
One Piece: Cursed and From Another World

Imagine going to bed only to thrown into your favorite Anime World. Well, this is what happened to this unfortunate young man. He was tasked to help a certain someone become the Pirate King if he wanted to return home.

Drive_Night326 · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

The Goddess

(A/N: A little chat before we start the actual story. This here is gonna be my fanfic that i wanted to do for a while now. I currently have and am working on an actual Novel,so I do hope you enjoy that one as well. It is original work and you will probably recognize some inspirations from various works of fictions including games, shows, and other.

This here is my fanfiction. I've been wanting to do a One Piece fanfic for a while now. So here it goes.

Also, most chapters will be somewhat short. Around 800 or so words. 1000 will be the maximum i think. And i will try to upload consistently . Expect a minimum of 2 or 3 chapters per week.)

(Caleb's POV)

"What the.." I said as i sat up and looked around

I had no freaking clue were I was. I saw nothing but black mist around me. The ground beneath me was cold and was also sort of like a mist.

"Well. What are you looking around frantically for?" The girl floating in front of me said

I looked at her, "Where am I?!" I exclaimed, "What did you do to me?!"

She floated in the air in front of me, merely smiling.

"Don't fret, Caleb." She said, "I'm merely having some fun."

I looked around to see if there was anyone around to help. I started to feel very anxious. I had no idea what the hell was going on.

"Wh-Who are you?!" I yelled as I looked at the girl

"Like I said…" She said as she sat cross legged in midair, "I am your goddess."

"What?" I said as sweat started to feel my face,"Goddess?"

She nodded, "I'm an entity of magic reality warping powers. I also have the ability to travel dimensions and universes." She said, "I am a Goddess assigned to a specific person. Or at least a specific person amongst the chosen few. So like I said, Your Goddess."

I looked at her while I breathed heavily, my anxiety getting worse.

"What?" I could only say

The girl then floated towards me. I stepped back as she got closer to me. I had no idea what she was capable of and frankly, I was terrified.

"Oh come on, Caleb." She told me, "Don't fight this. It's happening."

Oh no. I knew where this is going. She is a girl who's apparently a goddess so therefore thousands of years old. I have seen and heard of enough creepy stories like this. I am not into lolis.

"No." I said terrified

"Oh no. I don't mean that." She said chuckling, "I know I'm not your type. Your type is older and bustier mature women, right? Although i am old. But meh."

I looked at her as she floated and laid in the air.

"No, what I mean is that you can't fight what I am about to do." She said

"And what is that?" I asked

"I'm about to send you to a world of your choosing." She said, "I picked out 3 worlds and you have to choose which one. Pick wisely because you won't be able to come back without completing the assignment I'll give you."

I rubbed my arm, "what assignment?"

She smiled, "That depends on the world." She said, "I know you're wondering why I'm doing this but the thing is, I am bored. Normally we goddesses are supposed to wait till our chosen dies and then we send them to be reincarnated to a different dimension. But this is an exception. I'll send you to a world and allow you to come back."

I gulped, "But what about my family?"

"Relax." She said, "Time will be different over there. I'll make it so that only a few days pass by in your world. No matter how long you spend over there."

I then nodded and looked around, seeing the void around.

"I don't got much of a choice, do I?" I asked

"Nope." She said

"What are the worlds?" I said looking up at her

"Game of Thrones, One Piece, and Supernatural." She said

I blinked. Two tv series and an anime? And One Piece at that? Oh this is great. I'll choose One Piece and spend my time as a civilian somewhere in the 4 blues! As long as I don't get in trouble, I should be fine. Game of Thrones and Supernatural is full of some dumb shit that'll get me killed.

"I choose One Piece." I said

She smirked, "Oh?" She said, "Is that so?"

I nodded, "Yes."

"Well here is your assignment." She said, "You are to make a certain character King of The Pirates."

I widened my eyes, "What?!"

"Oh and it can't be Roger since he's already dead." She giggled, "Should be easy, no? Considering your knowledge of the manga?"

Easy? Easy?! To become King of The Pirates is to find the fucking One Piece!! And to do that you have to go to the New World and challenge the Yonkos!! Kaido and Big Mom are no pushovers!!!

"And here are your burdens." She said as she snapped her fingers

My body then started to burn up and I fell to my knees.

"Aghh!!" I yelled out in pain

"Hmm, lets give you haki…." She said, "Oh! And Immortality! That'll be fun. Let's see what else…I'll give you the ability to master any weapon, but only one. Unless you wanna use your fists then you can do that.."

My body burned up even more. I couldn't bear the pain.

"So I'll curse you with the knowledge you have about that world. And immortality. Can't have you dying to Buster Calls." She said, "A strong body that can handle that world. And the ability to get stronger by fighting. That'll do. Now don't forget. Make someone Pirate King. Anyone will do."

She then snapped her finger and a bright white light engulfed me.

I then lost consciousness.