
Chapter 10 Ups And Downs, Sengoku Is Shocked!

Monitoring room on the first floor.

"Great, Chief Warden Shiryu has blocked Sander!"

"Although Sander is very strong, the chief warden is also very powerful. At least he can hold on until Director Magellan arrives, although Chief Warden Shiryu is very scary and often likes to torture prisoners."

"Sander is too young, not even 20 years old, and can't be a match for Chief Warden Shiryu."

"The escape of the Thunder Boy has failed!"

"As expected of Chief Warden Shiryu, what a powerful slash, even the lightning of Thunder Fruit can be cut!"

"Chief Warden Shiryu rushed up!"

"Go, Chief Warden Shiryu! Let Sander see the top combat power of Impel down!"

"Shiryu... Shiryu, Chief Warden Shiryu was hit by a punch?!!!"

The jailer in the monitoring room experienced ups and downs in just a few tens of seconds.

Chief Warden Shiryu, the second most powerful combat power of Impel down and the one they had high hopes for, was knocked out with just one punch from the other side.

The violent lightning column made them tremble with fear just by looking at it.

And their warden was hit hard.

"Shiryu stood up."

Hannyabal was full of fear, looking at Shiryu's embarrassed figure in the surveillance.

"No, it's impossible?!!"

"Warden Shiryu lost?!!"

Looking at the embarrassed Shiryu, all the jailers couldn't believe that Warden Shiryu was defeated like this.

Defeated by the Logia fruit ability user.

"Too...too scary! How could there be such a scary monster?!!"

"Is this the monster with the strongest talent of Marine? Too scary!"

Everyone was shocked, terrified, and pale.

"Can Chief Magellan defeat him?"

"Asshole, Chief Magellan will definitely defeat him. The Poison Poison Fruit ability user is invincible in Impel down. No one can be infected with Chief Magellan's poison. As long as they are infected, they will definitely lose their resistance."

A jailer shouted loudly, firmly believing that Magellan is invincible in Impel down.

But this time, not many people agreed.

Director Magellan is indeed powerful.

But can he really defeat Chief Warden Shiryu with one punch?

Just one punch, just one punch.

Sander looked relaxed, as if he didn't use his full strength.

"Quickly inform Magellan that Shiryu was defeated, and let him quickly intercept Sander."

Hannyabal was the first to react from the shock, and hurriedly ordered the jailer to inform Magellan.

"Really, as Director Impel down, he is not here at this time, it's better for me to be the director."

Hannyabal muttered in a low voice.

For the deputy director coveting the position of director, everyone is no longer surprised, just pretend not to hear it.

Magellan soon received the news that Shiryu was defeated.

At this time, he was standing next to Sadi chan.

Instructing the doctor of Impel down to treat Sadi chan.

"You said Shiryu was defeated by Sander with one punch?"

Magellan listened to the voice from the Den Den Mushi, his face full of solemnity.

Although he didn't like Shiryu's killing of criminals.

But he still recognized Shiryu's strength.

"Yes, Director Magellan, the warden was defeated with one punch, and now Sander is heading to the second floor."

"I know."

Magellan said and hung up the phone.

He walked quickly towards the elevator.

Going to the third floor to intercept now would only follow Sander's ass, he would use the elevator to rush to the first floor before Sander and block the opponent there.

While walking, Magellan informed the ghost spider outside.

Then, he called the Naval Headquarters for help.

Sander showed strength.

It has reached the point where he has to ask for help.

He doesn't think it's shameful to ask for help.

The most important thing is to suppress the criminals forever.

Naval Headquarters.

The current Marine Marshal, Buddha Sengoku, sat in the office looking at documents.

He wore a pair of toad eyes, and the long beard on his chin was braided into a braid.

On the wall behind him, there was a plaque with the words "Justice Reigns Over the World", solemn and majestic.

After reading each document, Sengoku handed it to the goat beside him.

The goat chewed a few times and ate the paper into its stomach.

Bulu Bulu~

The Den Den Mushi rang.

"This is Naval Headquarters, I'm Sengoku."

"I'm Magellan, the director of the Impel down. The prisoner Sander on the sixth floor of the Impel down escaped from prison. The warden Shiryu was defeated. Marshal Sengoku, please send someone to support immediately."

Magellan spoke very quickly and explained the matter quickly.

"Who did you say escaped from prison?"

Sengoku stood up from the chair, his expression instantly became solemn.

The goat next to him turned his head and looked at him in surprise.

"Former Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, Logia Thunder Fruit ability user, Sander!"

Hearing this name again.

Sengoku was in a trance and returned to that afternoon.

The Marine genius who tried to escape from the siege of him and Kizaru.

"I see. Are there any other pirates who escaped from Impel Down?"

"No, only Sander."

"But he is very powerful. Shiryu was defeated with one blow. Please send Marine Admiral to support."

Fearing that the Naval Headquarters would not take it seriously, Magellan told Sengoku about Shiryu's situation and asked him to send Marine Admiral to support.

"I will send Admiral to lead the fleet."

Sengoku hung up the phone.

The solemnity and shock on his face did not diminish at all.

He defeated the Impel Down warden Shiryu with one punch.

Has the little guy who shocked the Marines with his talent grown to this point now?

However, no matter how Sander grows, he must be suppressed again!

Sander must not be allowed to escape!

The sea is already very chaotic.

Young and powerful pirates emerge one after another.

If Sander returns to the sea.

The world will become more chaotic because of him.

This is something Sengoku would never allow!