
Chapter 1 Marine Genius Imprisoned In Impel Down

The sixth floor of Impel Down.

In a single cell.

A black-haired boy slowly opened his eyes.

He looked only eighteen or nineteen years old, wearing a Madara horse-shaped striped prison uniform, and heavy seastone shackles and handcuffs only bound him.

After Golden Lion broke his legs and escaped from prison more than a decade ago, Impel Down put handcuffs on extremely dangerous criminals.

People can barely fight without legs, but not without legs and hands.

Obviously, the boy was considered extremely dangerous.

The boy slowly turned his neck, making a crackling sound.

He sat up from the ground, leaned his back against the cold wall, and looked up at the ceiling in a daze.

His name is Sander, the former Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral.

It has been 19 years since he traveled through the pirate world.

He became an orphan when he was very young.

Later he was adopted by a Marine.

At the age of 14, he finally got the Cheat he had been thinking about - the ability to deduce everything.

As the name suggests.

He can deduce everything.

Without consuming anything, he can deduce Taijutsu, Haki, moves, and various fruit abilities.

This ability is not without limitations.

The more complex and mysterious the deduction is, the longer it takes.

And he can only deduce one ability of the same type at a time.

For example, he can only deduce one Devil Fruit ability at a time.

He cannot deduce two fruit abilities at the same time.

The good news is.

He can have multiple fruit abilities without exploding.

After all, he didn't really eat the Devil Fruit.

Seawater and seastone have a suppressive effect on him, but not much.

He can even use some weak abilities in the sea.

For example, he can't deduce Armament Haki and Observation Haki at the same time, he can only do them one by one.

He can change them halfway if he fails to deduce.

Progress will not be canceled because of stopping.

Just like downloading a movie on the Internet, you can pause and continue.

Just like downloading a movie with a membership to speed up.

Deduction can also be accelerated.

The closer you are to the thing you want to deduce, the faster the deduction speed and the less time it takes.

Suppose he wants to deduce Armament Haki.

Staying at home, eating, drinking and having fun, you can deduce the primary Armament Haki in a year.

Then staying with an Armament Haki owner may only take half a year.

Strong teaching, fighting, observation, etc. can also speed up the deduction speed.

Considering the dangers of the pirate world.

And the identity of his adoptive father Marine.

Sander plans to join Marine to spend his growth period.

There are all kinds of strong teachings there.

Marine's former Admiral Zephyr has all kinds of abilities that can speed up his deduction.

Armament Haki, Observation Haki, Taijutsu, etc.

In order to make himself more valued by the Naval Headquarters, join the Zephyr elite training camp.

The first deduction ability he chose was Thunder Fruit.

Powerful Logia can make him valued by the Naval Headquarters.

Easily enter Zephyr's Marine training camp.

Thunder Fruit also suits his aesthetics.

Fortunately, he has a life-saving gift package for the novice period.

The deduction ability gave him an ability to deduce instantly for free.

Otherwise, it would take at least five years to get the Thunder Fruit ability.

He is too far away from the Thunder Fruit or ability users on Sky Island.

The next thing happened naturally.

He successfully joined Marine and became a member of Zephyr training camp.

Relying on deduction ability.

In just one year, he mastered Marine Six Styles, Armament Haki, and Observation Haki.

The talent he showed shocked the entire Naval Headquarters.

He was hailed as the most talented person in the Naval Headquarters for hundreds of years.

Together with Sakazuki, Borsalino, and Kuzan, he was called the four Logia monsters of Marine!

(Smoker does not count!)

And he also became the youngest Rear Admiral of Marine Headquarters by virtue of the merits he gained by bullying the pirates in the first half of the Grand Line.

For a time, Marine was in the limelight.

Many pirates were scared by the four Logia monsters of Marine and dared not make a sound.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long.

One year later.

His adoptive father was ruthlessly shot and killed by Celestial Dragons in order to protect a civilian while performing a mission in Sabaody Archipelago.

He naturally could not bear the only relative being killed.

He immediately planned to kill the Celestial Dragons for revenge.

Then he turned against the Marine and became a pirate.

Before he could take any action,

the World government ordered Marine Admiral Sengoku to arrest him for "attempting to harm the world nobility and betraying the World government."

In order to prevent him from escaping with the speed of Thunder Fruit, the World Government also ordered that Sparkling Fruit ability user Borsalino go with him.

At the same time, CP0 was sent to supervise the battle.

At that time.

Sengoku was about to be promoted to Marine Marshal.

Borsalino was also about to become Marine Admiral Kizaru.

It can be said that he had to face two Admiral-level strongmen at the same time.

Every time he thought of this, he got angry.

One Admiral was not enough, and even Borsalino was sent.

If it was someone else, he might have a chance to escape.

The World Government was determined not to let him have a chance to become a pirate.

In that battle, despite his various attempts, he still failed to escape.

Borsalino was faster than him, leaving him no chance of escape.

In the end, he was defeated and imprisoned in the sixth floor of Impel down.

Now, it is the third year since he was imprisoned in Impel down.

With a long sigh, Sander opened his panel with his mind.

Name: Sander.

Age: 19 years old.


Thunder Fruit (awakened!), Momo Fruit (primary), Advanced Armament Haki, Advanced Observation Haki, Advanced Conqueror's Haki.

Titan power, advanced taijutsu, Marine Six Styles, life return.

It's no exaggeration.

He is now at the Admiral level!

As far as Sander knows.

The three Admirals today have all reached advanced levels of taijutsu and Haki, and the fruit has reached the awakening level.

To become a top powerhouse.

These are the minimum standards.

Even Kizaru, who was evaluated by Zephyr as overly dependent on the fruit ability, has advanced levels of taijutsu and Haki.

And Black Arm Zephyr, who is famous for his Armament Haki, has top-level Armament Haki.

As we all know, Armament Haki has strength and quantity, which varies from person to person.

Zephyr's Armament Haki strength is the highest Sander has ever seen.

When entangled with the same amount of Armament Haki, Zephyr always has stronger defense and higher attack power than others.

So he is top-level.

Although he lost his freedom when he entered Impel down.

But it brought him nutrients to improve his strength.

The entire sixth floor of Impel down brought him nutrients all the time.

This is also one of the reasons why he did not choose to escape at the first time.

Outside, there are not so many strong people who can stay by his side all the time for him to deduce.

Of course.

He did not escape because Magellan was too strong.

The Poison-Poison Fruit is too advantageous in the narrow terrain of Impel down.

He would not escape without absolute certainty.

In terms of fruit ability.

Thunder Fruit was the first one he deduced.

After joining Marine, Thunder Fruit has always been his ability to develop derivation.

Coupled with the help of Marine and Vegapunk.

His fruit development speed is very fast.

Awakening was completed one year after entering Impel down.

The remaining Momo fruit ability comes from World Destroyer Bond World.

This person is also a prisoner on the sixth floor.

Not far from Sander, the deduction progress is very fast.

It took only one year to deduce a fruit.

There is no way, staying together all the time, the deduction speed is naturally very fast.

The power of the giant comes from the later Blackbeard Pirates crew member, San Juan Wolf.


Before coming in, the Armament Haki and Observation Haki were intermediate and elementary respectively.

He got to the current level by taking advantage of Bullet.

I have to say that Douglas Bullet is really strong.

Especially Armament Haki, which has reached the top level.

Unlike Zephyr, he reached the top level by quantity, and his Armament Haki is much more than others.

In the movie, it can even cover an island-like huge body.

In terms of the amount of Armament Haki alone, Bullet has the most he has ever seen.

If Bullet didn't play "Gundam" in the movie, he really wouldn't lose.

The Fusion Fruit really drags Bullet down.

Just use the Zoan Fruit, Bullet can be directly invincible with Armament Haki.

Sander's advanced physical skills and life return were also practiced after entering Impel down.

The whole Impel down.

Only he and Douglas Bullet have been training all the time.

Because of this, they are often ridiculed by other pirates.

However, they are not moved at all.

Still maintain the habit of exercising every day.

Use your mind to drag the panel and pull it down.

The ability to deduce is revealed.