
Chapter 14 Defeat Magellan, The Deduction Of The Fusion Fruit Is Successful!

Feeling the power of the giant spear in Sander's hand.

Magellan's face was solemn.

He didn't dare to be careless.

He urged Armament Haki to Ultimate and covered his arms, waving his fists to resist.

Sander's mouth curled up, revealing an expression of success.

"Lightning flash!"

He disappeared from the spot, and in a blink of an eye he came to Magellan's head, his body still making stabbing movements.

"Not good!"

Seeing that Sander was nowhere to be seen, Magellan's face changed drastically.

Observation Haki quickly found Sander's trace.

But he couldn't react now.

"It's over, Magellan!"

Sander's lightning spear stabbed Magellan's back of the head fiercely.

Magellan, who didn't have time to turn around, could only wrap the Armament Haki around his head.


The terrible force hit Magellan, and Magellan was knocked out without resistance.

The destructive lightning wantonly destroyed Magellan's Armament Haki.

It quickly broke through the defense of Armament Haki and hit the back of the head.

Magellan, who was still flying in the air, rolled his eyes and fainted completely.

His tall body hit the ground like a ball, bounced up and down, and then fell motionless in the ruins.


Sander took a breath.

He released the Thunder God's Advent state.

His strong muscles were exposed.

At this time, his shirt was completely torn, and his only pants were also tattered.

Magellan was also in a bad situation. The solemn director's uniform had long been rotten to pieces, leaving only a few strips of cloth hanging on his body.

After looking at the motionless Magellan, Sander turned and left.

The biggest obstacle of Impel down has been defeated.

It's time to get out of Impel down and return to the sea.

Right here, a prompting voice suddenly came from his mind.

His Paramecia fusion fruit was finally deduced successfully.

Sander casually hung the Fish Fish Fruit·Mythical Beast Species·Blue Dragon Form on it.

This was what he had planned long ago.

He was very clear about the power of the Mythical Beast Species after reading the comics.

With the Blue Dragon Fruit, his physical strength will be improved again, and his defense will also increase.

His strength will also increase again.

Most importantly, he also wants to experience the teaching ability of teacher Kaido.

Maybe a few hits can also improve other Haki to the top level.

After doing this, Sander walked towards the first door on the sea.

After passing through this door, he will be completely out of Impel down.

At this time.

The fleet outside Impel down can still be ready.

Ghost Spider Vice Admiral has already prepared for the battle with two swords.

Just now, the deputy director of Impel down informed him that the director of Impel down Magellan had been defeated by Sander.

Ghost Spider was shocked and immediately prepared the fleet.

One cannon after another aimed the muzzle at the exit door.

As soon as Sander came out, he immediately fired the cannon and hit Sander who escaped from Impel down hard.

Although he knew that the shells might not cause any harm to Sander.

But Ghost Spider still did it.

It's good to delay time.

Marshal Sengoku had told him that Admiral Kizaru and other fleets were on their way, along with several Vice Admirals from the headquarters.

"Vice Admiral Ghost, all bullets and shells have been replaced with seastone, ready to attack at any time."

The adjutant came to Ghost Spider to report.

"Got it." Ghost Spider responded casually, his eyes fixed on the exit of Impel down.

The ability of the Logia Fruit, except for Armament Haki, can only be dealt with by seastone.

So, he asked all the Marines who could not use Armament Haki to change to seastone weapons.

The dark clouds in the sky became thicker.

The rumbling thunder became more frequent.

Countless silver snakes swam in the dark clouds, and the oppressive atmosphere made the Marines in the fleet nervous.


Lightning flashed and thunder roared.

Lightning flashed over Impel down, illuminating the sea.

In the dim light, Ghost Spider saw a figure slowly walking out of the gate exit.

The figure was tall and burly.

The naked upper body was muscular, full of power.


Ghost Spider narrowed his eyes and recognized the figure.

The other person was taller than three years ago.

Ghost Spider had a complicated expression.

The man in front of him was once the pride of Marine.

The idol of countless low-level Marines, the leader of the younger generation of Marines.

Now, he has become an enemy.

The news of the betrayal of Sander, the Thunder Fruit ability user three years ago, puzzled many Marines.

Countless Marines with justice in their hearts did not understand why Sander Rear Admiral, who had a bright future, chose to betray.

Although the World Government and the Marine Marshal ordered not to ask or discuss Sander's affairs.

But the Marine executives more or less guessed something.

Because Sander's adoptive father died shortly before he was arrested.

The specific reason for his death was unclear, and the matter was covered up and suppressed by the World Government.

But if you think about it a little, you will know that the death of Sander's adoptive father was definitely not what the World Government said: "He was attacked by pirates and died of serious injuries."

Ghost Spider was not the only one with a complicated expression.

Many people on the fleet ship were like this.

Three years is not enough for people to forget the genius who amazed the Naval Headquarters.

"Everyone get ready, the target has appeared." Ghost Spider took a deep breath and his expression became firm. No matter what happened in the past. Sander is now their enemy! "Fire!" ...