rose in the center of the battlefield!

The earth was destroyed, and the dark clouds in the sky were torn apart.

The terrifying air wave blew the Donquixote family and others who had retreated far away away.

"How can this guy be so strong?"

Doflamingo looked ugly, bending over to resist the aftermath of the battle.

If Kaido's attack was aimed at him, he would feel like he was going to die!

But Sander was like nothing happened, and he could continue to fight with Kaido!

"Conqueror's entanglement?!"

"I didn't expect you to have this skill!"

On the battlefield, the smoke dissipated, and Doflamingo looked at Sander with a mace.

"Shiki taught me, is this difficult?"

Sander said lightly.

He looked at Kaido, who was unharmed, with some envy in his eyes.

Envy of Kaido's special physique that is indestructible.

Envy of Kaido's fantasy beast fruit ability.

Too tough!

He is so terrifying that he can kill Vice Admiral in one second. His thunder fist can only leave a mark on the opponent, but cannot really hurt the opponent.

He is indeed the strongest creature on land, sea and air.

Defense points are full!


"It seems that you learned it when fighting Shiki."

"I was wondering why your swordsmanship has a flavor of Golden Lion.

Kaido looked at Sander in surprise and said.

Just now he felt that Sander's swordsmanship was very familiar.

Now it seems that he learned it secretly from Golden Lion.

What a terrible talent!

"Oh, haha!"

"What a good opponent!"

"Then let's have a good fight!"

"Gundali Longshengjun!"

Kaido's arm veins bulged, and he swung the mace brazenly.

Countless black and red lightning intertwined together, flashing dazzling light.

The barbed mace danced out the shadows of the sticks all over the sky, constantly tearing the atmosphere and tearing the "060" space.

Countless shadows of the sticks attacked Sander.

All his retreat routes were blocked.

"Come on Kaido!"

Sander was fearless.

The fist wrapped in Haki and Thunder blasted out.

The two continued to fight on the battlefield.

The terrifying momentum caused even the distant Dressrosa city felt it clearly.

People stared at the coast in amazement, not understanding what was happening.

It was unknown how long it had been.

Diamante, who was on the periphery of the battlefield, had a cold sweat on his face and looked at Doflamingo.

"Dover, are we going to run?"

"We can't afford to provoke a pirate of this strength.

Everyone saw that Kaido was serious.

But even so, Sander on the opposite side still fought back and forth with the other party.

Even if Sander was defeated in the end.

It was not something that their Donquixote family could provoke.

Kaido would not guard them forever.

Doflamingo's face was gloomy.

He knew the current situation.

But it was really unwilling for him to leave in such a disgrace.

"Wait a little longer..."

After hesitating for a while, Doflamingo added:

"Prepare some things in the factory, and leave if it doesn't work."

The wealth in Dressrosa was not as important as the factory.

If there was no factory, Kaido would never come back.

In the distance, on the Thor.

Nami and others were paying close attention to the battlefield.

"Isn't this more terrifying than fighting with Golden Lion Shiki?"

Nami looked at the two people wreaking havoc on the battlefield and exclaimed.

She had also seen Sander's battle with Golden Lion.

It was not as terrifying as this.

Visually, Kaido is much more terrifying than Golden Lion Shiki.

"Golden Lion is old after all, his legs are disabled, and he hasn't fought for many years, so it's normal that his strength is inferior to Four Emperors Kaido.

"Besides, this is a strong man standing at the top of the sea!"

Robin said softly.

At this moment, she really felt the horror of Four Emperors, just looking at it was frightening.

I dare not imagine what it feels like to be on the battlefield.

Maybe I will be torn apart by the aftermath of the battle.

In the battlefield, the wind roared, and the sand and rocks flew.

The terrifying duel between "Thunder God" and "Ferocious Beast".

It seemed to shake the whole world.

It made the world change color.

The sky on the coast was completely covered by dark clouds.

Only the center of the battlefield flashed a dazzling light.

Sander is a Thunder Fruit ability user who can control lightning. Kaido's Fantasy Beast Fish Fruit Blue Dragon form can also control thunder [This can be seen from his various moves.

"Sander, I admit your strength!"

"But if you want to challenge the throne of the Sea Emperor, you are still a little short!"

Kaido suddenly leaped into the air, the mace in his hand flashing a chilling cold light.

"The Third World, Inducing Naraku!"

Thunder flashed in the dark sky.

Lightning fell on Kaido's mace.

The red lightning formed by Conqueror's Haki was wrapped around the mace like a spirit snake, emitting a terrifying breath.

With a roar, Guytu smashed the mace in his hand down fiercely.

"You're kidding, Laozi can be exactly right!"

Sander roared, and the veins on his neck bulged.

Countless thunders gathered on his fist.

"Momo Fruit, Ten Times Power!"

The fist wrapped in Haki and thunder blasted towards Kaido with a thunderous force.

The collision of fist and stick.

A loud noise was heard between heaven and earth, louder than the roaring thunder in the sky, deafening.

The air wave was like a flying slash from a swordsman.

Easily cut through rocks and trees.

Kaido's terrifying power directly hit the ground under Sander's feet.

Sander sank into the ground, but he did not show any signs of weakness.

Kaido was knocked back a few steps by Sander's great strength.

He looked at Sander in amazement.

The opponent's strength suddenly increased tenfold!

Before Kaido could speak.

Sander flashed directly above Kaido and punched Kaido with the same double strength.

Caught off guard, Kaido was blown away.

Kaido staggered out of the rubble.

"How come your strength increased so much out of thin air?"

Feeling the pain in his head, he spoke.

Conqueror's entanglement and the terrifying attack power of thunder were so powerful that even his defense could not resist it.

"It's just a special ability!"

Sander did not say much.

"Then why didn't you use it just now?!!"

"Do you look down on me?!!"

"Asshole Sander, you dare not use your full strength against me?!!"

Kaido's eyes were full of anger.

He felt that the guy in front of him underestimated him.


Kaido roared like thunder, and his whole body began to change, expanding rapidly and visibly.

His whole body was soon covered with green scales, and his limbs turned into ferocious dragon claws, with scales and armor flashing coldly.

His head was like a camel, his horns were like deer, his eyes were like rabbits, his ears were like cows, his neck was like snakes, his belly was like a cat, his scales were like carp, his claws were like eagles, and his paws were like tigers.

In a blink of an eye, Kaido turned into a majestic oriental dragon.

The blue dragon was huge, floating in the air on a cloud of flames.

Sander looked at the dragon in front of him with shining eyes.

So handsome!

As a time traveler, he had a special feeling for oriental dragons.

This was why he wanted Kaido's fruit ability.

People in the distance were also shocked by the dragon Kaido transformed into.

"Is this the Four Emperors Kaido's fantasy beast fish fruit, the blue dragon form?"

"How terrifying!"

"Is this really a monster that humans can resist?"

The members of the Donquixote family couldn't help but sigh.

In front of the terrifying beast, humans are as small as an ant.

Kaido transformed into a giant dragon and hovered in the air, opening his bloody mouth, and terrifying energy gathered in his mouth.

Sander's face changed slightly when he knew what Kaido was going to do.

He quickly gathered lightning.

"Heat Breath!"

The terrifying heat breath spurted out from Kaido's mouth and turned into an exaggerated air column.

The terrifying temperature swept over, as if to evaporate the earth.

"Six hundred million volts, Thunder Fist!"

Sander swung his fist vigorously and hit the heat breath through the air.

Endless thunder burst out from Sander's fist.

It turned into an exaggerated, terrifying lightning column.

The lightning column shot out towards the heat breath.

The two energies of thunder and heat breath collided, and the devastating energy shook the world, and the sound was deafening!

The doomsday scene enveloped the coast of Dressrosa.

The residents of Dressrosa, whether human or toy, all fled to the distance at the same time.

"Bad wind!"

Kaido took advantage of the situation and spit out a large number of wind blades from his mouth to attack Sander.

Sander used the speed of Thunder Fruit to dodge.

"Kaido's fruit ability can control too many elements!"

Nami looked at Kaido who was constantly spewing wind blades and complained. "Thunder, flaming heat, and now wind blades, are the abilities of the mythical beast species so powerful?" "Zoan's mythical beast species is even rarer than Logia, and it is undoubtedly powerful!"

Robin said calmly.

On the other side.

Sander was chased by the wind blades sprayed by Kaido.

The earth was hit by deep cracks one after another by the wind blades.

A punch knocked away a wind blade.

Sander ran straight to Kaido and came in front of Kaido. "Six hundred million volts·Thunder Fist!"

All the condensed lightning was smashed down to the huge dragon head.

The terrifying power mixed with Haki directly knocked Kaido down from the air. "Ten billion volts·God's punishment!"

The lightning in the dark clouds quickly condensed into a thunder arm.

Different from the ten billion volts of God's punishment that sent Golden Lion on the road.

This time, Sander wrapped Conqueror's Haki around the giant hand of thunder.

Under Sander's urging, the hand pressed down hard on Kaido.

Because of the suppression of the observation Haki that foresaw the future, Udes had been a little frustrated.

So he was ruthless and used the strongest move of Thunder Fruit!

He was determined to teach Kaido a lesson.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Sander has developed Thunder Fruit to this extent!"

Doflamingo said terrified as he looked at the giant hand of thunder in the sky in the distance.

At this moment.

He would no longer think that Sander defeated Aokiji because Aokiji let him go.

This kind of destructive power could not defeat Admiral.

The emperor of the sea will become a joke!

Marine can directly destroy all Four Emperors...0

"Dover, Sander really has the strength of the top of the sea. I think we should give up here."

Diamante stared at the sky with wide eyes.

The dazzling lightning illuminated his entire face.

"Tell your men to speed up, let's evacuate Dressrosa!"

Take a deep breath, Tuflamingo said to his men.

No matter what the outcome of this battle is.

He has to run away.

It's a pity that he has worked hard for many years to build the territory and the identity of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

When what happened in Dressrosa spreads.

The World government will not hesitate to take away his identity of the Seven Warlords of the Sea and re-issue his arrest.

"Hmm? Where's Violet?"

"Where did she go?"

Doflamingo looked around and didn't find Violet Violet.

"I don't know, she was there just now!"

Pica said in a deep voice.

"Go to the factory quickly!"

Doflamingo said with a change of expression.

"Notify others and be ready to leave at any time!"

"Damn Sander, damn Luo!"

Doflamingo turned around and looked at the battlefield, cursing with a gloomy face.

On the Thor.

Luo looked at the giant hand of thunder in the sky in shock.

At this moment, he clearly felt how powerful the captain was.

No wonder the crew members who joined before him didn't care about the captain's short-term disadvantage.

"Can this move defeat Kaido of the Beasts?"

Nami looked at the sky with expectation.

"If the captain defeats Kaido, will he become the Four Emperors?"

"It's not calculated like this. The four sea emperors not only represent strength, but also represent powerful forces."

Robin explained.

"Moreover, Kaido has been defeated more than once, but he still occupies the position of Four Emperors."

Not only that, Kaido was arrested more than a dozen times when he challenged Marine and Four Emperors alone, but he is still one of the Four Emperors.

Feel the terrifying power in the giant hand.

Even Kaido didn't dare to be careless.

"Fire Dragon Torch!"

Hot flames appeared around Kaido, gradually forming a huge fire dragon that wrapped itself, and the hot flames seemed to melt everything.

"Rising Dragon!"

The fire dragon raised its head.

The huge dragon head faced the giant hand of thunder.

At Kaido's urging, the fire dragon flew up into the sky, heading straight for the giant hand of thunder!

"Eight Trigrams of Fire!"

This is Kaido's strongest move.

Rising Dragon·Eight Trigrams of Fire!

Wrap the Conqueror's Haki with the head of the fire dragon torch, and hit the opponent with an extremely strong impact.

The fire dragon and the giant hand collided.

Both thunder and fire exude a powerful aura.

A violent explosion occurred when they collided.

A huge light, too dazzling to look directly at.

A terrifying explosion wave appeared in the air.

A terrifying heat wave hurricane swept across.

The sea raised huge waves, like a storm coming!

The two did not give in and entangled together.

The terrifying momentum made everyone on the island feel the impact.

Fortunately, Sander and Kaido fought on the coast, and the civilians near the battlefield had already run away at the beginning of the battle, otherwise I don't know how many places would be destroyed.

Very quickly.

I don't know whether to say that the fire dragon swallowed the giant hand, or the giant hand pierced the fire dragon.

Anyway, the two energies bypassed each other and attacked the masters who sent them out.

Kaido was directly bombarded on the ground by 4.5.

And Sander was also directly hit by the fire dragon and fell from the sky.

Soon after, the fire dragon bowed its head and its giant hand dissipated.

After the billowing smoke and dust, the figures of one man and one dragon reappeared in everyone's sight.

"Oh, chuckle!"

" Sander! I recognize you!"

Kaido's huge dragon eyes stared at Sander and laughed.

At this time, Kaido's body was charred, his black hair was electrocuted into curls, and blood flowed from his face and mouth.

Sander was also in a bad state.

His whole body was burned by the scorching flames, and he was also blown up by the explosion caused by the fire dragon.

Blood also oozed from the corners of his mouth, and his face was covered with black ash.

At the moment when facing the flame and the rising dragon Eight Trigrams, Sander's consciousness disappeared for a short time, and the whole person was knocked to the ground by the violent explosion.

"You are not bad, too!"

Sander grinned.

He had a smile on his face, looking calm and composed.

In fact, he had cursed in his heart countless times.

Damn, too pervert!

To be honest, he couldn't figure out how King Luffy defeated Kaido in the Onigashima arc.

Gouba couldn't even block a stick at the beginning.

Do you believe he could win later?

Kaido is a hexagonal warrior without any weaknesses.

No wonder he dared to provoke Four Emperors and Marine alone.

If he didn't know Conqueror's entanglement, ordinary attacks would be difficult to break Kaido's defense.

"Hahaha, let's see who falls first!"

Kaido turned back into a half-beast.

Even the strongest moves couldn't kill the opponent in seconds.

Using the dragon form would be a bit disadvantageous.

Sander is a Thunder Fruit ability user with amazing speed.

His huge body would not only bring no convenience, but also make him a sitting duck.

"Just what I want!" Sander said.

Fighting with Kaido again.

He hasn't got the ability he wanted from Kaido yet.

How could he stop!