
One Piece: Cursed and From Another World

Imagine going to bed only to thrown into your favorite Anime World. Well, this is what happened to this unfortunate young man. He was tasked to help a certain someone become the Pirate King if he wanted to return home.

Drive_Night326 · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs


(3rd Person POV)

Its been months since Starrk decided to stay in the island and bounty hunt. He had cleared the majority of the mountains of bandits. He earned quite a reputation amongst the locals but even so, he tried his best to stay under the radar.

On the other side of the island, across the mountains, Starrk sat atop a cliff overlooking the beach.

He was on a chair while drinking some sake the old man gave him a couple days ago. He merely stared at the sea, watching the waves serenely hit the sandbanks.

He looked to his side, his greatsword leaning against a rock.

"Hm…" he said aloud with a frown on his face

Starrk could feel that he improved somewhat in training. If there's anything he remembers, is that the goddess told him he can master any weapon. But how he can do that quickly, he doesn't know.

He sighed, "Maybe that old man from back then could've helped me get stronger quicker." He said, "Should've gone…"

The thing is, Starrk felt a weird presence from that old man. He couldn't quite explain it but he didn't trust him at all. It was ironic because he chose to go with the people who stole from him. He had made his decision and decided to stick with it.

But the bandits in this island didn't prove much of a challenge for him to improve. He was disappointed at the results.

As he sulked, He noticed something in the horizon. On the waters, he saw a ship approaching.

He stood up and started to squint his eyes at the ship, wondering what kind of vessel it was.

As the ship drew closer, he noticed the flag was black and had a weird skull.

He looked surprised, "Pirates?"

He assumed this because the flag bore a skull jolly roger. The ship grew closer as the second passed.

"Could they be raiding?" He asked himself, "No, the main city is in the other side of the island. Why are they here?"

He watched as the ship docked close to the beach and anchored down.

He saw as dozens of men were crawling out of the ship onto the beach frantically, as if they were in a panic.

He raised his eyebrow, "What the.." he muttered

He wasn't that far away from them, the cliff was above the beach where they were unloading.

He noticed that the ship had taken some damaged as the mast was broken. The side had some holes which he assumed were from cannonballs. He deduced that they were in a battle.

The pirates were scattered around the beach, tending to each other. It appeared some were wounded. Many of them were shouting frantically as they looked towards the sea as if expecting someone .

Then, a tall blonde man wearing a tricorn hat walked over to his group. He was clutching his side as he had a bandage over his eye.

"Captain!" One of the pirates yelled, "We're low on medical supplies!"

"What?!" The captain exclaimed, "How can we loose that many! We had just stocked up!"

"We may have lost them to the cannonfire.." they replied

"Nonsense!" The captain shouted, "Dammit all! We were doing just fine! But he showed up in their ship and decided to attack!"

Starrk had gotten close to them on the cliff, close enough to hear what they were saying. He crouched down, trying not be spotted. He was curious to see what they were saying.

"I wonder who attacked them…" he whispered to himself

The pirate captain looked over to the sea with a glare.

"Damn that bastard! He was sailing in one of Whitebeard's ships!" He growled,

"That Cregan!"