
Chapter 68 Are You Ready To Work For A Hundred Years, Nami?

The news that Arlong and his gang were defeated was soon brought to other villages by the villagers of Kokoyasi Village.

When they learned that they no longer had to accept the brutal rule of the fishmen, everyone shed tears of excitement.

Ajian led the villagers to return the Bailey that Arlong had looted to the villagers of other villages.

Then a grand banquet was held in Kokoyasi Village to celebrate the upcoming new life.

The night gently enveloped Kokoyasi Village.

The villagers gathered in twos and threes, singing and dancing.

Sander and Robin sat together drinking.

Yixiao made a bet with a group of people in the square, and whoever lost would drink a glass of wine. "That's great, Captain." "You saved a lot of people again."

Looking at the villagers who were celebrating happily, Robin said softly. "Burp~" "What did you say, Robin?"

Sander burped drunkenly. "Nothing."

Robin chuckled and looked up at the night sky.

Sander didn't care and turned around to drink with the villagers again.

At first, because of his identity as a pirate with 2.4 billion, the villagers were in awe of him.

But after getting to know each other, the villagers only had gratitude towards Sander.

Somewhere in Kokoa West Village.

Nami sat cross-legged in front of Bell-mère's tombstone.

Ajian and Nokigo stood behind her.

"Ajian, Nokigo, if Bell-mère is still alive, will she stop me from becoming a pirate?"

Nami's voice rang out in the night sky.


"Don't talk nonsense, she won't let her precious daughter become a pirate." Ajian said seriously.

"I won't stop her."

Nokigo said with a smile.

"Even if she would stop you, you wouldn't listen to her, Nami."

Nami stuck out her tongue and made a face at the two of them:

"Of course, I won't listen!"

Ajian was stunned, then smiled bitterly:

"I see."

Nami's personality is like Bell-mère's.

" Nami, since you have made up your mind, then live according to your own ideas, just like your mother, Bell-mère should also hope so~||

Ajian patted Nokigo's shoulder and turned away.

After Ajian left, Nami looked at Nokigo: "Do you want to go to sea with me as a pirate?"

"I have asked the captain, if you want, you can also go on board.


Nokigo waved his hand and refused.

She looked at Bell-mère's tombstone:

"I will stay here with Bell-mère, and take care of the orange orchard she left behind."

"Be careful after going out to sea, Nami."

Nokigo warned with some concern.

"I will, the captain and sister Robin will take care of me."

Nami said softly.


Nami stretched out her right hand and looked at the flashing electric light on it: "I also have the power to protect myself now.

It seems to be said to Nokigo, and it seems to be said to Bell-mère.

"They are indeed trustworthy partners."

Noqi Gao nodded.

Whether it was saving the village or giving Nami the Devil Fruit, it could prove that Sander and others valued Nami.

With the protection of a pirate with a bounty of 2.4 billion, and Nami's almost invincible ability, she didn't have to worry about safety.

At night.

Nami's village doctor asked Dr. Nagao to wash off the tattoos on her body that symbolized Arlong's gang and replaced them with new ones.

Afterwards, she came to the place where the money was hidden alone.

She took out all the Bailey treasures she had accumulated and put them together with the 100 million Baileys that Sander gave her.

She planned to keep the money.

The lively banquet passed quickly.

The sky was bright.

Sander carried the supplies given by the villagers onto the ship.

Robin and Yixiao were already waiting on the ship.

"Little Nami hasn't come yet? She's not going to regret it."

Robin smiled and looked at the villagers gathered on the coast.

Sander pretended to be fierce: "If she doesn't come, I will catch her back.

She ate my Thunder Fruit and still wants to run away, no way!"

At this moment, there was a commotion in the crowd.

Nami appeared behind the villagers.

Then she ran away in the surprised eyes of Ajian and others. "What is she going to do? Doesn't she want to say goodbye to us and leave?"

Ajian said loudly with some dissatisfaction. "Stop, Xiaona, at least let us thank you before leaving!" "I will never allow such a hasty farewell!"

As soon as the voice fell.

Nami turned into lightning.

Before everyone could react, she passed by everyone, and then jumped up and jumped onto the Thor. "Captain, start the boat!"

Nami urged.

Sander laughed and urged the boat to slowly leave the coast.

At this moment, Nami lifted her clothes.

In the surprised eyes of the villagers, wallets fell from her clothes and landed on the deck. "Huh?!!"

Ajian quickly searched for his wallet

"My wallet is gone!"

"Mine too!"

When Nami walked by them, she took all their wallets.

Nami took out a Bailey from her wallet and waved it to the villagers on the shore with a proud look on her face.

"Everyone, take care of yourselves!"

"You are so brave, you little brat!"


Sander and Yixiao laughed loudly.

"You are so naughty, little Nami." Robin covered his mouth and chuckled.

"You little thief!"

"Give the money back!"

"Give it back!"

The villagers on the shore shouted at Nami.

"Come back anytime you want, Nami!"

"Take care, Nami!"

"Sander, take good care of Nami, or I won't let you go!"

"Asshole Ken, that's a pirate with a bounty of 2.4 billion! Speak politely!"

"What's wrong with a pirate? He dared to make Nami sad, I won't let him go!"

Sander smiled slightly.

Raised his hand and pointed to the sky.

A muffled thunder exploded in the clear sky, as a response to this.

"Set sail again, the Thunder God Pirates!"

Sander's mind moved.

The Thunder God rose directly from the sea.

"The ship, the ship is flying!"

The villagers on the shore were shocked.

"What a group of (Zhao Hao) amazing people. "

Ajian looked at the Thor flying in the sky and muttered to himself.

"It's amazing, the ship can actually fly!"

Nami curiously lay on the side of the ship and looked at the sea.

"You will be responsible for driving the ship in the future, Nami!"

Thunder Fruit is the power source of this ship.

Now that Nami has eaten Thunder Fruit, Sander finally doesn't have to drive the ship himself.


Nami looked puzzled.

"Do you remember that I said I would give you a salary of 10 million Baileys a year?"

"Of course I remember." Nami's eyes turned into little stars.

"Captain, when will the salary be paid this year?" she asked.

"It won't be paid yet!"

"Huh? Why?"

"That Thunder Fruit is worth 1 billion, you have to work for me for a hundred years!"

Nami was stunned.

Sander and the other two laughed, and the ship was immediately filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

"Get ready to work, Nami!"
