
Chapter 48 A Smile.

Crossing a large desert.

Sander finally arrived at the rainy land.

From a distance, he saw a pyramid-like building with a fat crocodile carved on it.

Sander knew it without asking.

That was Crocodile's casino, Rain Feast.

After sealing the doors and windows on the boat, Sander left the boat at the edge of the city.

He walked into the rainy land.

When he walked into the rainy land.

Crocodile's subordinates reported his arrival.

Sander saw it with his observation Haki, but he didn't care.

At this time, he was using his observation Haki to search for the person he was looking for.

After a while.

Sander smiled.

Carrying the cold beer bought at a roadside shop, Sander walked towards Rain Feast.

In the casino.

Gamblers in groups of three or two gathered around tables to gamble.

There were many people around a small table in the corner.

"Wrong bet again!"

A guy with long hair and a gangster-like appearance shouted exaggeratedly.

After that, he winked at the people at the same table.

The gamblers at the same table immediately agreed.

"What a pity, I almost got it right!"

"Yes, yes, it's such a pity!"


Opposite these people, sat a blind middle-aged man.

The man was wearing a purple kimono, had short hair, two deep scars on his forehead, and only the whites of his eyes were open.

At this time, he heard others say that he had made a wrong bet again, and he immediately looked regretful.

"Let's play another round, this time I'll bet on white."

The man put his chips on it like a gambler who lost his money.


The roulette wheel turned.

The ball on the roulette wheel fell on the white number 18.

"What is it this time? Help me see."

The blind man asked in a hurried tone.

"What a pity, it's black number 15."

The long-haired gangster said without blinking.

The people around couldn't stand it anymore and just wanted to remind him.

The long-haired gangster immediately glared at him fiercely and lifted his shirt to reveal the gun inside.

The onlookers shut up immediately.

"Are you still playing?"

Shocking the onlookers, the gangster asked the blind middle-aged man again.

"Of course, I'm playing, this time I'm betting on white!"

"Go ahead, you must win white this time!"

The middle-aged man shouted to cheer himself up.

The roulette wheel still turned to white this time.

And the gangster still said black without changing his face.

"Then I'll bet on black this time!"


"Oh, it's white this time, it would be better if you still bet on white."

"I bet on white."

"No, it's black."


After going back and forth several times, the middle-aged uncle seemed to be losing a little anxiously.

"Oh, what happened to me today, why am I so unlucky."

The long-haired gangster patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder with a smirk.

"It's normal, everyone has bad luck sometimes, maybe you will change your luck next time."

"You're right, this time, I'm going to bet all my chips!"

The middle-aged uncle generously pushed out all the chips in front of him.

The gangster was overjoyed and instantly excited. He had been eyeing the pile of chips in front of the middle-aged man for a long time. If this wasn't the territory of the sand crocodile, he would have robbed it long ago.

But it's good this way, I can get these chips "openly".

He praised the middle-aged man loudly:

"Well said, I like people with courage like you."

"Then we will go crazy with you, put all the chips on, and have a big one!"

"As long as you win this one, you can take all the chips!"

"Come on, let's have a life-and-death duel between men!"

The middle-aged uncle looked happy: "Really? Then I bet on white this time!"


The roulette wheel turned, and the ball landed on the white number 27.

The gangster laughed and said:

"What a pity!"

"This time it's black!"

"The winner is decided, uncle, do you want to go home and get the money?"

The gangster took all the chips in front of him, winked at his companions, and looked extremely proud.

The gamblers watching all looked at this group of people unkindly.

But no one went up to point it out.

Just then, a voice sounded behind them.

"It's white, white number 27, the uncle won all the money!"

The onlookers turned their heads to look.

They wanted to see who was so brave.

The long-haired gangster's face changed drastically and he roared:

"It's obviously black!"

"Who said white, come here and open your dog eyes to see if it's black!"

As he said that, the gangster also pulled out the gun from his waist.

Sander squeezed out of the crowd.

"I said white, what's wrong?"

"It's obviously..."

The gangster was fierce on the outside but wanted to threaten, but Sander glared at him directly.


The gangster felt that he was stared at by a beast and shuddered all over.

Reason told him that he couldn't say anything more.

If he continued to say anything, he would die.

"You don't want to cheat here and let Crocodile know."

Sander retracted his momentum and said lightly.

The gangster and his companions looked uncertain, and the dangerous feeling just now seemed to be an illusion.

After thinking about it, he decided to pack up his chips and leave.

He couldn't afford to offend the casino owner.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have chosen such a remote corner.

It's okay if no one makes trouble.

If someone makes trouble, they might be thrown into the crocodile pond to feed the fish.

"You just bet all the chips, everything on the table belongs to this uncle."

"You're good, kid, just wait."

The gangster glared at Sander fiercely, then turned around and left with his younger brother.

After they left.

Sander pushed the chips on the table in front of the middle-aged man.

"These are all yours."

Then he sat opposite.

He placed the chips he had just changed on the gambling table in front of him.

"Let's play two games, not roulette, but dice, guess the size."

Then he took out the dice cup.


Outside the casino.

The long-haired gangster walked out of the casino with his companions with angry faces.

The gangsters cursed.

They discussed waiting for the man just now to come out and make sure he was in trouble.

At this moment.

A thunderbolt came from the blue sky.

A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit them directly.

Several hooligans fell to the ground instantly.

The people around were shocked.

They looked up at the sky in confusion.

They didn't understand why there was thunder on a sunny day.