
Chapter 2 Recruiting Devil's Descendants

[Deducing Douglas Bullet's Fusion Fruit, 2 hours remaining. ]

[Deducing Douglas Bullet's Top Armament Haki, 1 hour remaining. ]

[Deducing BIGMOM's Steel Balloon Physique, 5 years, 317 days, 18 hours remaining. ]


This is the ability Sander is deducing.

Wait until the first two deductions are successful.

It's time for him to escape, no, it should be time to use Impel down.

He doesn't believe it.

No matter how strong the Poison-Poison Fruit is, can it be stronger than the Top Armament Haki?

Fusion Fruit is also very useful.

It can rearrange and combine organic matter to synthesize various weapons.

After he gets out, he plans to use this ability to directly build a large ship that can be driven by electricity.

Vegapunk had already designed an electric battleship for him, and it was just a matter of starting construction.

Unfortunately, he was imprisoned in Impel down.

But he remembered the drawings and everything.

Just use the Fusion Fruit to make one.

His relationship with Vegapunk is okay.

She also assisted the other party in experiments.

BIGMOM's steel balloon physique has always been what Sander wanted.

With this thing, you can become a strong man even if you don't practice.

Big Mom's talent should be the strongest in the pirate world.

She can reach the Vice Admiral level when she was very young.

If it weren't for her bulimia and the constant birth of children.

It's hard to say who is the strongest in the world.

Unfortunately, the steel balloon deduction takes too long.

Sander can only pause in the middle and get the giant power of San Juan Wolf first.

Further down the panel, there are some abilities to pause deduction.

[Deducing Dragon Ball Super Saiyan Bloodline, the remaining time is 249 years, 364 days and 23 hours. Paused]

[Deducing One Punch Man Saitama Serious One Punch, the remaining time is 199 years, 364 days and 23 hours. Paused]

[Deducing Hokage Ninja Eight Inner Gates, the remaining time is 119 years, 364 days and 23 hours. Paused. ]

... Expand to see more.

Except for the abilities in the One Piece world.

The abilities in other worlds are all over 100 years without exception.

Even the weakest small skills are like this.

Sander guessed that it might be because of the distance.

After all, it takes five years to succeed in the Thunder Fruit on Sky Island.

Across a world, the deduction time of more than 100 years is already very short.

Looking at the deduction time on the panel getting less and less.

Sander knew that he had entered the countdown to leave Impel down.

At this time.

The sound of chains ringing sounded again on the sixth floor.

At the same time, the sound of exercise entered Sander's ears.

This is Douglas Bullet doing daily training.

After thinking for a moment, Sander raised his head and looked in the direction of Bullet.

"Hey, Bullet!"

He shouted loudly.

Bullet ignored him.

Sander smiled slightly, and an invisible force burst out from his body and gradually spread around.

The terrifying Conqueror's Haki rushed in the direction of Bullet.


Facing Sander's provocation.

Douglas Bullet would naturally not remain indifferent.

The Conqueror's Haki on his body burst out.

It collided with Sander's Conqueror's.

The terrifying momentum set off a wave of air on the sixth floor, and many pirates were pressed down by this momentum.

"Damn it! It's here again!"

"Can you two be quiet!"

"Asshole Sander, asshole Marine! Since you came here, we have never been at peace!"

"Stop! Two assholes who want to escape!"

The pirates on the sixth floor cursed.

Although the steady improvement of strength can make Sander happy.

But Impel down the sixth floor is still too boring.

Conqueror's competition is Sander's only entertainment project in recent years.

This is hard for the pirates on the sixth floor.

It was okay at the beginning.

Sander's Conqueror's is not strong, and the noise is not big.

But when Conqueror's reaches the advanced level, Sander begins to have fun unscrupulously.

"What's the matter, tell me."

Bullet put away Conqueror's Haki and whispered while exercising.

Seeing that Bullet finally paid attention to him, Sander put away Conqueror's Haki and said:

" Bullet, do you want to come to my ship and become my partner? The position of vice captain is for you."

Before Bullet could speak.

The voice of the evil king Avalo Pizzaro sounded on the sixth floor.

"Haha, Sander, are you playing house?"

"Planning to set up a pirate group in Impel down?"

"Captain of the Impel down Pirate Group, Marine traitor Sander, bounty 0 Bailey!"


"Still dreaming of escaping."

After the other pirates laughed, they also made sarcastic remarks.

"That's right. You two are the only ones in Impel down who are still training every day. I don't know what you're thinking."

"Don't even think about it. You can't get out. Golden Lion can get out because he has Lion Fruit, so he doesn't have to stand on the ground to fight."

"If we want to get out, we have to cut off not only our hands but also our feet. Without our hands and feet, we can't even exert one tenth of our strength. How can we fight Magellan in Impel down?"

"Not to mention, there is a Marine fleet guarding outside Impel down. Just give up."

"Shut up, Laozi!"

Sander's ears hurt.

He used Conqueror's to intimidate the most powerful guys.

"Damn Marine brat, no one is afraid of you here!"

"You are a lackey of the World government! Why are you pretending to be a big shot here?"

The pirates were not afraid and continued to shout loudly.

This is Impel down. Everyone is a prisoner and no one can touch anyone.

So what if there are Conqueror's? They are not minions who will be stunned by Conqueror's.

And Sander used to be a Marine.

Everyone is hostile to him.

Naturally, they won't give him any face.

Ignoring the shouting of these people, Sander continued to ask Bullet:

" Bullet, what do you think? Are you willing to be my vice-captain?"

After playing Impel down, he must build his own forces.

Douglas Bullet's strength is top in the sea, and Sander naturally wants to recruit him.

Although he thinks it is unlikely.

But he still asked.

"I refuse!"

Bullet refused without hesitation.
