
Chapter 46 Alabasta’S “Hero”

Alabasta is a superpower located in the first half of the Grand Line.

It has a population of over 10 million and a standing army of 600,000.

The royal family is one of the 20 royal families that founded the World government.

However, they did not move into Mariejois, but chose to continue to rule Alabasta and protect the historical text.

The current country Cobra is a good king.

In addition, this family did not move into Mariejois and was not considered Celestial Dragons.

So Sander did not intend to attack him.

On this day, after more than ten days of sailing, Sander finally arrived at the port city of Alabasta [Rapeseed Flower]

As soon as he arrived at the port, Sander's ship was discovered.

"What is that?"

"Flying ship?"

"What are you kidding, how can a ship fly? Are you still drunk from last night?"

"Wow, it's really a flying ship."

"The ship is descending, will it fall down?"


The Alabasta people in the port were in chaos.

People left the landing range of the spacecraft one after another.

When the ship stopped in the air more than ten meters high, everyone slowly approached.

A flying ship is too rare.

They had never seen it, let alone heard of it.

Just as people were talking about it, Sander half leaned out of the boat and shouted to the crowd.

"I want to ask you something, do you know how to get to Rainland?"

Rainland, Alabasta's dream city.

It is also the base camp of Crocodile.

Alabasta's largest casino "Rain Banquet" is there.

If Yixiao appears in Alabasta, he will definitely go there.

Devil's son Nico Robin may also be there.

"Go straight there and you will reach Rainland."

A kind person showed Sander the way.

"I wonder why you are going there?"

Perhaps because Sander was very kind, and there was no pirate flag on the ship, the Alabasta people in the port were a little bolder.

"I heard there is a big casino there, I want to go there to play a few games."

Sander said casually.

"Oh, really? That's opened by Crocodile, I wish you a good time."

"Crocodile? The Seven Warlords of the Sea?"

Sander asked with pretended curiosity.

"Yes, that sir. He is the hero of Alabasta. He often helps us fight pirates. Many pirates dare not cause trouble in Alabasta when they hear that he is here."

The man showed respect on his face.

It is obvious that he admires Crocodile.

Sander raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

It seems that Crocodile has already implemented his plan.

Sander, who is familiar with the original work, knows.

All this is Crocodile's conspiracy.

What the other party really wants is the historical text guarded by the royal family of Alabasta.

But since Crocodile has already started his action.

It means that Nico Robin, the only one who can read the historical text, has joined his team.

This is good news for Sander.

"That's really amazing."

Sander followed the other party's words with an admiring look.

"That's right, Crocodile is a pirate recognized by the World Government, with a bounty of 80 million berries!"

"If you go to the rainy land, you might be able to see him."

The man started to brag about Crocodile again.

Sander felt a burst of laughter.

The great pirate became a hero of a country. Even a fool would know that he had a conspiracy.

And these people just looked at him in a completely worshipful way.

Do you really think that the guy who became famous on the sea is a good man or a believer?

"This is your reward. Thank you for showing me the way."

Sander threw some Baileys to the man.

He drove the spaceship away.

"Ten thousand Baileys?"

The person who showed the way picked up the money, counted it, and found that there were actually ten thousand Baileys.

"Wow, you've made a fortune, buy us a drink later."

"You are indeed the one who is going to the Rain Banquet, he must be a big shot."

The companions next to him were full of envy.

Who would have thought that he would be given ten thousand Baileys for showing the way.

If they had known earlier, they would have shown the way.

"Nonsense, everyone knows that he is a big shot, otherwise how could there be a flying ship."

"Speaking of big shots, do you think that person is familiar?"

"Don't tell me, I think it's familiar too."

One of them thought about it and started looking for a newspaper.

After searching for a long time, he finally found an old newspaper in the corner.

He took the newspaper and looked at it, and the previous memory suddenly appeared in his mind, and the whole person began to tremble.

"Hey, what are you shaking? Are you sick?"

The companion patted his shoulder and looked at the newspaper.


A scream sounded.

"Thor Sander, the pirate with a bounty of 2.439 billion berries?!!"

As he screamed.

Everyone realized that the guy who had just chatted with them kindly was actually a pirate with a bounty of more than 2 billion!

"Quick, inform His Majesty the King, Sander is coming to Alabasta!"

After the officials at the port learned about this, they immediately reported the situation.

No one dared to guarantee what kind of harm a big pirate would bring to Alabasta.

And Crocodile's men who stayed at the port also reported this matter.

Alabasta Palace.

King Cobra sat on a chair with a table in front of him, and he was handling government affairs.

A little girl with a sea-blue ponytail sat next to him and pouted.

She held a book in her hand.

She was reading with relish.

At this moment.

A sound of footsteps came.

Ikalem, the captain of the Kingdom Guard, walked in quickly.

"What's the matter? Ikalem, is there another pirate invasion?"

Cobra raised his head and asked seriously.

Alabasta is located in the Grand Line, so it is inevitable that pirates will invade.

Vivi, who was sitting next to him, put down her book and looked at Ikalem curiously.

"Your Majesty, there is news from the port that a big pirate has come to Alabasta." Ikalem reported.

His head was full of sweat.

His breathing was also a little rapid.

He was obviously running to report.

"Mobilize the army immediately and expel this man. Don't let him hurt the people."

Cobra stood up from his seat, worried, and gave orders.

"Well, Your Majesty, the big pirate did not harm the civilians, and I heard from the people who contacted him that he was kind. Some citizens showed him the way, and he also gave him a reward of 10,000 Baileys."

"If you mobilize the army rashly, it may anger the other party." Ikalem considered the language and explained the situation.

"Oh? That's good. We shouldn't mobilize the army so rashly. If he is here for sightseeing, there is no need to expel him."

"But we still can't be careless. Order the army to be on standby to protect the people at any time."

Cobra was relieved when he heard this.

He has also encountered pirates with good tempers.

Although most pirates are burning, killing and looting, there are still some who are just passing by.

"By the way, which pirate is it?"

Cobra sat down again and asked casually.

As he said, he picked up the water cup and planned to drink a sip of water.

" Sander."