
Chapter 12 Fierce Battle With Magellan, Armament Haki Released

"Stay, Sander!"

"Poison Dragon!"

Magellan roared.

The poison dragon behind him raised its head and rushed towards Sander with poisonous gas.

Sander mobilized the power of Thunder Fruit.

The vast thunder gathered in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a blue-white dragon.

The dragon was entangled with thunder and lightning, and its scales seemed to be clearly visible.

200 million volts Thunder Dragon!


A muffled thunder exploded.

The Thunder Dragon rushed towards the Poison Dragon like lightning.

The two dragons collided in the air, and the huge energy set off an air wave.

The terrifying Thunder Dragon seemed to split the space and destroy everything.

The ultra-high temperature carried by 200 million volts quickly consumed the sticky venom on the poison dragon.

The air was filled with the smell of burning.

I don't know how much venom was not burned into poisonous mist.

The poisonous mist was then annihilated by the terrifying electric current.

Seeing this scene, Sander was relieved and finally opened his mouth.

Thunder and lightning can restrain some toxins.

Then he doesn't have to be so careful.

"Magellan, your venom doesn't seem to be very good."

No matter what kind of poison it is, it comes from Magellan's body after all.

The instantaneous high temperature generated by lightning is enough to kill these.

After saying that, Sander's body was filled with lightning.

The first layer was filled with countless tiny lightning, annihilating the poisonous fog in it.

Magellan also discovered this.

He didn't change his expression at all, and said coldly:

"Don't underestimate me! Sander!"

The other two poisonous dragons roared towards Sander from the left and right.

In a flash, they came to Sander.

The dragon head was slightly raised, and the bloody mouth was opened, as if to swallow Sander whole.


The sound of electricity sounded, and Sander disappeared on the spot.

The poisonous dragon directly blasted a big hole in the ground.

And Sander appeared on the left like a flash.

Before he could fight back, another poisonous dragon roared and slammed into Sander fiercely.

In the blink of an eye.

Sander disappeared again.

The two poisonous dragons, controlled by Magellan, continued to chase Sander.

Sander moved around on the first floor, strolling leisurely, without any embarrassment.

"Magellan, your poisonous dragon is too slow!"

"I can appear anywhere where there is lightning."

Thunder flash, a dodge skill developed by Sander.

You can appear in the place where your lightning is in an instant.

Now the place where he fought with Magellan was full of thunder.

That is to say, as long as Sander has a thought.

He can appear anywhere.

Magellan's poisonous dragon is indeed powerful, but too slow.

Even if Magellan's observation Haki can capture and predict Sander's whereabouts, the poisonous dragon can't catch up in the first time.

Unless, Magellan develops Observation Haki to the extent that he can predict the future for a short time.

Obviously, Magellan's observation Haki is not so strong now.

Magellan's face is solemn and he keeps silent.

For him, it is naturally best to defeat Sander alone.

If not, delaying time and waiting for rescue is also a good choice.

The Thunder Fruit's ability is too strong.

It's as fast as lightning.

Or it is lightning.

His poison dragon can't catch the opponent's trace at all.

It can only fly around like a headless fly.

Seeing this, Sander knew what Magellan was up to.

He moved and appeared directly in front of Magellan.

He had to make a quick decision.

Otherwise, the support from Naval Headquarters would arrive before Magellan was dealt with.

Sander clenched his fists and made a fist-throwing preparation.

Armament Haki is released!

The strong Armament Haki gushed out of the body, forming a substantial attack power on the fist.

This is also an advanced use of Armament Haki.

It aims to use the characteristics of Armament Haki flow, wrap the unnecessary Armament Haki of the body around the hand and release it, turning it into substantial attack power and defense power.

Sander now has a huge amount of Armament Haki like Douglas Bullet.

It is easy to release some of it as a weapon to isolate Magellan's venom.

Seeing Sander rushing in front of him and trying to engage in close combat, Magellan was not surprised but happy.

The power of the Poison-Poison Fruit lies in poison.

And only when the poison invades the enemy's body will it be effective.

Close combat is the most advantageous way of fighting for him.

No matter how strong a person's Armament Haki is, he cannot completely protect himself.

Mouth, nose, eyes, ears, these are places that Armament Haki cannot cover well.

"Come on, Sander, try to touch me if you have the guts!"

The knotted muscles on Sander's arms stood up inch by inch, and terrifying power was brewing in them.

"Two hundred million volts thunder fist!"

The fist carrying the power of destruction slammed into Magellan's chest fiercely.


Magellan Armament Haki covered his arms, and crossed his arms in front of his chest, making a defensive posture.

The terrifying power blasted Magellan's arms with devastating lightning.

At the moment of contact, Magellan's face changed drastically.

The unmatched power directly blasted him away.

He used his legs to resist the force and stop his backward body.

His legs left deep marks on the ground, and he slid for dozens of meters before finally stopping.

"Terrible power!"

"Did Shiryu fail because of resisting this power?"

At this time, Magellan's arms were charred, his sleeves had long disappeared, his director's uniform was tattered, and his hair was curled by electricity.

He stared at the figure in front of him who controlled the thunder, his eyes were horrified.

It is hard to imagine how powerful the talent must be to improve the strength to such a level on the sixth floor of Impel down.

Impel down is not a charity.

The pirates on the sixth floor will not even be fed enough.

In this case, the strength can still improve by leaps and bounds. If it is placed outside... Magellan dare not imagine it.


Poison has no effect on this guy!

Magellan glanced at Sander's clean arm and his heart sank.

That should be the flow of Armament Haki just now.

The power of Armament Haki completely avoids the possibility of the fist being stained with poison.

What a terrible guy.

In Impel down, he actually cultivated his Armament Haki to this extent.