
Chapter 105 Deduction Successful, Two Giant Dragons!

Seeing Sander didn't say anything.

Kaido knew that he had guessed it right!

Sander came to fight with him, really intending to obtain his Blue Dragon Fruit ability!

Fighting with Golden Lion Shiki, Woods obtained Lion Fruit.

After fighting with Aokiji for a few times, he also got Frozen Fruit.

The Gravity Fruit ability user is Sander's vice-captain, so it is very convenient for daily sparring.

So, what exactly is the ability of the Decai?

"You are really amazing, Kaido!"

"You found it all!"

Sander said with a faint smile.

Since it was guessed, there is nothing to hide.

Besides, he didn't intend to hide it.

Even if he knew it, what would it matter?

Who could do anything to her?

Seeing Sander admit it, Kaido's eyes widened.

"You actually admitted it!"

Kaido didn't expect Sander to admit it.

This kind of invincible ability, even if others guessed it, shouldn't be admitted so frankly.

"Why can't I admit it?"

"Even if the whole world admits it, what can it do?"

Sander said with a smile.

Kaido was stunned for a moment, then thought, with Sander's current strength.

Even if he admitted it, it would not be a big deal.

Lion Fruit plus Thunder Fruit.

If Sander wants to leave, no one can stop him.

Not to mention stopping him.

There are not many people in the world who have the ability to fight in the air.

Once Sander flies into the sky, all the people in the world who can fight in the air can't do anything.

Lion Fruit can fight in the sky without consumption, just like on land.

Others can't.

Even his Blue Dragon Fruit has to step on the flame cloud to fly in the air.

Kaido suddenly didn't want to fight with Sander.

He didn't know what Sander's ability to obtain the power of the fruit was, but he thought it was related to fighting.

The more he fought with Sander, the stronger Decai might be.

Thinking of this, Kaido was a little bored.

However, Sander would never give up the opportunity to deduce the special physique and the ability of the Devil Fruit.

He directly approached and released various abilities in his hands.

Helplessly, Kaido could only fight.

The two fought from day to night. Sander finally succeeded in promoting Kaido's special physique that is indestructible!

[Derivation of Kaido of the Beasts' special physique that is indestructible has been completed!]

When Kaido's special physique was deduced, Sander felt full of strength.

Whether it was endurance, strength or speed, they were all improved.

Clenching his fists, Sander's arm muscles bulged high.

It looked no different from before.

But Sander could feel the terrifying power in it!

As expected of Kaido.

But with this kind of physical strength, even if Kaido didn't eat the Blue Dragon Fruit, he would definitely become a physical master.

Although in that case Kaido would not be able to get the title of "the strongest creature on land, sea and air".

Seeing that the Blue Dragon Fruit was about to come out, Sander fought even harder.

When the bombardment ended, the two pulled away.

Kaido looked at Sander with a suspicious look on his face.

I don't know if it was his illusion.

He felt that Sander had become stronger.

It was not the kind of sudden surge in strength and speed during the first battle.

But it was an all-round improvement.

Just like the kind after practicing physical skills.

Becoming stronger in a very balanced way.

"You bastard, you haven't obtained the power of Laozi's fruit, have you?"

Kaido asked in a deep voice.

After eating Zoan Devil Fruit, even in human form, defense and physical fitness will be improved to a certain extent.

"No, it's too early!"

Sander said with a smile.

"It's just that physical skills have improved."

He didn't intend to tell others that he could also obtain physical fitness.

So far, he is a genius with a very high level of understanding in the eyes of others, and he intends to keep this person.

Obtaining other fruit abilities is already amazing enough.

If we add his physique and other aspects, it is estimated that the World Government may really join forces with other forces to encircle and suppress him.

Although he is not afraid, it is also annoying to be an enemy of the whole world.


Kaido tilted his head, with a look of doubt.

"Of course it's true.

You already know why I came here, so there's no need for me to lie to you."

Sander lied with his eyes open. "I really want to see how you get the power of the fruit!"

Kaido said, and the mace kept hitting Sander.

Boom! The island where the two fought had sunk halfway.

If it weren't for Sander's Frozen Fruit ability to reinforce the rest, it would probably be shaky and could be knocked down at any time.

Time passed quickly.

The sun rose high in the blink of an eye.

In the distance.

Beasts Pirates Flame Disaster Jin and Jack the Drough came to watch the battle in a boat. "Jack, you were really lucky not to be killed by Sander!"

Jin said lightly as he looked at the island in the distance with thunder and lightning, full of destructive power.

Jack's eyes twitched, but he didn't refute.

Judging from the combat power Sander showed now.

The other party didn't kill him at the beginning, which probably gave his boss a lot of face. "Then isn't Sander a Thunder Fruit ability user?" "Why can you use the power of ice?"

After a moment, Jack pointed at the ice on the island and the ice cubes floating in the sea. "Kaido, I really want to thank you!"

On the island, Sander looked at Kaido with a good look.

Hiki was as generous.

Discover your own fruits.

There was nothing unusual about the wounds Sander had received during the battle.

So, how did Sander do it?

"Hehehe, I know you're curious, so let me show you!"

Sander chuckled.

The Zoan Fish Fruit's mythical beast species Azure Dragon form was released.


A dull roar came from Sander's mouth.

His body began to change.

His whole body was covered with scales that shone with cold light, and his hands and feet turned into sharp dragon claws.

A huge dragon tail appeared behind him, and his body gradually grew longer, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a Azure Dragon that was 99% the same as Kaido.

The only difference was that Kaido had four horns, while he only had two on his forehead.

"You, you really got it!"

Kaido said in surprise.

Guessing and Sander's personal admission were not as shocking as Sander's direct use of his fruit ability in front of him.

Except for the lack of the two horns of his own race.

Sander was exactly the same as when he turned into a dragon, even the color of his scales was the same!

In the distance. Jack stared at Sander's transformation into a dragon with wide eyes.

He rubbed his eyes and asked Yan Zai Jin uncertainly:

"Brother Jin, my eyes seem to be wrong."

"I am dazzled. It turned out that Sander turned into a dragon."

"My eyes are also wrong."

"I saw the same thing as you!" Jin whispered.

Like Jack the Drough, he also saw that it was Sander who transformed.

His captain, Kaido of the Beasts, still maintained his half-beast form, holding a mace in his hand.

"Shit! How can Sander have the same ability as Kaido?!!"

"Isn't he Thunder Fruit?!!"

Jack shouted with a trembling voice.

Hearing that what Jin saw was the same as his, he knew that it was not his eyes that were defective, but Sander. "He actually has the same ability as them to dodgeball! It's incredible! "Could it be that Sander himself has the ability of a mythical beast similar to Kaido?" "For example, the Thunder Dragon form?"

Jack's mind was full of ideas, and he muttered.

Devil Fruit abilities are all kinds of strange, and it is not impossible to have a mythical beast Thunder Dragon form.

Anyway, he didn't dare to think that Sander has multiple fruit abilities.

After all, the Thunder Dragon Fruit sounds much more reliable than multiple fruit abilities.

The corners of Jin's mouth twitched under the mask of Flame Disaster.

He wanted to agree with Jack.

But how could that form, which is almost exactly the same as Kaido, be a Thunder Dragon.

This is the Blue Dragon Fruit, even the color of the scales is exactly the same.


Jin glanced at the ice on the island and the sea.

He remembered that someone mentioned in the information about Sander that the Thunder God Pirates may have obtained the Lion Fruit ability.

Jin looked at the giant dragon on the island and was immediately filled with horror! Sander, that guy, can actually have multiple fruit abilities!!

And they are not obtained by eating Devil Fruit.

Lion Fruit may also be obtained by eating Devil Fruit.

But the owner of the Blue Dragon form of the Mythical Beast Fish Fruit is still standing in front of Sander!

On the island.

Sander twisted his dragon body, also with a look of surprise.

This is his first time to transform into a dragon.

It feels a bit strange.

With a thought.

Sander opened his mouth wide.

A stream of hot energy gathered in his mouth.

"Hot breath!"

A large mouthful of hot power spewed out of Sander's mouth, aiming at Kaido of the Beasts.

Kaido had a weird look on his face.

He dodged directly.

The hot breath directly blasted a big hole where Kaido was originally standing, and the land was instantly evaporated.

"Hit me with my moves..."

Kaido muttered in a low voice with a weird look in his eyes.

This feeling is indescribably strange.

"Kaido, turn into a dragon and play together!"

After spitting out a mouthful of hot breath, Sander laughed and said.

and Compared with Kaido, his Blue Dragon Fruit abilities are not yet proficient.

He urgently needs Master Baishou to teach him again.

"Asshole Sander!"

"How dare you use Laozi as a sparring partner, who do you think I am?!!"

"Laozi is Kaido!!"

Kaido was furious.

How could he not know what Sander was thinking.

The other party could learn Golden Lion's swordsmanship and Conqueror's entanglement technique in a short time.


He could also learn his own observation Haki to foresee the future.

He still wanted to learn the development of the Blue Dragon Fruit from me.

This bastard, he used him as a whetstone.

"Don't be so angry, Kaido."

"You and I are not enemies. Maybe we can cooperate in the future." Sander coiled his dragon body in the sky.

Unlike Kaido, he did not use the flame cloud to fly in the air, but the power of the Lion Fruit.

He can fly by himself, why bother to summon the flame cloud.

Among the flying abilities, the Lion Fruit ability is always the most convenient and worry-free.

If Kaido wants to use the flame cloud, Marco, who has the bird fruit, also needs to flap his wings, but he can float up with a thought.

During air combat, both hands and feet are there, of course, he can exert stronger power than others.


Kaido's eyes moved, and he was a little moved.

He can't kill Sander, and it's impossible to explore Sander's secrets.

If he can cooperate with the other party, it will be of great help to him.

After all, Sander is probably stronger than Whitebeard now.

Because his last shortcoming of defense has been made up!

"Of course we can cooperate. In a few years, I plan to start an unprecedented war!" Sander said.

He knew Kaido wanted to start a "world's top war!"

Kaido believed that equality and freedom would come only when those who were born "nobles" and indulged in comfort were dragged to the battlefield, and only war could determine the value of mankind.

"Who do you want to deal with?"

"Whitebeard? Marine?"

Kaido's eyes lit up when he heard about an unprecedented war.

He had wanted to do this for a long time, but he had never had the chance.

"Of course it's the World government!"

"Have you forgotten that Celestial Dragons and I have a grudge!"


Sander said as a matter of course.

Kaido then remembered that Sander's adoptive father was killed by Celestial Dragons.

"Oh, hehe!"

"Your target is the Celestial Dragons Holy Land?"

Kaido asked with a big laugh.

"That's exciting, isn't it?"

"It's interesting to drag those self-proclaimed gods and high-ranking world nobles to the battlefield."

Sander said.

He had long planned to wait for the Summit War to launch a war against the World government and the Celestial Dragons Holy Land.

Pulling Kaido along was just part of the plan.

Whitebeard will save his son.

He and Kaido will beat up the World government.

With the relationship between Kaido and Big Mom, maybe Big Mom can be pulled in.

There were many discussions when I read the original novel.

The Four Emperors fight the Marine together, who will win.

He came to this world, of course he has to try.

Red-haired Shanks is likely to be unable to be pulled by the Celestial Dragons, so he will replace a Four Emperors group.

A few years later.

When the rest of the Thunder God Pirates grow up, they will definitely not be worse than the Four Emperors group.

And by then, Shirahoshi's Poseidon power will also be successfully deduced.

If those Sea Kings can be used by him, the power he controls will be extremely terrifying.

"Oh, hehe, let Mariejois kill those Celestial Dragons? I like it!"

Kaido laughed.

A long time ago, there was also someone who took him to kill Celestial Dragons.

But at that time he was just a minion.

It's not his turn to participate in high-end battles.

Now, he has grown up and stands at the top of the world.

How could he not be excited to attack the holy land Mariejois and start a war that would shake the world?

"Sander, why don't we go now!"

Kaido said impatiently.

He couldn't help but get excited just thinking about the scene of attacking the holy land.

Sander's huge dragon eyes rolled up.

"You don't think that the World government only has Marine as a force, do you?"

"The two of us can run away when facing the high-end combat power of Marine."

"But if the power of the World government and Celestial Dragons is added, what's the difference between going now and seeking death?"

He and Kaido are indeed powerful.

The two strongest creatures on land, sea and air can fight against the high-end combat power of Marine, and can leave if they can't beat them.

But the World government has a lot of hidden combat power.

The former Marine Marshal, the Five Elders who can transform into demons, the Knights of God, and the mysterious Im.

If these guys join forces with Marine.

Even if Sander has multiple fruit abilities, he will suffer.

Moreover, he is still young and many of his own fruit abilities have yet to be developed, so of course he can't go now.

Hearing Sander's words, Kaido also calmed down.

He and Sander were indeed a little weak.

"When are you going to do it?"

Kaido asked.

"Wait a few years. My crew hasn't grown up yet, and it will take some time to plan."

Sander said.

Kaido didn't say anything else.

He turned into a dragon just like Sander, floating in the air and confronting Sander.

Looking at Kaido, who looked similar to him.

Sander's mind moved.

The power of Thunder Fruit spread on the huge dragon.

The whole person turned into a thunder dragon and fought with Kaido.

Above the island.

A blue dragon and a thunder dragon were flying in the air.

Lightning, flames, and wind blades flew, making the sky and the earth change color and the sun and the moon dim.

On the ship in the distance, Jack was stunned to watch this scene.

When Sander turned into a thunder dragon, he shouted to Jhin:

"I said it was a thunder dragon!".