
Chapter 38 Momo Fruit, Heavenly Punishment, Giant Hand Of Thunder.

Aokiji and Sander fought for an hour and separated panting.

"Huff, huff, huff!"

"It feels so good, Aokiji!"

Sander panted and said excitedly to Aokiji.

The state of Thunder God's Advent consumes too much energy.

In addition, each punch consumes the power of thunder and lightning.

Sander's physical energy consumption is very high.

But he had a great time fighting.

It was more enjoyable than fighting with Magellan.

Magellan's Poison-Poison Fruit is very powerful, but it is restrained to a certain extent by Thunder Fruit.

Moreover, a guy who has to sit on the toilet most of the day, how can he have much time to practice.

So, excluding the special nature of the Poison-Poison Fruit.

Magellan is weaker than Aokiji.

If it was outside, Magellan would not be able to fight him to the point where he is now.

The vast space is too disadvantageous for Magellan.

"You are also very good."

Aokiji's chest was also rising and falling.

His suit vest had long been tattered, and his solid muscles were faintly exposed.

"It's just that this battlefield is not very good.

It's not as exciting as on land."

Sander said regretfully while looking at the broken ice on land.

After all, it's not solid ground.

Sometimes you have to take care of your feet when fighting.

Just when he wanted to look up at the sky, Sander found that it was covered with dark clouds and he couldn't tell the time at all. "Let's finish early.

I'm a little hungry."

Sander looked at Aokiji and smiled. "Are you so sure that you can defeat me in a short time?"

Aokiji raised his eyebrows and said in surprise.

Fighting until now.

Aokiji is very sure that Sander has the strength of an Admiral.

Two people with the strength of an Admiral want to decide the winner.

It's impossible without fighting for several days and nights.

At that point.

It's not only about who is better, but also about life and death.

Short legs and broken hands are light.

If you are not careful, you may even die together. "Hehehe."

Sander smiled.

That smile gave Aokiji a bad premonition.

Swish! Sander disappeared at a speed ten times faster than before.

Aokiji's face changed slightly.

He sensed Sander's position with his observation Haki and punched him.

But then, Sander disappeared again.

Momo Fruit · Ten times the speed!

The ability of the fruit comes from Impel down.

It can multiply the volume, speed, and strength of itself or the objects it touches.

This is the first time Sander has used this power.

Sander, who already has the speed of Thunder Fruit, plus the amplification of Momo Fruit.

The speed has reached an incredible level.

Even Kizaru would have to admit defeat.

Sander came behind Aokiji in an instant.

The fist carrying infinite power suddenly smashed down!

Momo Fruit · Ten times the strength!

The unpretentious fist hit Aokiji.

Aokiji's face changed instantly.

What a great power!

How is it possible? ! !

He actually hid his strength? ! !

Caught off guard, Aokiji felt like he was being crushed by a mountain.

Blood spurted out of his mouth and flew far away.

Before Aokiji fell, Sander dodged and followed, punching again.

Momo Fruit: Ten Times Power!


Aokiji was hit directly onto the ice in mid-air.

The huge impact caused spider-like cracks to appear on the ice in an instant.

Aokiji was embedded in it.

Two sudden punches caught Aokiji off guard.

Sander stomped on Aokiji.

Aokiji quickly rolled to avoid it.

The cracked ice surface was directly crushed by Sander's step.

The turbulent sea water surged up instantly.

"What's wrong with you, man?"

Aokiji covered his chest and looked at Sander in disbelief.

Although it was not a life-and-death fight before.

But he also fought with all his strength.

He thought that the previous performance was Sander's limit.

Who could have thought that the opponent's strength and speed would suddenly increase so much.

The explosion was not so explosive.

It's incredible!

Sander did not answer and continued to attack Aokiji.

The terrifying power made Aokiji retreat again and again.

"Ice wall!"

Aokiji created an ice wall in front of him.

He wanted to use it to stop Sander and give himself a chance to breathe.


Sander, like a ferocious beast, directly broke the ice wall with brute force, and then rushed towards Aokiji quickly.

In a few breaths.

Aokiji was hit by Sander's punches several times.

The whole person was knocked out.

Sander was unyielding and jumped into the air, with lightning condensed all over his body.

"Eight hundred million volts. Heavenly punishment is coming!"

The thunder and lightning in the dark clouds were agitated, and the thunder and lightning gathered into a pair of big hands.

Under Sander's command.

The thunder and lightning arm pressed hard towards Aokiji.

"Ice Age!"

The powerful cold air gushed out and sprayed towards the giant hand in the sky.

The violent power confrontation directly set off a huge air wave.

The Celestial Dragons cruise ship not far away was directly destroyed by the air wave.

The wreckage flew everywhere.

The Marine warship, which was far away, was directly pushed hundreds of meters away by the air wave.

The Marine on the warship grabbed the warship in panic to prevent himself from being blown away.

"It's terrible, are these two people really human?"

The Rear Admiral on the warship grabbed the mast tightly and looked at the battlefield with wide eyes.

They were far away from the battlefield, and the two people were almost a small dot to the naked eye.

If you want to see the details of the battle clearly, you can only use a telescope.

But even so.

The battle still affected here.

On the battlefield. Aokiji bent over and raised his hands in front of his chest, making a pushing motion.

Cold air gushed out from his hands continuously, trying to freeze the terrifying giant hand of thunder in the sky.

But the violent thunder continuously annihilated the cold air and ice, gradually approaching Aokiji.

When it reached Aokiji.

Most of the palm of the giant hand had been destroyed, leaving only half of the palm.

But it still slapped it brazenly.

The terrifying thunder directly smashed the ice surface and slammed Aokiji into the sea.

The winner is decided!

Looking at the huge ice hole on the sea.

Sander lifted the state of the Thunder God's Advent and waved to the warship in the distance.

Then he walked straight to his own ship.

The small boat was not seriously damaged because it was on the back of the cruise ship.

Most of the air waves were blocked by the cruise ship.

This was the first time he defeated a Marine Admiral head-on.

He took advantage of the terrain - Aokiji would lose the ability of the fruit after entering the sea.

If it were an island or the land, it would not be so easy.

Despite this, Sander still has a lot of frostbite on his body.

The ability of Frozen Fruit is still very powerful.

However, this time, he has gained a lot.

Call up the panel.

[You have a fierce battle with Aokiji, and the derivation time of Frozen Fruit is reduced by 2 years. ]

It's just a two-hour battle.

The derivation time of Frozen Fruit has been reduced by half.

This is related to the fact that he often relies on his body to withstand the opponent's skills in battle.

The pure power of freezing caused Sander to have many frostbite on his body.

It also brought him a lot of gains.

This method.

It's okay to use Frozen Fruit, which has a weak attack power.

If it's a stronger one, he dare not take it.

Expect him to use his body to receive Kaido's Fire Dragon Torch or Whitebeard's vibration power? That's unrealistic.

He can't deduce the ability of the fruit at the cost of a high probability of serious injury.

If he wants to deduce the ability of the fruit, the worst that can happen is to fight a few more times.

He is only 19 years old, and there is plenty of time to improve his strength.

It's better to be safe.