
Chapter 16 Destroy The Fleet And Leave!

Ghost Spider remained silent.

He rushed towards Sander with Moonwalk under his feet.

Eight long swords wrapped in Armament Haki slashed towards Sander.

Sander was not afraid, and he wrapped his arms with Armament Haki to meet them.

At the moment when the long swords slashed, he grabbed the blade of a sword.

The sharp blade had no effect on him.

He pulled Ghost Spider in front of him.

"Two hundred million volts thunder fist!"

The fist carrying the violent thunder force hit Ghost Spider's face fiercely.

Ghost Spider's whole face was twisted in an instant, and several teeth were broken.

The violent thunder burned his whole face black, and his helmet turned into ash in an instant.

The whole person flew backwards.

He hit the warship he was on heavily.

A hole was instantly smashed in the huge warship deck.

Ghost Spider was smashed into the seabed and disappeared.

Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral Ghost Spider had no power to fight back against Sander.

"Vice Admiral Ghost Spider!"

"Vice Admiral was defeated!!"

On the warship, the adjutants and marines were shocked.

They knew that Sander had played Impel down.

But they had no idea how strong the opponent was.

Now Sander defeated Vice Admiral Ghost Spider with one blow.

Let them feel Sander's strength.

The marines present couldn't help but open their mouths wide.

Everyone turned pale and was shocked and speechless.

Seeing the destructive thunder wrapped around Sander, they were all terrified and uneasy, their scalps were numb, and cold sweat was pouring down their foreheads.

Is this powerful strength really the Sander Rear Admiral they knew before?

The three Marine Admirals can only do this.

Did he practice all the time in Impel down for three years?

For a while, everyone was wondering whether Impel down was a prison like hell or a holy place for practice.

It doesn't make sense that the prisoners can become so strong in three years.

Sander punched the Ghost Spider away with one punch, and there was no emotion on his face.

Three years ago, he could fight with most Marine Vice Admirals.

Now he is much stronger.

It is normal to kill Ghost Spider in seconds.

The most important thing is.

A swordsman actually ran into the air to fight him.

It is so stupid!

Looking at the panicked Marine below.

Sander had no sympathy in his heart.

From the moment Sengoku and Kizaru teamed up to arrest him, he and Marine had no relationship.

Ghost Spider said something very right.

There is nothing to say between criminals and Marines.

The truth is revealed under his hands.

He urged the Thunder of the Sky to destroy the entire fleet.

This is his first gift to Marine.

He also wants to announce to the world that he, Sander, is back.


All Marine warships were destroyed.

The sea was full of warship wreckage, and countless Marines were wailing and floating on the sea.

Sander did not chase them.

A group of soldiers is not worth his effort.

He came down from the air and piled up the wreckage of several warships.

Put his hands on these wreckages.

Activate the power of the Fusion Fruit.

This is the power he just got from Douglas Bullet.

It can rearrange objects and combine them into weapons or other things.

When Bullet was a child, he used this power to create endless weapons on the battlefield.

And now.

He wanted to use the power of the Fusion Fruit to make himself a simple boat.

Recalling the boat designed by Vegapunk in his mind, Sander used the power of the Fusion Fruit to start building it.

He had just obtained the power of this fruit and was not familiar with it.

The wreckage of the warship continued to deform in his hands.

As time went by, it gradually became the shape of a ship.

The boat was about six or seven meters long, and it didn't look good, so it could only be said to be barely usable.

Anyway, it was much better than Hawkeye's coffin.

At least he could lie down and rest while sailing on the sea.

Well... there was also a closed small room to go to the toilet, so he didn't have to stick his butt out facing the sea...

Most importantly, this boat was powered by electricity.

As a Thunder Fruit user, driving such a small boat was no pressure.

Seeing that the boat was finally formed, Sander wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Building a ship is much more difficult than fighting Magellan.

He jumped on the boat and urged the power of the Thunder Fruit to fill the boat.

After slightly identifying the direction, he sailed in the opposite direction of the Red Line at a very fast speed, like a speedboat.

After Sander left.

The dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, and the sun shone on the sea again.

The Sea Kings in the deep sea also began to swim to the surface.

About five minutes later.

A yellow flash appeared on the sea.

Looking at the messy sea, Kizaru couldn't help but change his face.

"It seems that I'm too late, so scary!"

"It's Admiral Kizaru!"

"Great, we are saved!"

Seeing Kizaru, the Marines on the sea were ecstatic.

With Admiral, they finally don't have to worry about becoming food for the Sea Kings.

Before they could breathe a sigh of relief.

One by one, the Sea Kings swam up from the sea.

Swallowed several Marines in one gulp.


"There are Sea Kings!"

"Help us!"

The Marines hurriedly called for help.

"What a trouble."

Kizaru sighed, a yellow light lit up at his fingertips, and a laser beam shot out, instantly piercing the Sea Kings who wanted to swallow the Marine.

While emitting laser beams to drive away the Sea Kings, Kizaru took out a Den Den Mushi and called the Marine Admiral.

"Kizaru, has Sander been re-arrested?"

As soon as the call was connected, Sengoku's anxious voice came over.

Kizaru pinched his ears, then emitted a laser beam and said:

"No, it's too late, Marshal Sengoku."

"What? Did Sander escape? How could it be so fast? What are Magellan and Ghost Spider doing?!!"

Sengoku on the other end of the phone was shocked and hurriedly asked about the situation.

"Magellan doesn't know the situation, but the Marine fleet outside Impel down was completely wiped out, and Ghost Spider didn't know where he ran to. Maybe he died."

Looking around, Kizaru said that he didn't find Ghost Spider.

"How could this happen?!!"

"Did you ask the survivors where Sander fled to? Is it possible to catch up with him?"

"Probably not."

Kizaru glanced at the Marines who fell into the water and struggled to survive, and described the situation at the scene.

Sengoku was silent for a moment, and finally did not order Kizaru to go and chase.

"Then let's do it, you stay there and guard the Marine who fell into the water until the fleet arrives."

"There are also medical personnel in Impel down, let them help treat the survivors."

"Understood, Marshal."

Kizaru breathed a sigh of relief and hung up the phone.

It's good that he didn't go to chase Sander alone.

Judging from the situation at the scene, Sander was able to destroy the entire fleet by launching Impel down in such a short time, and his strength must be extremely strong.

He went to chase alone, and it would be fine if he didn't meet him.

If he met him, the other party would probably fight him to the death.

Facing Sander alone, there might be an accident.

He only earns so little money a month, why play with his life.