
One Piece: Cursed and From Another World

Imagine going to bed only to thrown into your favorite Anime World. Well, this is what happened to this unfortunate young man. He was tasked to help a certain someone become the Pirate King if he wanted to return home.

Drive_Night326 · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs


(Starrk's POV)

"This is starting to get on my damn nerves," I muttered

The black ship was still on our tail while the marines were behind it. If it were any other marines, I would gladly stand my ground and fight a free-for-all, but no, they got Garp and Kuzan with them. That's not something I would like to deal with today.

I had been deflecting cannonballs for almost ten minutes straight, there was no end to them. I could tell that they were stocked up on them since they keep firing barrages at us.

I was starting to wonder when our supply will end. I hope it doesn't otherwise, it'll get worse.

On land, I wouldn't be too worried since I can handle fighting as many marines as they throw at me. But naval battles are my weaknesses. I can only do so much without destroying our only place to stand on. I ought to practice fighting from the water, that'll be more interesting. Sometimes I wish I was a Fish-Man, naval fights would be more natural.

Whatever, this proves I need more experience at this. If I don't get my shit together, I'll bring shame to the crew. The only reason I am not desperate to call for backup, don't need them to help me out against something like this. Not like I'm about to fight an entire Yonko crew anyway. Just some asshole and a couple of Marine Vice-Admirals.

"Starrk!" one of my men called out, "Should we use that thing?"

I shook my head, "Not now." I replied, "Use it when we gain a bit of distance and assume an offensive position. Right now, it won't be worth wasting it."

He nodded, "Alright." He said, "Man, I kinda wish we would've brought the rest of the 2nd division...We could've used Teach!"

I scowled, "We don't need him." I grumbled, "We'll not only escape, but we'll give them something to remember us by!"

"I agree with ya on that." He told me, "But I don't get why ya don't like Teach."

"Don't worry about that." I said, "Keep returning fire. Try to get more distance. I'm about to do something stupid."

"Don't get us killed!" He replied before walking away

"Oh, it's me you gotta worry about," I smirked as I walked toward the rail of the ship

I noticed that the Dragon Knight's ship eased on firing on us. I watched as it slightly turned to 5 o'clock from my perspective. I saw as a Navy warship was closer than the rest. It started to use more firepower on shooting at it. This was a much-needed chance and we had to take advantage of it.

I got on top of the railing and looked back at the crew, "Oi, use this chance to get the distance we need!" I shouted

"Oi Starrk! Look at that!" I heard the lookout shout

I then immediately sensed what he meant. I turned to see a figure had launched up at the sky, it had done so from the marine warship.

I squinted to see who exactly it was, trying to focus observation haki.

I then widened my eyes, "Oh shit, it's Kuzan!!"

I watched as Kuzan swung both his arms in both my direction and the direction of the massive black galleon. I immediately swung my blade, sending an air slice at the massive Ice spears that he had fired at us.

The slice hit the spears, completely shattering them.

"Nice try," I smirked

I watched as the ones he fired at the black ship were shot off with precision by what I can assume were some sort of launchers.

Kuzan then shot himself directly at the waters between our ship and The Dragon Knight's.

"What the?" I said before realizing like a fool what he was going to do, "Oh fuck!!!"

It was too late to do anything.

"Ice Age!" I heard his voice bellow

Suddenly, in an instant, the sea around us was frozen. I looked down to see our ship was stuck in place.

"Fuck!!" I heard one of the guys exclaim, "We're sitting ducks here!! We have to break this ice off before they bombard us!"

"Fuck all this shit, man." one of them said, "If they decide to board the ship, we got no choice but to fight. But I am all for it! We ain't no weaklings!"

"Yea! Let us at em, Starrk!!!" another shouted

"Dammit." I cursed, "We are in a bad spot."

I then looked up to see that the massive black galleon was also frozen in place. Not surprised since Kuzan froze a massive portion of the waters, but he also smartly avoided the waters around his warship.

I watched as it slowly wrapped around the ice and tried to get itself in a pinching position.

"They're trying to surround us." I said, "Alright. Here's the plan!"

I looked back at the guys, they all had their weapons readied. They were really prepared for a battle.

"Try to break the ice, I'll protect the ship. As soon as we got the ship free, we book it." I told them, "But not before giving them a little present. Stay on the ship, anyone gets on it, get them off."

"Where will you go, Starrk?" one of them asked me

I gave them a smirk, "Oh you know." I said,

"I'm giving this Ice bastard a piece of my mind."