
Chapter 88 Recruiting Shirahoshi, First Courtesy And Then Force.

Hearing what Mrs. Shyarly said.

The face of the Great Prince of Shark Star, who was originally relieved, changed slightly.

"Mrs. Shyarly, what do you mean by this?"

"You will know soon."

Shyarly shook her head and left without saying anything more.

The three princes of the Dragon King Palace looked at each other.

"Should we go in and invite them?"

The Second Prince of Royal Star said.

He is the oarfish mermaid.

"Go, anyway, it's a good thing for The Fish Men Island."

The Great Prince of Shark Star gritted his teeth and said.

After a grand performance of music and singing, the three princes of the Dragon King Palace walked into the Mermaid Cafe.

"Wow, it's the princes of the Dragon King Palace!"

"Why are they here at the Mermaid Cafe?"

"Are they here to catch those pirates?"

"That's impossible. Hachi said that the Thunder God Pirates came in through the right channels and did not violate the laws of The Fish Men Island."

The arrival of the three princes made many mermaids excited.

They greeted the three people loudly.

"Are they the princes of the Dragon King Palace Kingdom?"

"It seems that they are very popular in The Fish Men Island!"

Nami looked at the three people from Shark Star curiously and said to Robin.

"They look very friendly."

Robin said with a smile as he looked at the princes who kept greeting the mermaids.

"Hey, are those red hearts in the eyes of the beautiful mermaid serious?"

"These three guys are not as handsome as me no matter how you look at them!"

Pekin said sourly as he looked at the mermaids who were like crazy.

"Uh...keep your voice down. After all, I am also a prince of the Dragon King Palace. This is my territory."

Xia Qi pulled Pekin's sleeve helplessly and said.

Although he also felt that the world was somewhat magical.

The three princes, except for the one with sea-blue hair.

The others did look a little... strange.

Maybe mermaids and humans have different aesthetics?

The Great Prince of Shark Star took a bounty order and scanned the mermaid cafe for a week before finding Sander who was eating cake.

"Excuse me, is this the captain of the Thunder God Pirates, Lord Thunder God Sander?"

The Great Prince of Shark Star came to Sander with his two younger brothers.

"Oh, it's me. I wonder what the prince wants to see me about?"

Sander said calmly.

"Because Lord Sander's crew rescued the situation of The Fish Men Island and helped the Dragon Palace Kingdom capture Hammond and others, my father, the king of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, wants to invite you to the Dragon Palace City for a banquet."

The Great Prince of Shark Star said politely.

"Dragon Palace City?!!!"

Camie, who was with Luo and others, opened her mouth wide, her face full of shock, and her tongue became wavy when she spoke.

"Dragon Palace City, isn't that where the royal family of the Dragon Palace Kingdom is?"

Luo said lightly.

"It is a holy place for the residents of our Ryugu Kingdom."

"It is a heavenly world that ordinary people are forbidden to enter."

"It is located on the top of the fish men island where you can see the sun."

Camie nodded and explained.

"I didn't expect King Neptune to invite the captain of the Thunder God Pirates to go there."

"As expected of a pirate with a bounty of 2.8 billion berries!"

"Even King Neptune has to treat him with caution."

Ishili said with envy.

"Great, can we go?"

"Ryugu City, I can already smell the scent of treasure."

Nami touched her smooth chin, her eyes turned into money.

"All members of the Thunder God Pirates can go to Ryugu City for a banquet."

The second prince of the Royal Star said.

"Oh, can we go too?"

"Maybe we can see the mermaid princess."

Pekin said with anticipation.

Sander looked at the eldest prince of the Shark Star, nodded and said:

"Thank you King Neptune for the invitation. "

He had originally planned to go to Ryugu Castle.

But he didn't expect Neptune to invite him in advance.

This is good, so he doesn't have to visit.

"Then please follow me, we have prepared transportation outside."

"Your other crew members have also sent people to invite them, I believe we will meet in Ryugu City soon."

The Great Prince of Shark Star said.

"Please lead the way."

Sander stood up and said with a smile.

Nami and others hurriedly followed.

The opportunity to visit Ryugu City is rare, so don't miss it.

Came outside.

The sightseeing boat of Ryugu City has been parked outside.

The sightseeing boat is a large flatfish with a huge bubble on its back.

It is specially used to carry foreign visitors.

After a group of people boarded the boat one after another.

The sightseeing boat immediately sailed to the upper level of The fish men island.

Ryugu City is located on the top floor of The fish men island where the sun can be seen. It is a large luxurious palace built with large coral reefs, shells, and other building materials, with a giant dragon entrenched.

Sitting on the sightseeing boat, Nami looked at the sun shining in the sky with curiosity on her face.

"It's obviously 10,000 meters below the sea, why is only the fish men island so bright?"

Nami asked the Great Prince of Shark Star curiously. "It's not that the place where the fish men island is located is bright." "It's that a long time ago, the fish men lived on the only seabed in the world where sunlight can shine in." "This is the origin of the fish men island." "Here there is a huge tree root called Sun Tree Eve that can directly transmit sunlight to the seabed."

The Great Prince of Shark Star explained. "Transmit to sunlight?" "In other words, there are more than 10,000 meters of glowing tree roots growing here?"

Nami was shocked. "That's right, although scholars have racked their brains to explain it with science."

"But it is a mysterious tree that uses the sunlight on the ground to illuminate the roots, and the breathing of this tree also supplies air to the bottom of the sea.


The others were also surprised when they heard it.

The huge tree roots that can transmit sunlight and supply air are simply magical and unimaginable.

The grandeur and magic of nature are fully displayed at this moment.

Take a sightseeing boat.

The group quickly entered the Dragon Palace City.

The extremely luxurious large palace appeared in front of people.

King Neptune and his left and right ministers greeted him at the gate.

Seeing this scene, Nami leaned close to Chuanyi's ear and whispered:

"The Dragon Palace Kingdom is so grand, how should we ask to take our new crew away later? "

Nami, as a member who joined the Thunder God Pirates relatively early, naturally knew the purpose of their coming to The Fish Men Island this time.

The Kingdom of Dragon Palace now held such a grand banquet for them.

Nami felt a little embarrassed.

Robin's eyebrows curved, covered his mouth and chuckled: "Recruiting partners is the captain's concern, we just need to enjoy the sightseeing.

"Besides, the captain is good at "trading" and persuading others."

"I believe he can do it."

"Will there be a fight later?"

"After all, that's a princess!"

"And she's so young."

"King Neptune will definitely not agree. "

Nami whispered.

Just as Nami and Robin were talking in a low voice.

Sander saw the blue-skinned, chubby fishman next to Neptune at a glance.

One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Sea Knight Jinbei!

In the world of One Piece, fighting in the sea can be said to be the best.

It is also a partner that Sander wants to recruit.

It's just that the other party, like Boa Hancock, wants to protect his hometown, so it is difficult to recruit him on board at present.

Coming in front of King Neptune, Sander greeted him with a kind smile.

"Hello, King Neptune."

"Thank you for inviting us to the banquet."

After saying that, he looked at Jinbei.

"Hello Jinbei."

"Hello, Mr. Sander."

Seeing that Sander was more kind, Neptune also said with a smile.

Several people exchanged pleasantries.

They all tacitly did not mention Jinbei's identity as the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

After all, strictly speaking, Jinbei and the Thunder God Pirates belong to opposing camps.

They talked and laughed all the way and praised each other for their business.

You said I am strong and young.

I said you govern the country well and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

Soon, everyone came to the extremely spacious and luxurious banquet hall.

At this time, Ri Guan and others were already in the hall.

Everyone came and went, enjoying the wine and food at the banquet.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes,

Sander stood up and said to Neptune:

"Your Majesty Neptune, I have something I want to talk to you about alone. Do you think it's okay?"

Sander's words made the banquet hall quiet.

Everyone looked at Sander.

Nami Robin and others knew what Sander wanted to do.

"You can take Jinbei and the three princes with you."

Sander said again.

He also knew that although it seemed that the two sides had a good conversation, in fact, the people of the Ryugu Kingdom were still very wary of the Thunder God Pirates.

The large number of troops deployed outside is proof of this.

Once any conflict occurs.

The troops outside will rush in without hesitation to protect Neptune and others.

Neptune hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement.

He wanted to see what this twenty-year-old pirate who was famous on the sea had to talk to him about.

Seeing Sander and Neptune and others leave.

Nami said in a panic:

"They won't fight in there!"

"Don't worry, the captain can handle it if they fight."

Robin smiled lightly while tasting the wine of The fish men island.

In a room behind the banquet hall.

Neptune, the three princes including Shark Star, and Jinbei sat in front of Sander.

"Sir Sander, I wonder what you want to talk to me about?"

Neptune asked curiously.

"I came to The fish men island to recruit partners." Sander said softly.

"Recruit partners?"

"Yes, I want to recruit your little daughter, Princess Shirahoshi as my partner. "

Although it was a bit offensive, Sander still directly stated the purpose of this trip.

He must deduce Poseidon's power.

And only by bringing Shirahoshi with him.

The deduction speed will be the fastest.

Without him, it will take at least ten years to deduce.

With him, the deduction speed will be five times faster, that is, it will take two years to deduce successfully.

Sander is determined to obtain this power that can communicate with giant Sea Kings.


Neptune sat up from his chair.

The Great Prince of Shark Star and his two younger brothers immediately took out their weapons and pointed them at Sander.

And Jinbei rushed in front of Neptune, blocking Sander in front of him, and looked at Sander with a wary face.

"Uh, don't be so nervous."

"I said it was to recruit partners, not to kidnap Princess Shirahoshi. "

Sander was a little amused, but he could also see Shirahoshi's status in the royal family of the Dragon King Palace.

Father and three brothers doted on her.

Even when they heard that Sander's target was Shirahoshi, they did not hesitate to point their weapons at him, a pirate with a bounty of 2.8 billion.

"Sir Sander, Princess Shirahoshi is still young, and with her special status, it is not appropriate for her to board your ship and become a pirate."

Jinbei made the starting position of the fish man karate and said solemnly.

"Shirahoshi is still a child, it is impossible for her to become a pirate."

"If you want to eat, drink and have fun on The Fish Men Island, all the expenses of the Thunder God Pirates will be paid by the Dragon King City."

"But if you want to take my daughter away, the Dragon King Palace will not hesitate to go to war with the Thunder God Pirates!

Neptune refused without hesitation.

He could not let his daughter follow a pirate.

Sander scratched his head, and he was not angry at Neptune's cold words.

After all, his request was indeed a bit unreasonable.

"First, I will help your Kingdom of the Dragon King to deal with the new fishman pirates."

"Second, I will help Shirahoshi deal with the threat of Vander Duncan IX, so that Shirahoshi can move freely without being harmed. You don't want your daughter to hide in the hard shell tower for the rest of her life, do you?


"Third, the Thunder God Pirates can protect The Fish Men Island, not as a territory. In other words, as long as the Whitebeard Pirates are willing, the Thunder God Pirates can protect The Fish Men Island together with Whitebeard. "

"Fourth, you don't have to worry about Shirahoshi's safety when he follows me. I'm sure you've heard that the Thunder God Pirates have the ability of Lion Fruit and have several islands at an altitude of 10,000 meters as their base camp. "

"Fifth, if you're still worried, you can let your son or Jinbei follow with a group of troops.

Sander counted on his fingers and said his conditions.

Neptune was silent for a long time.

In the end, he refused.

Although Sander's conditions were very good.

Especially the three points of the new fishman pirates, Vander Duncan IX, and the protection of The Fish Men Island.

Let him trade with all the treasures in the treasury.

But the youngest daughter Shirahoshi can't do it!

After Neptune refused, Sander sighed and continued:

"Sixth, the Thunder God Pirates have two Admiral-level combat forces, and it is easy to take Shirahoshi away by force."

"The power of the fish men island cannot be stopped."

"If the Whitebeard Pirates come in person, they may be able to stop it, but the fish men island will also become a ruin.

First use courtesy and then force. If Neptune disagrees, then we can only take action.

"Why do you force it, Mr. Sander!"

A drop of cold sweat appeared on Jinbei's forehead.

Although he has never fought against the strength of the Thunder God Pirates.

But it can be inferred from the newspaper.

It is indeed not something that the fish men island can resist.

"I said, I am here to recruit partners, not to start a war."

"Neptune, don't you want your daughter to see the outside world?"

Sander continued.

"Mr. Sander, Shirahoshi is only in his early teens and can't help your pirate group.

"And she is very timid and cries a lot."

Neptune said with a trembling voice. "I am attracted by Shirahoshi's talent.

The navigator of the Thunder God Pirates is also only in his teens, and the ship's doctor Luo is also the same." "You can send someone to take care of Shirahoshi." "You can also move a group of fishmen to the island I rule." "Didn't you want to go to the land a long time ago?" "Besides, Shirahoshi will not stop coming back after becoming my partner.

You can visit her at any time."

Sander continued. "Can we discuss it?"

Neptune said. "Please, I hope His Majesty Neptune can make the right choice."

Sander said while sitting on a chair in the room.

Neptune took Jinbei and his three sons to another room.

After everyone was silent for a long time, Neptune spoke:

"Jinbei, if the Thunder God Pirates use force, can the Dragon King Palace Kingdom stop them with all its strength?"


"Sander has the ability to defeat the Admiral, and the blind swordsman is not bad either."

"If we fight, I can only contain one of them at most."

"No one else on the other fish men island can match them."

"Numbers are useless in front of such a strong man."

Jinbei said after thinking for a moment.

Jinbei, who has sailed on the sea, knows very well the strength of the monsters Admiral in the Marine.

It is easy for those monsters to massacre a city and destroy a country.

"Then why don't you agree to Sander.

Neptune said painfully.

"No, father, how can you hand Shirahoshi over to a pirate!"

The eldest prince of Shark Star was anxious.

He couldn't just watch his sister join the pirates.

Pirates are a group of cruel people.

Shirahoshi is still so young, who knows what those pirates are up to.

"At worst, we can fight them!"

The second prince of Imperial Star said.

"How can we fight? The fish men island can't stop them at all?"

Neptune looked painful.

If there was a chance, he would definitely not let his daughter join the pirates.

Or a group of unfamiliar pirates.

If it was the Whitebeard Pirates, he might agree.